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<% form_tag({:action => 'edit', :tab => 'authentication'}) do %>
<div class="box tabular settings">
<p><%= setting_check_box :login_required %></p>
<p><%= setting_select :autologin, [1, 7, 30, 365].collect{|days| [l('datetime.distance_in_words.x_days', :count => days), days.to_s]}, :blank => :label_disabled %></p>
<p><%= setting_select :self_registration, [[l(:label_disabled), "0"],
[l(:label_registration_activation_by_email), "1"],
[l(:label_registration_manual_activation), "2"],
[l(:label_registration_automatic_activation), "3"]] %></p>
<p><%= setting_text_field :password_min_length, :size => 6 %></p>
<p><%= setting_check_box :lost_password, :label => :label_password_lost %></p>
<p><%= setting_check_box :openid, :disabled => !Object.const_defined?(:OpenID) %></p>
<p><%= setting_check_box :rest_api_enabled %></p>
<div style="float:right;">
<%= link_to l(:label_ldap_authentication), :controller => 'ldap_auth_sources', :action => 'index' %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_save) %>
<% end %>