//-- copyright
// OpenProject is a project management system.
// Copyright (C) 2012-2015 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF)
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
// OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows:
// Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
// Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
$icon-font-file-formats: eot woff ttf
+font-face('openproject-icon-font', 'openproject_icon/openproject-icon-font', $file-formats: $icon-font-file-formats)
@mixin icon-common
font-family: "openproject-icon-font" !important
font-style: normal !important
font-weight: normal !important
font-variant: normal !important
text-transform: none !important
text-decoration: none !important
speak: none
line-height: 1
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale
@mixin icon-rules
padding: 0 5px 0 10px
color: $content-icon-color
@mixin icon2-rules
padding: 0 20px 0 7px
@mixin icon3-rules
padding: 0 8px 0 0
@mixin icon4-rules
padding: 0 8px 0 3px
font-size: 11px
@mixin icon5-rules
padding: 0 7px 0 9px
@mixin icon6-rules
padding: 0 7px 0 9px
font-size: 12px
@mixin icon-dropdown-menu-rules
padding: 0 8px 0 0
font-size: 14px
@mixin icon-context-rules
@include icon-context-padding
color: $content-icon-color
@mixin icon-table-rules
padding: 0
@mixin icon-action-menu-rules
padding: 0 10px 0 0
font-size: 15px
line-height: 5px
vertical-align: -40%
@mixin icon-sub-menu-rules
padding: 0
float: right
font-size: 15px
line-height: 5px
vertical-align: -40%
@mixin icon-big-rules
padding: 0
font-size: 50px
@mixin icon-context-padding
padding: 0 10px 0 0
@include icon-common
content: attr(data-icon)
@include icon-rules
@include icon-common
content: attr(data-icon2)
@include icon2-rules
@include icon-common
content: attr(data-icon3)
@include icon3-rules
@include icon-common
content: attr(data-icon4)
@include icon4-rules
@include icon-common
content: attr(data-icon5)
@include icon5-rules
@include icon-common
content: attr(data-icon-dropdown-menu)
@include icon-dropdown-menu-rules
@include icon-common
content: attr(data-icon-table)
@include icon-table-rules
content: attr(data-icon-action-menu)
@include icon-action-menu-rules
content: attr(data-icon-sub-menu)
@include icon-sub-menu-rules
content: attr(data-icon-big)
@include icon-big-rules
[class*=" icon-"]:before
@include icon-common
// used for icons in the content area
@include icon-rules
// used for icons in the project menu
@include icon2-rules
@include icon3-rules
// used for icons in the project drop down
@include icon4-rules
// used for icons in the top menu
@include icon5-rules
// used for toggler icons in the project menu
@include icon6-rules
// used for icons dropdown-menus
@include icon-dropdown-menu-rules
// used for icons in workpackage table
@include icon-table-rules
// used for very big icons
@include icon-big-rules
@include icon-common
@include icon-rules
float: left
// used for icons in the content area, which appear in context (menus)
.action-menu .icon:before,
padding: 0 10px 0 0
.legacy-pagination .previous_page:before,
.legacy-pagination .next_page:after
@include icon-common
@include icon-context-rules
.legacy-pagination .next_page:after
padding: 0 0 0 4px
content: "\e000"
content: "\e001"
content: "\e002"
content: "\e003"
content: "\e004"
content: "\e005"
dt > .icon-changeset:before,
content: "\e006"
content: "\e007"
content: "\e0f6"
content: "\e008"
.legacy-pagination .previous_page:before,
content: "\e009"
.legacy-pagination .next_page:after,
content: "\e00a"
content: "\e00b"
content: "\e00c"
content: "\e00d"
content: "\e00e"
content: "\e00f"
dt > .icon-news:before,
content: "\e010"
content: "\e011"
content: "\e012"
content: "\e013"
content: "\e014"
content: "\e015"
content: "\e016"
content: "\e017"
content: "\e018"
content: "\e01a"
dt > .icon-project:before,
content: "\e01b"
content: "\e01c"
dt > .icon-message:before,
content: "\e01d"
content: "\e01e"
content: "\e01f"
content: "\e020"
dt > .icon-work_package:before,
