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project_module_costs_module: "Cost Control"
cost_types_title: "Cost Types"
cost_objects_title: "Cost Control"
cost_report_title: "Cost Report"
currency_delimiter: ","
currency_separator: "."
permission_view_own_rate: "View own rate"
permission_view_all_rates: "View all rates"
permission_edit_rates: "Edit rates"
permission_book_own_costs: "Book costs for oneself"
permission_book_costs: "Book costs"
permission_edit_own_cost_entries: "Edit own booked costs"
permission_edit_cost_entries: "Edit booked costs"
permission_view_unit_price: "View unit price"
permission_block_tickets: "Block tickets"
permission_view_cost_entries: "View booked costs"
permission_view_cost_objects: "View Cost Objects"
permission_edit_cost_objects: "Edit Cost Objects"
help_currency_format: "Format of displayed currency values. %%n is replaced with the currency value, %%u ist replaced with the currency unit."
help_override_rate: "Enter a value here to override the default rate."
help_click_to_edit: "Click here to edit."
label_currency: "Currency"
label_currency_format: "Format of currency"
label_cost_object: "Cost Object"
label_cost_object_plural: "Cost Objects"
label_cost_object_new: "New Cost Object"
label_cost_object_id: "Cost Object #%s"
label_view_all_cost_objects: "View all Cost Objects"
label_overall_costs: "Overall costs"
label_spent_costs: "Spent costs"
label_spent_units: "Spent units"
label_cost_plural: "Costs"
label_units: "Cost units"
label_variable_cost_object: "Variable rate based budget"
label_fixed_cost_object: "Fixed budget"
label_kind: "Type"
label_generic_user: "Generic User"
label_edit: "Edit"
label_status_in_progress: "In progress"
label_status_finished: "Finished"
label_awaiting_client: "Awaiting client response"
label_awaiting_manager: "Awaiting manager response"
label_valid_from: "Valid from"
label_fixed_date: "Fixed date"
label_rate: "Rate"
label_rate_plural: "Rates"
label_current_default_rate: "Current default rate"
label_include_deleted: "Include deleted"
label_deleted_cost_types: "Deleted Cost Types"
button_log_costs: "Log costs"
button_add_cost_object: "Add Cost Object"
button_add_cost_type: "Add cost type"
button_add_budget_item: "Add budget item"
button_add_rate: "Add rate"
notice_successful_restore: "Successful restore."
notice_something_wrong: "Something went wrong. Please try again."
caption_cost_type: "Cost Type"
caption_cost_type_plural: "Cost Types"
caption_cost_type_unit_name: "Unit Name"
caption_cost_type_unit_name_plural: "Pluralized Unit Name"
caption_cost_unit_plural: "Units"
caption_overall_costs: "Overall Costs"
caption_costs: "Costs"
caption_fixed_date: "Fixed Date"
caption_progress: "Progress"
caption_subject: "Subject"
caption_budget: "Budget"
caption_current_rate: "Current Rate"
caption_rate: "Rate"
caption_rate_history: "Rate History"
caption_rate_history_for: "Rate History for %s"
caption_rate_history_for_project: "Rate History for %s in Project %s"
caption_default_rate_history_for: "Default Rate History for %s"
caption_budget_ratio: "Spent Budget"
caption_labor_budget: "Labor Budget"
caption_material_budget: "Material Budget"
caption_labor_costs: "Labor Costs"
caption_material_costs: "Material Costs"
caption_spent: "Spent"
caption_status: "Status"
caption_comment: "Comment"
caption_issue: "Issue"
caption_materials: "Materials"
caption_labor: "Labor"
caption_default: "Default"
caption_deleted_at: "Deleted on"
caption_set_rate: "Set Current Rate"
caption_valid_from: "Valid from"
caption_default_rates: "Default Rates"
field_cost_type: "Cost type"
field_unit_price: "Unit price"
field_unit: "Unit name"
field_unit_plural: "Pluralized unit name"
field_units: "Units"
field_material_costs: "Material costs"
field_material_budget: "Material budget"
field_labor_costs: "Labor costs"
field_labor_budget: "Labor budget"
field_overall_costs: "Overall costs"
field_costs: "Costs"
field_spent: "Spent"
field_kind: "Type"
field_fixed_date: "Fixed Date"
field_budget_ratio: "Spent budget"
field_project_manager_signoff: "Project manager signoff"
field_client_signoff: "Client signoff"
field_cost_object: "Cost Object"
field_cost_object_subject: "Cost Object Subject"
field_default: "Default"
text_cost_object_change_type_confirmation: "Are you sure? This operation will destroy information of the specific cost object type."