@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ |
module OpenProject::Bcf |
module BcfJson |
class ViewpointMapper |
class ViewpointReader |
ROOT_NODE ||= 'VisualizationInfo'.freeze |
attr_reader :uuid, :xml |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
## |
# Creates or updates a BCF issue and markup from a work package |
module OpenProject::Bcf::BcfXml |
class BaseWriter |
attr_reader :markup_doc |
def initialize |
@markup_doc = build_markup_document |
end |
protected |
def root_node |
raise NotImplementedError |
end |
def root_node_attributes |
{} |
end |
## |
# Initial markup file as basic BCF compliant xml |
def build_markup_document |
Nokogiri::XML::Builder |
.new(:encoding => 'UTF-8') do |xml| |
xml.comment created_by_comment |
xml.send(root_node, |
"xmlns:xsi" => "", |
"xmlns:xsd" => "", |
**root_node_attributes) |
end |
.doc |
end |
def prepend_into_or_insert(parent_node, node) |
if first_child = |
first_child.previous = node |
else |
node.parent = parent_node |
end |
end |
def fetch(parent_node, name) |
node = ||, markup_doc) |
node.parent = parent_node unless node.parent.present? |
node |
end |
## |
# |
def created_by_comment |
" Created by #{Setting.app_title} #{OpenProject::VERSION} at #{} " |
end |
def to_bcf_datetime(date_time) |
date_time.utc.iso8601 |
end |
def to_bcf_date(date) |
date.iso8601 |
end |
def url_helpers |
@url_helpers ||= |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ |
## |
# Creates or updates a BCF issue and markup from a work package |
module OpenProject::Bcf::BcfXml |
class ViewpointWriter < BaseWriter |
attr_reader :viewpoint |
def initialize(viewpoint) |
@viewpoint = viewpoint |
super() |
end |
def to_xml |
doc.to_xml(indent: 2) |
end |
def doc |
@doc ||= begin |
viewpoint_node = fetch(markup_doc, root_node.to_s) |
Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(viewpoint_node) do |xml| |
components xml |
camera('orthogonal_camera', xml) |
camera('perspective_camera', xml) |
lines xml |
clipping_planes xml |
bitmaps xml |
end |
markup_doc |
end |
end |
protected |
def root_node |
:VisualizationInfo |
end |
def root_node_attributes |
{ Guid: viewpoint.uuid } |
end |
def dig_json(*args) |
viewpoint.json_viewpoint.dig(*args) |
end |
def components(xml) |
return unless dig_json('components') |
xml.Components do |
view_setup_hints xml |
selected_components xml |
visibility xml |
coloring xml |
end |
end |
def view_setup_hints(xml) |
return unless (setup_hash = dig_json('components', 'visibility', 'view_setup_hints')) |
xml.ViewSetupHints(camelized(setup_hash)) |
end |
def selected_components(xml) |
return unless (selected = dig_json('components', 'selection')) |
xml.Selection do |
selected.each do |comp_hash| |
xml.Component camelized(comp_hash) |
end |
end |
end |
def visibility(xml) |
return unless (visibility_hash = dig_json 'components', 'visibility') |
xml.Visibility(DefaultVisibility: visibility_hash['default_visibility']) do |
exceptions = visibility_hash['exceptions'] |
next unless exceptions |
xml.Exceptions do |
Array.wrap(exceptions).each do |comp_hash| |
xml.Component camelized(comp_hash) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def coloring(xml) |
return unless (colors = dig_json 'components', 'coloring') |
xml.Coloring do |
Array.wrap(colors).each do |color| |
xml.Color Color: color['color'].delete_prefix('#') do |
Array.wrap(color['components']).each do |comp_hash| |
xml.Component camelized(comp_hash) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def camera(type, xml) |
return unless (camera = dig_json(type)) |
xml.send(type.camelize) do |
%w[CameraViewPoint CameraDirection CameraUpVector].each do |entry| |
xml.send(entry) do |
coords = camera[entry.underscore] |
to_xml_coords(coords, xml) |
end |
end |
xml.FieldOfView convert_float(camera['field_of_view']) |
end |
end |
def lines(xml) |
return unless (lines = dig_json 'lines') |
xml.Lines do |
Array.wrap(lines).each do |line| |
xml.Line do |
xml.StartPoint { to_xml_coords(line['start_point'], xml) } |
xml.EndPoint { to_xml_coords(line['end_point'], xml) } |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def clipping_planes(xml) |
return unless (planes = dig_json 'clipping_planes') |
xml.ClippingPlanes do |
Array.wrap(planes).each do |plane| |
xml.ClippingPlane do |
xml.Location { to_xml_coords(plane['location'], xml) } |
xml.Direction { to_xml_coords(plane['direction'], xml) } |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def bitmaps(xml) |
return unless (entries = dig_json 'bitmaps') |
# Bitmaps are rendered flat, whyever that is |
entries.each do |bitmap| |
xml.Bitmaps do |
xml.Bitmap bitmap['bitmap_type'].upcase |
xml.Reference bitmap['bitmap_data'] |
xml.Location { to_xml_coords bitmap['location'], xml } |
xml.Normal { to_xml_coords bitmap['normal'], xml } |
xml.Up { to_xml_coords bitmap['up'], xml } |
xml.Height convert_float(bitmap['height']) |
end |
end |
end |
## |
# Helper to transform a hash into camelized keys |
def camelized(hash) |
hash.transform_keys(&:camelize) |
end |
## |
# Convert a float to BCF format that strips |
# insignificant zeros |
def convert_float(val) |
val.to_s.gsub(/(\.)0+$/, '') |
end |
## |
# Helper to render X,Y,Z hash as set of nodes |
def to_xml_coords(hash, xml) |
hash.each do |key, val| |
xml.send(key.to_s.upcase, convert_float(val)) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<VisualizationInfo Guid="{{UUID}}"> |
