@ -4,14 +4,31 @@ Feature: Common |
So that I can do my job |
Background: |
Given the ecookbook project has the backlogs plugin enabled |
And I am a team member of the project |
Given there is 1 project with: |
| name | ecookbook | |
And the project "ecookbook" uses the following modules: |
| backlogs | |
And the backlogs module is initialized in project "ecookbook" |
And there is 1 user with: |
| login | jsmith | |
And there is a role "team member" |
And the role "team member" may have the following rights: |
| view_master_backlog | |
| view_taskboards | |
| create_tasks | |
| update_tasks | |
| view_issues | |
| edit_issues | |
| manage_subtasks | |
And the user "jsmith" is a "team member" in the Project "ecookbook" |
And I am logged in as "jsmith" |
And I am working in project "ecookbook" |
Scenario: View the product backlog |
Given I am viewing the master backlog |
When I request the server_variables resource |
Then the request should complete successfully |
Scenario: View the product backlog without any stories |
Given there are no stories in the project |
When I view the master backlog |