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description_drill_down: "Lihat detail"
label_click_to_edit: "Klik untuk mengubah."
label_columns: "Kolom"
label_count: "Count"
label_filter: "Filter"
label_filter_add: "Add Filter"
label_filter_plural: "Filter"
label_greater: ">"
label_group_by: "Pengelompokan"
label_group_by_add: "Add Group-by Attribute"
label_inactive: "«inactive»"
label_less: "<"
label_no: "No"
label_none: "(no data)"
label_progress_bar_explanation: "Membuat laporan..."
label_really_delete_question: "Laporan akan dihapus, anda yakin?"
label_report: "Laporan"
label_rows: "Baris"
label_saving: "Menyimpan ..."
label_sum: "Total"
label_yes: "Yes"
load_query_question: "Proses laporan memiliki %{size} cell dan akan memakan waktu yang relatif lama. Apakah anda ingin melanjutkan?"
units: "Unit"
validation_failure_date: "validasi tanggal gagal"
validation_failure_integer: "validasi bilangan bulat gagal"
selected_columns: "Selected columns"
selected_rows: "Selected rows"