<Components> |
<Selection> |
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<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkjK"/> |
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<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyD2"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBQ"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBO"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBL"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="2Cc$KVYf55mfjggfx$IIb9"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBK"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="2Cc$KVYf55mfjggfx$IIb7"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="2Cc$KVYf55mfjggfx$IIb6"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkbz"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="0LHXUGtOLEzvvIxaK5XMW8"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBG"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkby"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBF"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkch"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBE"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBC"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkcf"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkbu"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkbt"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyBA"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkca"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkbp"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkbo"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkbn"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkbm"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyB3"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkdD"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyB0"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkcR"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkcQ"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkcP"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkh2"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkh1"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyDt"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkcv"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="39_n9ZMhPAQBWcKbXoFkcu"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyDq"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyDk"/> |
<Component IfcGuid="1Uhsb9oeb77OoM87lbwyDf"/> |
</Selection> |
</Components> |
<PerspectiveCamera> |
<CameraViewPoint> |
<X>58.1038</X> |
<Y>16.5493</Y> |
<Z>24.7329</Z> |
</CameraViewPoint> |
<CameraDirection> |
<X>1.28974</X> |
<Y>1.2105</Y> |
<Z>-0.569962</Z> |
</CameraDirection> |
<CameraUpVector> |
<X>0.223629</X> |
<Y>0.209889</Y> |
<Z>0.951807</Z> |
</CameraUpVector> |
<FieldOfView>60</FieldOfView> |
</PerspectiveCamera> |
</VisualizationInfo> |
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ |
#-- copyright |
# OpenProject is a project management system. |
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. |
# |
# OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: |
# Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang |
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
# |
# See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. |
#++ |
require 'spec_helper' |
require 'compare-xml' |
describe OpenProject::Bcf::BcfXml::ViewpointWriter do |
let(:writer_instance) { json_resource } |
let(:reader_instance) { xml_resource.uuid, subject.to_xml } |
let(:xml_comparison) { Nokogiri::XML(xml_resource.viewpoint) } |
let(:json_comparison) { json_resource.raw_json_viewpoint } |
subject { writer_instance.doc } |
shared_examples 'converts back to xml' do |
it 'the output of writer is XML-equal to the provided XML viewpoint' do |
results = CompareXML.equivalent?( |
subject, |
xml_comparison, |
collapse_whitespace: false, |
verbose: true |
) |
if results.length > 0 |
puts subject.to_xml |
raise "Expected documents to be equal. Found diffs:\n#{results.join("\n")}" |
end |
end |
it 'contains the root node' do |
expect('VisualizationInfo')).to be_present |
end |
it 'goes full circle comparing back to JSON' do |
expect(reader_instance.to_json).to be_json_eql json_comparison |
end |
end |
describe 'with minimal example' do |
let_it_be(:json_resource) do |
FactoryBot.build_stubbed :bcf_viewpoint, uuid: '{{UUID}}', viewpoint_name: 'minimal.bcfv' |
end |
let_it_be(:xml_resource) do |
FactoryBot.build_stubbed :xml_viewpoint, uuid: '{{UUID}}', viewpoint_name: 'minimal.bcfv' |
end |
it_behaves_like 'converts back to xml' |
end |
describe 'with full viewpoint' do |
let_it_be(:json_resource) do |
FactoryBot.build_stubbed :bcf_viewpoint, uuid: '{{UUID}}', viewpoint_name: 'full_viewpoint.bcfv' |
end |
let_it_be(:xml_resource) do |
FactoryBot.build_stubbed :xml_viewpoint, uuid: '{{UUID}}', viewpoint_name: 'full_viewpoint.bcfv' |
end |
it_behaves_like 'converts back to xml' |
end |
describe 'with real-world neuhaus_sc_1 example' do |
let_it_be(:json_resource) do |
FactoryBot.build_stubbed :bcf_viewpoint, uuid: '{{UUID}}', viewpoint_name: 'neubau_sc_1.bcfv' |
end |
let_it_be(:xml_resource) do |
FactoryBot.build_stubbed :xml_viewpoint, uuid: '{{UUID}}', viewpoint_name: 'neubau_sc_1_fixed.bcfv' |
end |
it_behaves_like 'converts back to xml' |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue