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29 lines
1.1 KiB

<div class="contextual">
<%= link_to(l(:button_edit), {:action => 'edit', :id => @page.title}, :class => 'icon icon-edit') %>
<%= link_to(l(:label_history), {:action => 'history', :id => @page.title}, :class => 'icon icon-history') %>
<h2><%= h(@page.pretty_title) %></h2>
<%= l(:label_version) %> <%= link_to h(@annotate.content.version), :action => 'show', :id => @page.title, :version => @annotate.content.version %>
<em>(<%= h( ? : l(:label_user_anonymous)) %>, <%= format_time(@annotate.content.updated_on) %>)</em>
<% colors = {|k,v| k[v] = (k.size % 12) } %>
<table class="filecontent annotate">
<% line_num = 1 %>
<% @annotate.lines.each do |line| -%>
<tr class="bloc-<%= colors[line[0]] %>">
<th class="line-num"><%= line_num %></th>
<td class="revision"><%= link_to line[0], :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :project_id => @project, :id => @page.title, :version => line[0] %></td>
<td class="author"><%= h(line[1]) %></td>
<td class="line-code"><pre><%=h line[2] %></pre></td>
<% line_num += 1 %>
<% end -%>