note_public:'Any text and images you add to this field is publicly visible to all logged in users!'
note_public:'Всеки текст и изображения, които добавяте в това поле, са публично видими за всички влезли потребители!'
text_overview:'In this view, you can create custom help texts for attributes view. When defined, these texts can be shown by clicking the help icon next to its belonging attribute.'
label_plural:'Attribute help texts'
show_preview:'Preview text'
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ bg:
Specify a list of names to ignore when processing attachments for incoming mails (e.g., signatures or icons). Enter one filename per line.
scheduled:"Deletion has been scheduled and is performed in the background. You will be notified of the result."
scheduled:"Изтриването е планирано и се извършва във фонов режим. Ще бъдете уведомени за резултата."
schedule_failed:"Project cannot be deleted: %{errors}"
failed:"Deletion of project %{name} has failed"
failed_text:"The request to delete project %{name} has failed. The project was left archived."
@ -245,12 +245,12 @@ bg:
no_results_title_text:Този потребител в момента не е член на проекта.
heading:"Delete placeholder user %{name}"
heading:"Изтриване на потребител на заместител %{name}"
All occurrences of the placeholder user (e.g., as assignee, responsible or other user values) will be reassigned to an account called "Deleted user".
As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account.
irreversible:"This action is irreversible"
confirmation:"Enter the placeholder name %{name} to confirm the deletion."
Всички повторения на потребителя на резервоар (напр. Като правоприемник, отговорник или други потребителски стойности) ще бъдат преназначени към акаунт, наречен „Изтрит потребител“.
Тъй като данните от всеки изтрит акаунт се пренасочват към този акаунт, няма да е възможно да се разграничат данните, създадени от потребителя, от данните на друг изтрит акаунт.
irreversible:"Това действие е необратимо"
confirmation:"Въведете името на заместителя %{name}, за да потвърдите изтриването."
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ bg:
confirmation:"не съвпада с %{attribute}."
could_not_be_copied:"%{dependency} не може да бъде (напълно) копирана."
does_not_exist:"не съществува."
error_enterprise_only:"is only available in the OpenProject Enterprise Edition"
error_enterprise_only:"се предлага само в OpenProject Enterprise Edition"
error_unauthorized:"may not be accessed."
error_readonly:"was attempted to be written but is not writable."
empty:"не може да бъде празно."
@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ bg:
invalid_url:'невалиден URL адрес.'
invalid_url_scheme: 'is not a supported protocol (allowed:%{allowed_schemes}).'
less_than_or_equal_to:"трябва да бъде по-малка или равна на %{count}."
not_deletable:"cannot be deleted."
not_current_user:"is not the current user."
not_deletable:"не може да бъде изтрито."
not_current_user:"не е текущият потребител."
not_a_date:"is not a valid date."
not_a_datetime:"is not a valid date time."
not_a_number:"не е число."
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ bg:
status:"Статус на работен пакет"
placeholder_user:"Placeholder user"
placeholder_user:"Потребител на заместител"
query:"Потребителска заявка"
@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ bg:
error_menu_item_not_saved:Елементът от менюто не може да бъде записан
Can't rename "%{old_name}" to "%{new_name}" due to a conflict in the resulting menu item with the existing menu item "%{existing_caption}" (%{existing_identifier}).
error_external_authentication_failed:"An error occurred during external authentication. Please try again."
error_external_authentication_failed:"Възникна грешка по време на външно удостоверяване. Моля, опитайте отново."
error_attribute_not_highlightable:"Attribute(s) not highlightable: %{attributes}"
project:'Проекта е редактиран'
@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ bg:
forums:"Форум на Общността"
newsletter:"Security alerts / Newsletter"
imagemagick:'Магия на изображението'
changes_retracted:"The changes were retracted."
