@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ |
lt: |
js: |
boards: |
label_unnamed_board: 'Unnamed board' |
label_unnamed_list: 'Unnamed list' |
label_board_type: 'Board type' |
label_unnamed_board: 'Bevardė lenta' |
label_unnamed_list: 'Bevardis sąrašas' |
label_board_type: 'Lentos tipas' |
upsale: |
teaser_text: 'Improve your agile project management with this flexible Boards view. Create as many boards as you like for anything you would like to keep track of.' |
upgrade_to_ee_text: 'Boards is an Enterprise feature. Please upgrade to a paid plan.' |
upgrade: 'Upgrade now' |
personal_demo: 'Get a personal demo' |
teaser_text: 'Pagerinkite Agile projektų valdymą naudodami lanksčius Lentų vaizdus. Sukurkite tiek lentų, kiek norite, bet kokiems dalykams, kuriuos norite suvaldyti.' |
upgrade_to_ee_text: 'Lentos yra Enterprise versijos galimybė. Prašome pereiti prie mokamo plano.' |
upgrade: 'Užsisakykite dabar' |
personal_demo: 'Gaukite asmeninę demonstraciją' |
lists: |
delete: 'Delete list' |
delete: 'Pašalinti sąrašą' |
version: |
is_locked: 'Version is locked. No items can be added to this version.' |
is_closed: 'Version is closed. No items can be added to this version.' |
close_version: 'Close version' |
open_version: 'Open version' |
lock_version: 'Lock version' |
unlock_version: 'Unlock version' |
edit_version: 'Edit version' |
show_version: 'Show version' |
is_locked: 'Versija yra užrakinta. Papildymas negalimas.' |
is_closed: 'Versija uždaryta. Papildymas negalimas.' |
close_version: 'Uždaryti versiją' |
open_version: 'Atidaryti versiją' |
lock_version: 'Užrakinti veriją' |
unlock_version: 'Atrakinti verisiją' |
edit_version: 'Redaguoti veriją' |
show_version: 'Parodyti versiją' |
locked: 'Užrakinta' |
closed: 'Uždaryta' |
new_board: 'New board' |
add_list: 'Add list' |
add_card: 'Add card' |
error_loading_the_list: "Error loading the list: %{error_message}" |
error_attribute_not_writable: "Cannot move the work package, %{attribute} is not writable." |
click_to_remove_list: "Click to remove this list" |
new_board: 'Nauja lenta' |
add_list: 'Pridėti sąrašą' |
add_card: 'Pridėti kortelę' |
error_loading_the_list: "Sąrašo užkrovimo klaida: %{error_message}" |
error_attribute_not_writable: "Negalima perkelti darbų paketo, %{attribute} negali būti įrašytas." |
click_to_remove_list: "Spustelėkite sąrašo ištrynimui" |
board_type: |
free: 'Basic board' |
free: 'Paprasta lenta' |
free_text: > |
Create a board in which you can freely create lists and order your work packages within. Moving work packages between lists do not change the work package itself. |
action: 'Action board' |
action_by_attribute: 'Action board (%{attribute})' |
Sukurkite lentą, kurioje galėsite laisvai kurti sąrašus, o juose rikiuoti darbų paketus. Darbo paketo perkėlimas tarp sąrašų visiškai nekeis darbo paketo. |
action: 'Veiksmų lenta' |
action_by_attribute: 'Veiksmų lenta (%{attribute})' |
action_text: > |
Create a board with filtered lists on a single attribute. Moving work packages to other lists will update their attribute. |
select_attribute: "Action attribute" |
Sukurkite lentą, su filtruotais sąrašais pagal vieną atributą. Perkeliant darbo paketą tarp sąrašų bus keičiamas naudojamas atributas. |
select_attribute: "Veiksmo atributas" |
configuration_modal: |
title: 'Configure this board' |
title: 'Konfigūruoti lentą' |
display_settings: |
card_mode: "Display as cards" |
table_mode: "Display as table" |
card_mode: "Rodyti kaip korteles" |
table_mode: "Rodyti kaip lentelę" |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ |
lt: |
permission_show_board_views: "View boards" |
permission_manage_board_views: "Manage boards" |
permission_show_board_views: "Peržiūrėti lentas" |
permission_manage_board_views: "Valdyti lentas" |
project_module_board_view: "Boards" |
boards: |
label_boards: "Boards" |
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ |
fr: |
export_to_excel: "Export as Excel spreadsheet" |
print_with_description: "Print preview with description" |
export_to_excel: "Exporter sous un tableur Excel" |
print_with_description: "Imprimer l'aperçu avec une description" |
sentence_separator_or: "ou" |
different_formats: Different formats |
different_formats: Différents formats |
export: |
format: |
xls: "XLS" |
xls_with_descriptions: "XLS avec descriptions" |
xls_with_relations: "XLS with relations" |
xls_with_relations: "XLS avec relations" |
xls_export: |
child_of: child of |
parent_of: parent of |
child_of: enfant de |
parent_of: parent de |
Reference in new issue