import {WorkPackageResourceInterface} from "../../../api/api-v3/hal-resources/work-package-resource.service";
import {
RenderInfo, calculatePositionValueForDayCount, timelineElementCssClass,
calculatePositionValueForDayCountingPx, timelineMarkerSelectionStartClass
} from "../wp-timeline";
import {classNameLeftHandle, classNameRightHandle} from "../wp-timeline-cell-mouse-handler";
import * as moment from 'moment';
import { $injectNow } from "../../../angular/angular-injector-bridge.functions";
import Moment = moment.Moment;
interface CellDateMovement {
// Target values to move work package to
startDate?: moment.Moment;
dueDate?: moment.Moment;
export class TimelineCellRenderer {
protected TimezoneService:any;
protected dateDisplaysOnMouseMove: {left?: HTMLElement; right?: HTMLElement} = {};
public get type(): string {
return 'bar';
public get fallbackColor(): string {
return '#8CD1E8';
public isEmpty(wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface) {
const start = moment(wp.startDate as any);
const due = moment(wp.dueDate as any);
const noStartAndDueValues = _.isNaN(start.valueOf()) && _.isNaN(due.valueOf());
return noStartAndDueValues;
public displayPlaceholderUnderCursor(ev: MouseEvent, renderInfo: RenderInfo): HTMLElement {
const days = Math.floor(ev.offsetX / renderInfo.viewParams.pixelPerDay);
const placeholder = document.createElement("div");
placeholder.style.pointerEvents = "none";
placeholder.style.backgroundColor = "#DDDDDD";
placeholder.style.position = "absolute";
placeholder.style.height = "1em";
placeholder.style.width = "30px";
placeholder.style.left = (days * renderInfo.viewParams.pixelPerDay) + "px";
return placeholder;
* Assign changed dates to the work package.
* For generic work packages, assigns start and due date.
public assignDateValues(wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface, dates: CellDateMovement) {
this.assignDate(wp, 'startDate', dates.startDate!);
this.assignDate(wp, 'dueDate', dates.dueDate!);
this.updateLeftRightMovedLabel(dates.startDate!, dates.dueDate!);
* Restore the original date, if any was set.
public onCancel(wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface) {
* Handle movement by <delta> days of the work package to either (or both) edge(s)
* depending on which initial date was set.
public onDaysMoved(wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface,
dayUnderCursor: Moment,
delta: number,
direction: "left" | "right" | "both" | "create" | "dragright"): CellDateMovement {
const initialStartDate = wp.$pristine['startDate'];
const initialDueDate = wp.$pristine['dueDate'];
let dates: CellDateMovement = {};
if (direction === "left") {
dates.startDate = moment(initialStartDate || initialDueDate).add(delta, "days");
} else if (direction === "right") {
dates.dueDate = moment(initialDueDate || initialStartDate).add(delta, "days");
} else if (direction === "both") {
if (initialStartDate) {
dates.startDate = moment(initialStartDate).add(delta, "days");
if (initialDueDate) {
dates.dueDate = moment(initialDueDate).add(delta, "days");
} else if (direction === "dragright") {
dates.dueDate = moment(wp.startDate).clone().add(delta, "days");
// avoid negative "overdrag" if only start or due are changed
if (direction !== "both") {
if (dates.startDate != undefined && dates.startDate.isAfter(moment(wp.dueDate))) {
dates.startDate = moment(wp.dueDate);
} else if (dates.dueDate != undefined && dates.dueDate.isBefore(moment(wp.startDate))) {
dates.dueDate = moment(wp.startDate);
return dates;
public onMouseDown(ev: MouseEvent,
dateForCreate: string|null,
renderInfo: RenderInfo,
elem: HTMLElement): "left" | "right" | "both" | "dragright" | "create" {
// check for active selection mode
if (renderInfo.viewParams.activeSelectionMode) {
return "both"; // irrelevant
let direction: "left" | "right" | "both" | "create" | "dragright";
// Update the cursor and maybe set start/due values
if (jQuery(ev.target).hasClass(classNameLeftHandle)) {
// only left
direction = "left";
if (renderInfo.workPackage.startDate === null) {
renderInfo.workPackage.startDate = renderInfo.workPackage.dueDate;
} else if (jQuery(ev.target).hasClass(classNameRightHandle) || dateForCreate) {
// only right
direction = "right";
if (renderInfo.workPackage.dueDate === null) {
renderInfo.workPackage.dueDate = renderInfo.workPackage.startDate;
} else {
// both
direction = "both";
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove = [null, null];
if (dateForCreate) {
renderInfo.workPackage.startDate = dateForCreate;
renderInfo.workPackage.dueDate = dateForCreate;
direction = "dragright";
if (!jQuery(ev.target).hasClass(classNameRightHandle) && renderInfo.workPackage.startDate) {
// create left date label
const leftInfo = document.createElement("div");
leftInfo.className = "leftDateDisplay";
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.left = leftInfo;
if (!jQuery(ev.target).hasClass(classNameLeftHandle) && renderInfo.workPackage.dueDate) {
// create right date label
const rightInfo = document.createElement("div");
rightInfo.className = "rightDateDisplay";
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.right = rightInfo;
return direction;
public onMouseDownEnd() {
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.left && this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.left.remove();
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.right && this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.right.remove();
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove = {};
* @return true, if the element should still be displayed.