@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@ bg:
label_custom_field_plural:"допълнителни полета"
label_custom_field_default_type:"Празен тип"
label_database_version:"PostgreSQL version"
label_database_version:"Версия на PostgreSQL"
label_date_and_time:"Дата и час"
@ -1551,9 +1551,9 @@ bg:
label_permissions_report:"Доклади за права"
label_personalize_page:"Персонализирай тази страница"
label_placeholder_user:"Placeholder user"
label_placeholder_user_new:"New placeholder user"
label_placeholder_user_plural:"Placeholder users"
label_placeholder_user:"Потребител на заместител"
label_placeholder_user_new:"Нов потребител на заместител"
label_placeholder_user_plural:"Потребители на резервни части"
label_please_login:"Моля влез в профила си"
@ -1863,7 +1863,7 @@ bg:
notice_email_sent:"Имейл е изпратен до %{value}"
notice_failed_to_save_work_packages:"Неуспешно записване на %{count} работни пакети от %{total} избрани: %{ids}."
notice_failed_to_save_members:"Неуспешно записване на членовете: %{errors}."
notice_deletion_scheduled:"The deletion has been scheduled and is performed asynchronously."
notice_deletion_scheduled:"Изтриването е планирано и се извършва асинхронно."
notice_file_not_found:"Несъществуваща или преместена страница."
notice_forced_logout:"Вие автоматично излязохте след %{ttl_time} минути на неактивност."
notice_internal_server_error:"Възникна грешка в страницата, до която се опитвате да получите достъп. Ако продължавате да имате проблеми свържете %{app_title} администратор за съдействие."
@ -1927,8 +1927,8 @@ bg:
permission_add_work_packages:"Add work packages"
permission_add_messages:"Post messages"
permission_add_project:"Създаване на проект"
permission_manage_user:"Create and edit users"
permission_manage_placeholder_user:"Create, edit and delete placeholder users"
permission_manage_user:"Създавайте и редактирайте потребители"
permission_manage_placeholder_user:"Създавайте, редактирайте и изтривайте потребители на резервни части"
permission_add_subprojects:"Създаване на подпроекти"
permission_add_work_package_watchers:"Добавяне на наблюдатели"
permission_assign_versions:"Assign versions"
@ -2130,7 +2130,7 @@ bg:
username:"Repository username"
truncated:"Sorry, we had to truncate this directory to %{limit} files. %{truncated} entries were omitted from the list."
named_repository:"%{vendor_name} repository"
update_settings_successful:"The settings have been successfully saved."
update_settings_successful:"Настройките са запазени успешно."
note_public:'Any text and images you add to this field is publicly visible to all logged in users!'
note_public:'Alle Texte und Bilder, die Sie diesem Feld hinzufügen, sind öffentlich für angemeldete Benutzer sichtbar.'
text_overview:'In dieser Ansicht können Sie benutzerdefinierte Hilfe-Texte für Attribute definieren. Für Attribute mit hinterlegtem Text können diese über ein kleines Hilfe-Icon neben dem Attribut angezeigt werden.'
label_plural:'Hilfe-Texte für Attribute'
show_preview:'Vorschau des Hilfe-Textes'
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ de:
Geben Sie eine Liste von Dateinamen an, die beim Verarbeiten von Anhängen für eingehende Mails (z.B. Signaturen oder Symbole) ignoriert werden sollen. Geben Sie einen Dateinamen pro Zeile ein.
scheduled:"Deletion has been scheduled and is performed in the background. You will be notified of the result."
scheduled:"Die Löschung wurde geplant und wird im Hintergrund durchgeführt. Sie werden über das Ergebnis informiert."
schedule_failed:"Projekt kann nicht gelöscht werden: %{errors}"
failed:"Löschen des Projekts %{name} ist fehlgeschlagen"
failed_text:"Die Anfrage zum Löschen des Projekts %{name} ist fehlgeschlagen. Das Projekt wurde archiviert."
@ -242,12 +242,12 @@ de:
no_results_title_text:Dieser Nutzer ist derzeit in keinem Projekt Mitglied.
heading:"Delete placeholder user %{name}"
heading:"Platzhalter %{name} löschen"
All occurrences of the placeholder user (e.g., as assignee, responsible or other user values) will be reassigned to an account called "Deleted user".
As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account.
irreversible:"This action is irreversible"
confirmation:"Enter the placeholder name %{name} to confirm the deletion."
