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36 lines
1.6 KiB

<%= render :partial => 'shared/costs_header' %>
<h2><%= @project.nil? ? l(:caption_default_rate_history_for, :user => : l(:caption_rate_history_for_project, :user =>, :project => %></h2>
<%- default_rate = @user.current_default_rate -%>
<% if default_rate%>
<p><strong><%= l(:label_current_default_rate) %>:</strong> <%= number_to_currency(default_rate.rate)%></p>
<% end %>
<% javascript_tag do -%>
RatesForm = new Subform('<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "rate", :object => )) %>',<%= @rates.length %>,'rates_body');
<% end -%>
<%= labelled_tabular_form_for @user, :url => {:action => 'update', :project_id => @project}, :method => :put do |f| %>
<%= back_url_hidden_field_tag %>
<%= error_messages_for 'user' %>
<table class="list" style="width:auto">
<th><%= l(:label_valid_from) %></th>
<th class="currency"><%= l(:label_rate) %></th>
<tbody id="rates_body">
<%- @rates.each_with_index do |rate, index| -%>
<%= render :partial => 'rate', :object => rate, :locals => {:index => index, :classes => cycle('odd', 'even')} %>
<%- end -%>
<label class="hidden-for-sighted", for="add_rate_date" %>"><%= l(:description_date_for_new_rate) %></label>
<%= text_field_tag :add_rate_date, "", :size => 10, :value => %><%= calendar_for("add_rate_date") %>
<%= link_to_function l(:button_add_rate), "addRate($('add_rate_date'))", {:class => "icon icon-add"} %>
<div><%= submit_tag l(:button_save) %></div>
<% end %>