# Extends the definition in ApplicationHelper, to allow passing Dates as well
# This is the definitions that is hit by the views and widgets
#def l(*values)
# return values.first if values.size == 1 and values.first.respond_to? :to_str
# if [Date, DateTime, Time].include? values.first.class
# ::I18n.l values.first
# else
# ApplicationHelper.l(*values)
# end
# ##
# # For a given CostQuery::Filter filter, return an array of hashes, that contain
# # the partials that should be rendered (:name) for that filter and necessary
# # parameters.
# # @param [CostQuery::Filter] the filter we want to render
# def html_elements(filter)
# return text_elements filter if CostQuery::Operator.string_operators.all? { |o| filter.available_operators.include? o }
# return text_elements filter if CostQuery::Operator.integer_operators.all? { |o| filter.available_operators.include? o } #FIXME: have special filters designed for integer-operators, to give feedback if the user doesn't enter an int etc.
# return date_elements filter if CostQuery::Operator.time_operators.all? { |o| filter.available_operators.include? o }
# return heavy_object_elements filter if filter.heavy?