Alle Vorkommnisse des Platzhalter-Benutzers (z.B. als zugewiesene Person, Verantwortlicher oder andere Benutzerwerte) werden einem Konto mit dem Namen "Gelöschter Benutzer" zugewiesen.
Da die Daten jedes gelöschten Kontos diesem Konto zugewiesen werden, wird es nicht möglich sein, die Daten des Benutzers von den Daten eines anderen gelöschten Kontos zu unterscheiden.
irreversible:"Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden"
confirmation:"Geben Sie den Platzhalternamen %{name} ein, um die Löschung zu bestätigen."
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ de:
confirmation:"stimmt nicht mit %{attribute} überein."
could_not_be_copied:"%{dependency} konnte nicht (vollständig) kopiert werden."
does_not_exist:"existiert nicht."
error_enterprise_only:"is only available in the OpenProject Enterprise Edition"
error_enterprise_only:"ist nur in der OpenProject Enterprise Edition verfügbar"
error_unauthorized:"kann nicht zugegriffen werden."
error_readonly:"wurde versucht zu beschreiben, ist aber nicht beschreibbar."
empty:"muss ausgefüllt werden."
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ de:
invalid_url:'ist keine gültige URL.'
invalid_url_scheme: 'ist kein unterstütztes Protokoll (erlaubt:%{allowed_schemes}).'
less_than_or_equal_to:"muss kleiner oder gleich %{count} sein."
not_deletable:"cannot be deleted."
not_deletable:"kann nicht entfernt werden."
not_current_user:"ist nicht der aktuelle Benutzer."
not_a_date:"ist kein gültiges Datum."
not_a_datetime:"ist kein gültiges Datum."
@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ de:
placeholder_user:"Placeholder user"
query:"Benutzerdefinierte Abfrage"
@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ de:
error_menu_item_not_saved:Menüpunkt konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.
Kann "%{old_name}" nicht in "%{new_name}" umbenennen, weil es mit dem bestehenden Menüeintrag "%{existing_caption}" (%{existing_identifier}) kollidiert.
error_external_authentication_failed:"An error occurred during external authentication. Please try again."
error_external_authentication_failed:"Die externe Authentifizierung ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
notice_email_sent:"Eine E-Mail wurde an %{value} gesendet."
notice_failed_to_save_work_packages:"%{count} von %{total} ausgewählten Arbeitspaketen konnte(n) nicht gespeichert werden: %{ids}."
notice_failed_to_save_members:"Benutzer konnte(n) nicht gespeichert werden: %{errors}."
notice_deletion_scheduled:"The deletion has been scheduled and is performed asynchronously."
notice_deletion_scheduled:"Die Löschung wurde geplant und wird asynchron durchgeführt."
notice_file_not_found:"Die von Ihnen aufgerufene Seite existiert nicht oder ist verschoben worden."
notice_forced_logout:"Nach %{ttl_time} Minuten Inaktivität wurden Sie automatisch ausgeloggt."
notice_internal_server_error:"Auf der von Ihnen aufgerufenen Seite ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren %{app_title} Administrator, wenn Sie wiederholt Probleme mit dem Aufrufen der Seite haben."
no_results_title_text:Tällä hetkellä ei ole värejä.
no_results_content_text:Luo uusi väri
label_no_color:'No color'
label_no_color:'Ei väriä'
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ fi:
encoded_token:"Enterprise support token"
active_user_count_restriction:"Maximum active users"
row_count:"Number of rows"
column_count:"Number of columns"
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ fi:
uid:"Client ID"
secret:"Client secret"
redirect_uri:"Redirect URI"
client_credentials_user_id:"Client Credentials User ID"
@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ fi:
button_unlock:"Poista lukitus"
button_unwatch:"Älä seuraa"
@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ fi:
@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ fi:
description_current_position:"You are here: "
description_date_from:"Syötä aloituspäivämäärä"
description_date_to:"Syötä päättymispäivä"
description_enter_number:"Enter number"
description_enter_number:"Syötä numero"
description_enter_text:"Enter text"
description_filter_toggle:"Show/Hide filter"
@ -1144,11 +1144,11 @@ fi:
error_external_authentication_failed:"An error occurred during external authentication. Please try again."
