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5 years ago
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position: "Položaj"
remaining_hours: "Preostale ure"
remaining_time: "Preostale ure"
story_points: "Točke v zgodbi"
backlogs_work_package_type: "Backlog tip"
can_only_contain_work_packages_of_current_sprint: "izberete lahko samo opravila iz trenutnega sprinta"
must_block_at_least_one_work_package: "vsebovati mora ID vsaj enega opravila"
type_must_be_one_of_the_following: "Dovoljeni tipi so sledeči: %{type_names}"
cannot_end_before_it_starts: "Tek se ne mora končati preden se začne"
task_version_must_be_the_same_as_story_version: "mora biti enako različici nadrejene zgodbe."
parent_child_relationship_across_projects: "je neveljaven, ker je delovni paket '%{work_package_name}' opravilo zaostankov in zato ne more imeti nadrejenega zunaj trenutnega projekta."
add_new_story: "Nova zgodba"
any: "katerakoli"
backlog_settings: "Backlog nastavitve"
burndown_graph: "Graf burndown"
card_paper_size: "Velikost papirja za tiskanje"
chart_options: "Možnosti grafikona"
close: "Close"
column_width: "Širina stolpca"
date: "Dan"
definition_of_done: "Definicija izrazov"
generating_chart: "Generiranje grafa"
hours: "Hours"
impediment: "Ovira"
label_versions_default_fold_state: "Prikazne različice so zložene."
work_package_is_closed: "Opravilo je končano ko"
label_is_done_status: "Status %{status_name} pomeni zaključeno"
no_burndown_data: "Podatkov o zagonu ni na voljo. Potrebno je določiti začetne in končne datume sprinta."
points: "Točke"
positions_could_not_be_rebuilt: "Položajev ni bilo mogoče obnoviti"
positions_rebuilt_successfully: "Položaj je uspešno spremenjen!"
properties: "Properties"
rebuild: "Obnovi"
rebuild_positions: "Obnovi položaj"
remaining_hours: "Preostale ure"
remaining_hours_ideal: "Preostale ure (ideal)"
show_burndown_chart: "Graf burndown"
story: "Zgodba"
story_points: "Točke v zgodbi"
story_points_ideal: "Točke v zgodbi"
task: "Task"
task_color: "Barva naloge"
unassigned: "Nedodeljeno"
x_more: "%{count} več..."
backlogs_active: "active"
backlogs_any: "katerakoli"
backlogs_card_specification: "Vrste nalepk za tiskanje kartic"
backlogs_inactive: "Na projektu ni aktivnosti"
backlogs_points_burn_direction: "Točke gorijo gor/dol"
backlogs_product_backlog: "Priotiziran seznam vseh funkcij ter funkcionalnosti, ki so potrebne, da se projekt zaključi."
backlogs_product_backlog_is_empty: "Priotiziran seznam vseh funkcij ter funkcionalnosti, ki so potrebne, da se projekt zaključi je prazen"
backlogs_product_backlog_unsized: "Vrh priotiziranega seznama vseh funkcij ter funkcionalnosti, ki so potrebne, da se projekt zaključi ima nerazširjene zgodbe"
backlogs_sizing_inconsistent: "Velikosti zgodb se razlikujejo glede na njihove ocene"
backlogs_sprint_notes_missing: "Closed sprints without retrospective/review notes"
backlogs_sprint_unestimated: "Closed or active sprints with unestimated stories"
backlogs_sprint_unsized: "Project has stories on active or recently closed sprints that were not sized"
backlogs_sprints: "Tek"
backlogs_story: "Zgodba"
backlogs_story_type: "Vrsta zgodbe"
backlogs_task: "Task"
backlogs_task_type: "Vrsta opravila"
backlogs_velocity_missing: "No velocity could be calculated for this project"
backlogs_velocity_varies: "Velocity varies significantly over sprints"
backlogs_wiki_template: "Predloga za wiki sprint"
backlogs_empty_title: "No versions are defined to be used in backlogs"
backlogs_empty_action_text: "To get started with backlogs, create a new version and assign it to a backlogs column."
button_edit_wiki: "Uredi wiki strani"
error_intro_plural: "The following errors were encountered:"
error_intro_singular: "The following error was encountered:"
error_outro: "Odpravite napake pred ponovno potrditvijo"
event_sprint_description: "%{summary}: %{url}\n%{description}"
event_sprint_summary: "%{project}: %{summary}"
ideal: "ideal"
inclusion: "ni vključen na seznamu"
label_back_to_project: "Nazaj na projekt"
label_backlog: "Backlog"
label_backlogs: "Backlogs"
label_backlogs_unconfigured: "You have not configured Backlogs yet. Please go to %{administration} > %{plugins}, then click on the %{configure} link for this plugin. Once you have set the fields, come back to this page to start using the tool."
label_blocks_ids: "IDs of blocked work packages"
label_burndown: "Burndown"
label_column_in_backlog: "Column in backlog"
label_hours: "Ur"
label_work_package_hierarchy: "Work package Hierarchy"
label_master_backlog: "Master Backlog"
label_not_prioritized: "not prioritized"
label_points: "Točke"
label_points_burn_down: "Navzdol"
label_points_burn_up: "Navzgor"
label_product_backlog: "product backlog"
label_select_all: "Izberi vse"
label_sprint_backlog: "sprint backlog"
label_sprint_cards: "Izvozi"
label_sprint_impediments: "Sprint Impediments"
label_sprint_name: "Sprint \"%{name}\""
label_sprint_velocity: "Velocity %{velocity}, based on %{sprints} sprints with an average %{days} days"
label_stories: "Stories"
label_stories_tasks: "Stories/Tasks"
label_task_board: "Task board"
label_version_setting: "Versions"
label_version: 'Version'
label_webcal: "Webcal Feed"
label_wiki: "Wiki"
permission_view_master_backlog: "View master backlog"
permission_view_taskboards: "View taskboards"
permission_update_sprints: "Update sprints"
points_accepted: "points accepted"
points_committed: "points committed"
points_resolved: "points resolved"
points_to_accept: "points not accepted"
points_to_resolve: "points not resolved"
project_module_backlogs: "Backlogs"
rb_label_copy_tasks: "Kopiraj delovni paket"
rb_label_copy_tasks_all: "Vse"
rb_label_copy_tasks_none: "None"
rb_label_copy_tasks_open: "Odprto"
rb_label_link_to_original: "Include link to original story"
remaining_hours: "Preostale ure"
required_burn_rate_hours: "required burn rate (hours)"
required_burn_rate_points: "required burn rate (points)"
todo_work_package_description: "%{summary}: %{url}\n%{description}"
todo_work_package_summary: "%{type}: %{summary}"
version_settings_display_label: "Column in backlog"
version_settings_display_option_left: "levo"
version_settings_display_option_none: "Brez"
version_settings_display_option_right: "desno"