Merge branch 'dev' into 45001-component-to-show-the-list-of-non-working-days-of-year

bsatarnejad 2 years ago
commit 5980033e8b
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@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController @user, user: User.current).call
flash[:notice] = I18n.t('account.deleted')
flash[:notice] = I18n.t('account.deletion_pending')
respond_to do |format|
format.html do

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class ApplicationJob < ::ActiveJob::Base
# to avoid leaking sensitive information to logs
self.log_arguments = false
around_perform :clean_context
around_perform :prepare_job_context
# Return a priority number on the given payload
@ -94,8 +94,9 @@ class ApplicationJob < ::ActiveJob::Base
def clean_context
def prepare_job_context
with_clean_request_store do

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ af:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ af:
delete: "Verwyder rekening"
delete_confirmation: "Is jy seker jy wil die rekening verwyder?"
deleted: "Rekening suksesvol verwyder"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ ar:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: لا يوجد حالياً صفحة ويكي.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: إضافة صفحة ويكي جديدة
@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ ar:
delete: "حذف الحساب"
delete_confirmation: "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إلغاء الحساب؟"
deleted: "تم حذف الحساب بنجاح"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "من البيانات إنشاء المستخدم (مثل البريد الإلكتروني، والأفضليات، ومجموعات العمل، ومداخل ويكي) سيتم حذفها قدر الإمكان. لكن لاحظ أن البيانات مثل حزم العمل ومداخل ويكي لا يمكن حذفها دون إعاقة عمل المستخدمين الآخرين. وبالتالي تعيين هذه البيانات إلى حساب يسمى \"المستخدم المحذوف\". كما تم تعيين البيانات من كل حساب محذوف في هذا الحساب فإنه لن يكون من الممكن التمييز بين بيانات المستخدم التي تم إنشاؤها من البيانات من حساب آخرمحذوف."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ az:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ az:
delete: "Delete account"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the account?"
deleted: "Account successfully deleted"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ bg:
page_not_editable_index: Исканата страница (все още) не съществува. Пренасочени сте към индекса на всички wiki страници.
no_results_title_text: Няма в момента wiki страници.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Добавяне на нова wiki страница
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ bg:
delete: "Изтриване на профил"
delete_confirmation: "Наистина ли искате да изтриете акаунта?"
deleted: "Профилът е успешно изтрит"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "От данните, създадени от потребителя (например, електронна поща, предпочитания, работни пакети, уики страници), колкото е възможно, ще бъдат изтрити. Имайте предвид обаче, че данните като работни пакети и уики страници не могат да бъдат изтрити без възпрепятстване на работата на другите потребители. Такива данни се преразпределят към профил, наречен \"Изтрит потребител\". Тъй като данните от всеки изтрит профил се записват в този профил, то няма да бъде възможно да се разграничат данните създадени от потребителя от данни от друг изтрит профил."

@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ ca:
page_not_editable_index: La pàgina sol·licitada no existeix (encara). Se t'ha redirigit a la pàgina índex de totes les pàgines wiki.
no_results_title_text: Actualment no hi ha cap pàgina wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Afegiu una nova pàgina wiki
@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ ca:
delete: "Elimina el compte"
delete_confirmation: "Segur que vols eliminar aquest compte?"
deleted: "Compte suprimit amb èxit"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "De les dades de l'usuari ha creat (per exemple, correu electrònic, preferències, paquets de treball, wiki entrades) se n'esborraran tantes com sigui possible. Fixeu-vos que dades com paquets de treball i entrades de la wiki no es poden suprimir sense que obstaculitzin la feina d'altres usuaris. Aquestes dades es reassignaran a un compte genèric anomenat \"Usuari esborrat\". Com que les dades de cada usuari suprimit es reassignen sempre a aquest compte genèric no serà possible distingir les dades d'aquest usuari de les dades d'un altre usuari esborrat."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ ckb-IR:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ ckb-IR:
delete: "Delete account"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the account?"
deleted: "Account successfully deleted"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ cs:
page_not_editable_index: Požadovaná stránka ještě neexistuje. Byli jste přesměrováni na index všech wiki stránek.
no_results_title_text: V současné době neexistují žádné Wiki stránky.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Přidat novou wiki stránku
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ cs:
delete: "Odstranit účet"
delete_confirmation: "Jste si jisti, že chcete odstranit tento účet?"
deleted: "Účet úspěšně odstraněn"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Z dat, která uživatel vytvořil (např. e-mail, nastavení, pracovní balíčky, wiki položky), bude co nejvíce smazáno. Všimněte si však, že data jako pracovní balíčky a wiki nelze odstranit, aniž by to bránilo práci ostatních uživatelů. Tyto údaje jsou proto přeřazeny na účet nazvaný „Smazaný uživatel“. Vzhledem k tomu, že data každého smazaného účtu jsou znovu přiřazena k tomuto účtu, nebude možné rozlišit data, která uživatel vytvořil od dat jiného smazaného účtu."

@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ da:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ da:
delete: "Slet konto"
delete_confirmation: "Er du sikker på, du vil slette denne konto?"
deleted: "Kontoen er nu slettet"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "I videst muligt omfang bliver brugergenereret data (f.eks e-mails, præferencer, arbejdspakker, wiki-bidrag m.m.) slettet. Bemærk dog, at data, såsom arbejdspakker og bidrag til wiki, ikke kan slettes uden at påvirke andre brugeres arbejde. Sådanne data bliver som følge heraf hensat på en særlig konto kaldet \"Slettet bruger\". Da data fra alle slettede brugerkonti overflyttes til denne konto, vil det ikke være muligt at skelne mellem data oprettet af den ene eller den anden, slettede bruger(-konto)."