error_attribute_not_highlightable:"Attribute(s) not highlightable: %{attributes}"
project:'Project edited'
project:'Projektia muokattu'
changeset:'Changeset edited'
message:Message edited
message:Viestiä muokattu
time_entry:'Timelog edited'
wiki_page:'Wiki-sivu päivitetty'
work_package_closed:'Tehtävä suljettu'
@ -2460,8 +2460,8 @@ fi:
compare_absolute:"Compare current planning to %{date}"
exclude_own_work_packages:"Hide work packages from this project"
exclude_reporters:"Hide other projects"
exclude_empty:"Hide empty projects"
@ -2540,9 +2540,9 @@ fi:
title_remove_and_delete_user:Remove the invited user from the project and delete him/her.
title_enterprise_upgrade:"Upgrade to unlock more users."
@ -2598,7 +2598,7 @@ fi:
note_password_login_disabled:"Password login has been disabled by %{configuration}."
warning_attachments_not_saved:"%{count} tiedostoa ei voitu tallentaa."
You invited more users than are supported by your current plan. Invited users may not be able to join your OpenProject environment. Please <a href="%{upgrade_url}">upgrade your plan</a> or block existing users in order to allow invited and registered users to join.
@ -2621,9 +2621,9 @@ fi:
Your application is running with its host name setting set to <code>%{set_hostname}</code>, but the request is a <code>%{actual_hostname}</code> hostname. This will result in errors! Go to <a href="%{setting_path}">System settings</a> and change the "Host name" setting to correct this.
menu_item:"Menu item"
wiki_menu_item_for:"Menu item for wikipage \"%{title}\""
Sinä olet poistat vain tärkeimmät wiki valikosta. Sinun täytyy nyt valita wiki sivu joista tärkein uusi kohde luodaan. Poistaa wiki wiki moduuli voidaan kytkeä pois päältä hankkeen ylläpitäjät.
wiki_menu_item_delete_not_permitted:Wiki valikosta vain wiki sivu voi olla Poistetaan.
All occurrences of the placeholder user (e.g., as assignee, responsible or other user values) will be reassigned to an account called "Deleted user".
As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account.
irreversible:"This action is irreversible"
confirmation:"Enter the placeholder name %{name} to confirm the deletion."
The release contains various new features and improvements:<br> <ul class="%{list_styling_class}"> <li><b>Improved stylings</b> of the WYSIWYG editor.</li> <li>Direct display of <b>user name for @notifications</b> while editing.</li> <li>Extended authentication profile with an <b>OpenID Connect provider.</b></li> <li>Display project <b>milestones aggregated</b> in single row in Gantt chart.</li> <li><b>Collapse all button for groups</b> in the work packages list.</li> <li><b>Optimization for printing,</b> e.g. wiki pages, via the browser print function.</li> </ul>
Изданието съдържа различни нови функции и подобрения:<br> <ul class ="%{list_styling_class}"> <li> <b> Подобрени стилове </b> на редактора WYSIWYG. </li> <li> Директно показване на <b> потребителско име за @notifications </b> по време на редактиране. </li> <li> Разширен профил за удостоверяване с <b> доставчик на OpenID Connect. </b> </li> <li> Показване на проект <b> обобщени етапи </b> в един ред в диаграмата на Гант. </li> <li> <b> Бутон Свиване на всички за групи </b> в списъка с работни пакети. </li> <li> <b> Оптимизация за печат, </b> напр wiki страници, чрез функцията за печат в браузъра. </li> </ul>
The release contains various new features and improvements:<br> <ul class="%{list_styling_class}"> <li><b>Improved stylings</b> of the WYSIWYG editor.</li> <li>Direct display of <b>user name for @notifications</b> while editing.</li> <li>Extended authentication profile with an <b>OpenID Connect provider.</b></li> <li>Display project <b>milestones aggregated</b> in single row in Gantt chart.</li> <li><b>Collapse all button for groups</b> in the work packages list.</li> <li><b>Optimization for printing,</b> e.g. wiki pages, via the browser print function.</li> </ul>