* false, if the element must be removed from the timeline.
public update(timelineCell: HTMLElement, bar: HTMLDivElement, renderInfo: RenderInfo): boolean {
const wp = renderInfo.workPackage;
// general settings - bar
bar.style.marginLeft = renderInfo.viewParams.scrollOffsetInPx + "px";
bar.style.backgroundColor = this.typeColor(renderInfo.workPackage);
const viewParams = renderInfo.viewParams;
let start = moment(wp.startDate as any);
let due = moment(wp.dueDate as any);
if (_.isNaN(start.valueOf()) && _.isNaN(due.valueOf())) {
bar.style.visibility = "hidden";
} else {
bar.style.visibility = "visible";
// only start date, fade out bar to the right
if (_.isNaN(due.valueOf()) && !_.isNaN(start.valueOf())) {
due = start.clone();
bar.style.backgroundColor = "inherit";
const color = this.typeColor(renderInfo.workPackage);
bar.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${color} 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 80%)`;
// only due date, fade out bar to the left
if (_.isNaN(start.valueOf()) && !_.isNaN(due.valueOf())) {
start = due.clone();
bar.style.backgroundColor = "inherit";
const color = this.typeColor(renderInfo.workPackage);
bar.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%, ${color} 100%)`;
// offset left
const offsetStart = start.diff(viewParams.dateDisplayStart, "days");
bar.style.left = calculatePositionValueForDayCount(viewParams, offsetStart);
// duration
const duration = due.diff(start, "days") + 1;
bar.style.width = calculatePositionValueForDayCount(viewParams, duration);
// ensure minimum width
if (!_.isNaN(start.valueOf()) || !_.isNaN(due.valueOf())) {
bar.style.minWidth = "30px";
this.checkForActiveSelectionMode(renderInfo, bar);
return true;
protected checkForActiveSelectionMode(renderInfo: RenderInfo, element: HTMLElement) {
if (renderInfo.viewParams.activeSelectionMode) {
element.style.backgroundImage = null; // required! unable to disable "fade out bar" with css
if (renderInfo.viewParams.selectionModeStart === "" + renderInfo.workPackage.id) {
element.style.background = null;
getLeftmostPosition(renderInfo: RenderInfo): number {
const wp = renderInfo.workPackage;
let start = moment(wp.startDate as any);
start = _.isNaN(start.valueOf()) ? moment(wp.dueDate).clone() : start;
const offsetStart = start.diff(renderInfo.viewParams.dateDisplayStart, "days");
return calculatePositionValueForDayCountingPx(renderInfo.viewParams, offsetStart);
getRightmostPosition(renderInfo: RenderInfo): number {
const wp = renderInfo.workPackage;
let start = moment(wp.startDate as any);
start = _.isNaN(start.valueOf()) ? moment(wp.dueDate).clone() : start;
let due = moment(wp.dueDate as any);
due = _.isNaN(due.valueOf()) ? start.clone() : due;
const offsetStart = start.diff(renderInfo.viewParams.dateDisplayStart, "days");
const duration = due.diff(start, "days") + 1;
return calculatePositionValueForDayCountingPx(renderInfo.viewParams, offsetStart + duration);
* Render the generic cell element, a bar spanning from
* start to due date.
public render(renderInfo: RenderInfo): HTMLDivElement {
const bar = document.createElement("div");
const left = document.createElement("div");
const right = document.createElement("div");
bar.className = timelineElementCssClass + " " + this.type;
left.className = classNameLeftHandle;
right.className = classNameRightHandle;
return bar;
protected typeColor(wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface): string {
let type = wp.type && wp.type.state.value;
if (type && type.color) {
return type.color;
return this.fallbackColor;
protected assignDate(wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface, attributeName: string, value: moment.Moment) {
if (value) {
wp[attributeName] = value.format("YYYY-MM-DD") as any;
* Force the cursor to the given cursor type.
protected forceCursor(cursor: string) {
jQuery(".hascontextmenu").css("cursor", cursor);
jQuery("." + timelineElementCssClass).css("cursor", cursor);
private updateLeftRightMovedLabel(start: Moment, due: Moment) {
if (!this.TimezoneService) {
this.TimezoneService = $injectNow('TimezoneService');
if (this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.left && start) {
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.left.innerText = this.TimezoneService.formattedDate(start);
if (this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.right && due) {
this.dateDisplaysOnMouseMove.right.innerText = this.TimezoneService.formattedDate(due);