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26 lines
941 B

<div class="contextual">
<%= link_to l(:button_update), {:controller => 'hourly_rates', :action => 'edit', :id => @user}, :class => 'icon icon-edit', :accesskey => accesskey(:edit) %>
<h3><%= l(:caption_default_rates) %></h3>
<% if @rates_default.blank? %>
<p class="nodata"><%= l(:label_no_data) %></p>
<% else %>
<table class="list rates">
<th><%= l(:label_valid_from) %></th>
<th class="currency"><%= l(:label_rate) %></th>
<th><%= l(:caption_current_rate) %></th>
<tbody id="rates_body">
<% current_rate = @user.current_default_rate() %>
<%- @rates_default.each do |rate| -%>
<tr class="<%= cycle('odd', 'even') %>">
<td style="padding-right: 1em;"><%= rate.valid_from %></td>
<td class="currency"><%= number_to_currency(rate.rate) %></td>
<td><%= rate == current_rate ? image_tag('true.png') : "" %></td>
<%- end -%>
<% end %>