Изданието съдържа различни нови функции и подобрения:<br> <ul class ="%{list_styling_class}"> <li> <b> Подобрени стилове </b> на редактора WYSIWYG. </li> <li> Директно показване на <b> потребителско име за @notifications </b> по време на редактиране. </li> <li> Разширен профил за удостоверяване с <b> доставчик на OpenID Connect. </b> </li> <li> Показване на проект <b> обобщени етапи </b> в един ред в диаграмата на Гант. </li> <li> <b> Бутон Свиване на всички за групи </b> в списъка с работни пакети. </li> <li> <b> Оптимизация за печат, </b> напр wiki страници, чрез функцията за печат в браузъра. </li> </ul>
label_add_column_after:"Add column after"
label_add_column_before:"Add column before"
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ bg:
label_no_color:"No color"
label_no_data:"Няма данни за показване"
label_no_due_date:"no finish date"
label_no_due_date:"без крайна дата"
label_no_start_date:"няма начална дата"
label_no_value:"Няма стойност"
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ bg:
label_sum_for:"Сума за"
label_total_sum:"Total sum"
label_total_sum:"Обща сума"
label_this_week:"тази седмица"
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ bg:
warning:'Ще загубите предишното си сортиране, когато активирате автоматичния режим на сортиране.'
columns_help_text:"Use the input field above to add columns to your table view. You can drag and drop the columns to reorder them."
columns_help_text:"Използвайте полето за въвеждане по-горе, за да добавите колони към изгледа на вашата таблица. Можете да плъзгате и пускате колоните, за да ги пренареждате."
attribute_highlighting:'Need certain work packages to stand out from the mass?'
relation_columns:'Need to see relations in the work package list?'
premium_features_text:"Agile boards, custom theme and logo, graphs, intelligent workflows with custom actions, full text search for work package attachments and multi-select custom fields."
professional_support_text:"Get reliable, high-touch support from senior support engineers with expert knowledge about running OpenProject in business-critical environments."
list:'This is the <b>Work package</b> list with the important work within your project, such as tasks, milestones, phases, and more. <br> You can create or edit a work package directly within this list. To see its details you can double click on a row.'
warning:'Otomatik sıralama modunu etkinleştirirken önceki sıralamanızı kaybedeceksiniz.'
columns_help_text:"Use the input field above to add columns to your table view. You can drag and drop the columns to reorder them."
columns_help_text:"Tablo görünümünüze sütun eklemek için yukarıdaki giriş alanını kullanın. Sütunları yeniden sıralamak için sürükleyip bırakabilirsiniz."
attribute_highlighting:'Kitleden sıyrılmak için bazı iş paketlerine mi ihtiyacınız var?'
relation_columns:'İş paketleri listesindeki ilişkileri görmek ister misiniz?'
no_results_title_text:Bu kullanıcı şuan için bir proje üyesi değil.
heading:"Delete placeholder user %{name}"
heading:"%{name} yer tutucu kullanıcısını sil."
All occurrences of the placeholder user (e.g., as assignee, responsible or other user values) will be reassigned to an account called "Deleted user".
As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account.
irreversible:"This action is irreversible"
confirmation:"Enter the placeholder name %{name} to confirm the deletion."
Yer tutucu kullanıcının adının geçtiği her şey (örn. devralan, sorumlu veya diğer kullanıcı değerleri) "Silinmiş Kullanıcı" olarak anılan bir hesaba atanacaktır.
Silinmiş tüm hesapların bilgileri bu hesaba atandığından bu kullanıcının oluşturduğu veriler başka bir silinmiş hesap tarafından oluşturulmuş verilerden ayrılamaz.
irreversible:"Bu işlem geri alınamaz"
confirmation:"Silme işlemini onaylamak için yer tutucu %{name} ismini girin."
teaser_text:'Improve your agile project management with this flexible Boards view. Create as many boards as you like for anything you would like to keep track of.'
upgrade_to_ee_text:'Boards is an Enterprise feature. Please upgrade to a paid plan.'