content: "\e021"
dt > .icon-work_package-closed:before,
content: "\e022"
dt > .icon-work_package-edit:before,
content: "\e023"
dt > .icon-work_package-note:before,
content: "\e024"
dt > .icon-time-entry:before,
content: "\e025"
content: "\e026"
content: "\e028"
content: "\e029"
content: "\e02a"
content: "\e02b"
content: "\e02c"
content: "\e02d"
content: "\e02e"
content: "\e02f"
content: "\e030"
content: "\e031"
content: "\e032"
content: "\e033"
content: "\e034"
content: "\e035"
content: "\e036"
content: "\e037"
content: "\e038"
dt > .icon-attachment:before,
content: "\e039"
content: "\e03a"
content: "\e03b"
content: "\e03c"
content: "\e03d"
content: "\e03e"
content: "\e03f"
content: "\e040"
content: "\e041"
content: "\e042"
content: "\e043"
content: "\e044"
content: "\e045"
content: "\e046"
content: "\e047"
dt > .icon-reply:before,
content: "\e048"
content: "\e049"
content: "\e04a"
content: "\e04b"
content: "\e04c"
content: "\e04d"
content: "\e04e"
content: "\e04f"
content: "\e050"
content: "\e051"
content: "\e052"
content: "\e053"
content: "\e054"
content: "\e055"
content: "\e056"
content: "\e057"
content: "\e058"
content: "\e059"
content: "\e05a"
content: "\e05b"
content: "\e05c"
content: "\e05d"
content: "\e05e"
content: "\e05f"
content: "\e060"
content: "\e061"
content: "\e062"
content: "\e063"
content: "\e064"
content: "\e065"
content: "\e066"
content: "\e067"
content: "\e068"
content: "\e069"
content: "\e06a"
content: "\e06b"
content: "\e06c"
content: "\e06d"
content: "\e06e"
content: "\e06f"
content: "\e070"
content: "\e071"
content: "\e072"
content: "\e073"
content: "\e074"
content: "\e075"
content: "\e076"
content: "\e077"
content: "\e078"
content: "\e079"
content: "\e07a"
content: "\e07b"
content: "\e07c"
content: "\e07d"
content: "\e07e"
content: "\e07f"
content: "\e080"
content: "\e081"
content: "\e082"
content: "\e083"
content: "\e084"
content: "\e085"
content: "\e086"
content: "\e087"
content: "\e088"
content: "\e089"
content: "\e08a"
content: "\e08b"
content: "\e08c"
content: "\e08d"
content: "\e08e"
content: "\e08f"
content: "\e090"
content: "\e091"
content: "\e092"
content: "\e093"
content: "\e094"
content: "\e095"
content: "\e096"
content: "\e097"
content: "\e098"
content: "\e099"
content: "\e09a"
content: "\e09b"
content: "\e09c"
content: "\e09d"
content: "\e09e"
content: "\e09f"
content: "\e0a0"
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content: "\e0a2"
content: "\e0a3"
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content: "\e0af"
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content: "\e0b1"
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content: "\e0b3"
content: "\e0b4"
content: "\e0b5"
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content: "\e0b7"
content: "\e0b8"
content: "\e0b9"
content: "\e0ba"
content: "\e0bb"
content: "\e0bc"
content: "\e0bd"
content: "\e0be"
content: "\e0bf"
content: "\e0c0"
content: "\e0c1"
content: "\e0c2"
content: "\e0c3"
content: "\e0c4"
content: "\e0c5"
content: "\e0c6"
content: "\e0c7"
content: "\e0c8"
content: "\e027"
dt > .icon-wiki-page:before,
content: "\e0c9"
content: "\e0ca"
content: "\e0cb"
content: "\e0cc"
content: "\e0cd"
content: "\e0ce"
content: "\e0cf"
content: "\e0ba"
content: "\e0d0"
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content: "\e0da"
content: "\e0db"
content: "\e0dc"
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content: "\e0de"
content: "\e0df"
content: "\e0e0"
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content: "\e0e2"
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content: "\e0e4"
content: "\e0e5"
content: "\e0e6"
content: "\e0e7"
content: "\e0e8"
content: "\e0e9"
content: "\e0eb"
content: "\e0a5"
content: "\e0ec"
content: "\e0ed"
content: "\e0ee"
content: "\e0ef"
content: "\e019"
content: "\e0ea"
content: "\e0f0"
content: "\e0f1"
content: "\e0f2"
content: "\e0f3"
content: "\e102"
content: "\e100"
content: "\e101"
content: "\e103"
/* remove once all menu items have an icon */
margin-left: 15px