@ -28,29 +28,38 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Projects :: ReorderChildren Job , type : :model do
describe Projects :: ReorderHierarchy Job , type : :model do
subject ( :job ) { described_class . perform_now }
shared_let ( :parent_project ) { create ( :project , name : 'Parent' ) }
shared_let ( :parent_project_a ) { create ( :project , name : 'ParentA' ) }
shared_let ( :parent_project_b ) { create ( :project , name : 'ParentB' ) }
shared_let ( :child_a ) { create :project , name : 'A' , parent : parent_project }
shared_let ( :child_b ) { create :project , name : 'B' , parent : parent_project }
shared_let ( :child_c ) { create :project , name : 'C' , parent : parent_project }
shared_let ( :child_a ) { create :project , name : 'A' , parent : parent_project_a }
shared_let ( :child_b ) { create :project , name : 'B' , parent : parent_project_b }
shared_let ( :child_c ) { create :project , name : 'C' , parent : parent_project_a }
shared_let ( :child_d ) { create :project , name : 'D' , parent : parent_project_b }
shared_let ( :child_f ) { create :project , name : 'F' , parent : parent_project_a }
let ( :ordered ) { parent_project . children . reorder ( :lft ) }
let ( :ordered ) { Project . all . reorder ( :lft ) }
before do
# Update the names
child_a . update_column ( :name , 'Second' )
child_b . update_column ( :name , 'Third' )
child_c . update_column ( :name , 'First' )
# Update the names, including lower case to test case insensitivity
parent_project_a . update_column ( :name , 'ParentLast' )
parent_project_b . update_column ( :name , 'ParentFirst' )
child_a . update_column ( :name , 'SecondChild' )
child_b . update_column ( :name , 'ThirdChild' )
child_c . update_column ( :name , 'firstChild' )
child_d . update_column ( :name , 'FourthChild' )
child_f . update_column ( :name , 'FifthChild' )
it 'corrects the order' do
expect ( ordered . pluck ( :name ) ) . to eq %w[ Second Third First ]
expect ( ordered . pluck ( :name ) ) . to eq %w[ ParentLast SecondChild firstChild FifthChild
ParentFirst ThirdChild FourthChild ]
expect ( ordered . reload . pluck ( :name ) ) . to eq %w[ First Second Third ]
expect ( ordered . reload . pluck ( :name ) ) . to eq %w[ ParentFirst FourthChild ThirdChild
ParentLast FifthChild firstChild SecondChild ]