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<% html_title t(:label_administration), t(:label_enterprise_edition) %>
<%= toolbar title: t(:label_enterprise_edition) do %>
<li class="toolbar-item">
<%= link_to( "#{OpenProject::Static::Links.links[:upsale][:href]}?utm_source=ce-token-admin",
{ class: 'button -alt-highlight',
title: t('admin.enterprise.order')}) do %>
<i class="button--icon icon-add"></i>
<span class="button--text"><%= t('admin.enterprise.order') %></span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= error_messages_for 'token' %>
<% if @current_token.present? %>
<%= render partial: "current" %>
<% else %>
<div class="notification-box upsale-notification">
<div class="notification-box--content">
<h3><%= t('admin.enterprise.upgrade_to_ee') %></h3>
<%= image_tag "enterprise_edition.png", class: "widget-box--teaser-image" %>
<p><%= t('homescreen.blocks.upsale.description') %></p>
<ul class="">
<%= t('homescreen.blocks.upsale.additional_features') %>
<%= t('homescreen.blocks.upsale.professional_support') %>
<b><%= t('homescreen.blocks.upsale.become_hero') %></b> <%= t('homescreen.blocks.upsale.you_contribute') %>
<%= link_to( "#{OpenProject::Static::Links.links[:upsale][:href]}?utm_source=ce-enterprise-admin",
{ class: 'button -alt-highlight',
aria: {label: t('admin.enterprise.order')},
title: t('admin.enterprise.order')}) do %>
<i class="button--icon icon-add"></i>
<span class="button--text"><%= t('admin.enterprise.order') %></span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= render partial: "form" %>