@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ de:
page_not_editable_index: Die angeforderte Seite existiert (noch) nicht. Sie wurden auf die Übersichtseite der Wiki-Seiten weitergeleitet.
no_results_title_text: Derzeit gibt es keine Wikiseiten.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Neue Wikiseite hinzufügen
@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ de:
delete: "Konto löschen"
delete_confirmation: "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Konto löschen wollen?"
deleted: "Konto erfolgreich gelöscht"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Von den vom Nutzer im Zuge der Nutzung der Anwendung erstellen Daten (z.B. E-Mail-Adresse, Systemeinstellungen, Arbeitspakete, Wiki-Einträgen) werden so viele wie möglich gelöscht. Bitte beachten Sie allerdings, dass Daten wie Arbeitspakete und Wiki-Einträge nicht gelöscht werden können, da dies die Arbeit der anderen Nutzer behindern würde. Solche Daten werden daher einem \"Gelöschten Nutzer\" zugewiesen. Da die Daten aller gelöschten Accounts dem \"Gelöschten Nutzer\" zugewiesen werden, ist es unmöglich, die vom Nutzer erstellten Daten diesem Nutzer zuzuordnen."

@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ el:
page_not_editable_index: Η σελίδα που ζητήσατε δεν υπάρχει (ακόμα). Έχετε ανακατευθυνθεί στο ευρετήριο όλων των σελίδων wiki.
no_results_title_text: Προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχουν σελίδες wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Προσθέστε μια νέα σελίδα wiki
@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ el:
delete: "Διαγραφή λογαριασμού"
delete_confirmation: "Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το λογαριασμό;"
deleted: "Ο λογαριασμός διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Από τα δεδομένα που δημιούργησε ο χρήστης (π.χ. email, προτιμήσεις, πακέτα εργασίας, καταχωρίσεις wiki) θα διαγραφούν όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερα. Σημειώστε όμως ότι τα δεδομένα όπως τα πακέτα εργασίας και οι καταχωρίσεις wiki δεν μπορούν να διαγραφούν χωρίς να παρεμποδίσουν την εργασία των άλλων χρηστών. Ως εκ τούτου, τέτοια δεδομένα θα ανατεθούν σε ένα λογαριασμό που θα ονομάζεται \"Διαγραμμένος Χρήστης\". Εφόσον τα δεδομένα όλων των διαγραμμένων λογαριασμών ανατίθενται σε αυτόν το λογαριασμό, δεν θα είναι δυνατό να διακρίνετε τα δεδομένα που δημιούργησε ο χρήστης από τα δεδομένα κάποιου άλλου διαγραμμένου λογαριασμού."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ eo:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Aldoni novan vikipaĝon
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ eo:
delete: "Forigi konton"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the account?"
deleted: "Konto sukcese forigita"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ es:
page_not_editable_index: La página solicitada no existe (todavía). Has sido redirigido al inicio las páginas de la wiki.
no_results_title_text: Actualmente no hay paginas de wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Añadir una nueva página wiki
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ es:
delete: "Borrar cuenta"
delete_confirmation: "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar la cuenta?"
deleted: "Cuenta eliminada con éxito"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "De los datos del usuario creado (por ejemplo correo electrónico, preferencias, paquetes de trabajo, entradas wiki) serán eliminados, en la medida de lo posible. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que no se pueden eliminar datos como entradas wiki y paquetes de trabajo sin obstaculizar el trabajo de los demás usuarios. Dichos datos, por lo tanto, serán reasignados a una cuenta denominada \"Usuarios Eliminados\". Como los datos de cada cuenta borrada son reasignados al eliminarla, no será posible distinguir los datos del usuario creado a partir de los datos de otra cuenta eliminada."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ et:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Lisa uus wiki lehekülg
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ et:
delete: "Kustuta konto"
delete_confirmation: "Oled kindel, et tahad seda kontot kustutada?"
deleted: "Konto on kustutatud"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ fa:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ fa:
delete: "حذف حساب کاربری"
delete_confirmation: "مطمئن هستید که می خواهید حساب کاربری را حذف کنید؟"
deleted: "حساب با موفقیت حذف شد"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ fi:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: Ei Wiki-sivuja.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Lisää uusi wikisivu
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ fi:
delete: "Poista tili"
delete_confirmation: "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa tilin?"
deleted: "Tili poistettu"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Käyttäjän luomasta tiedosta (esim. sähköposti, asetukset, työmäärän, wiki merkinnät) poistetaan niin paljon kuin mahdollista. Huomaa kuitenkin, että tietoja, kuten työmäärää ja wiki merkintöjä ei voida poistaa haittaamatta muiden käyttäjien työtä. Sellaiset tiedot siirretään siksi käyttäjälle nimeltä \"Poistettu käyttäjä\". Koska jokaisen poistetun tilin tiedot siirrettiin tälle käyttäjälle, tehtyjen merkintöjen yksiköiminen poistettuun käyttäjään ei ole enää mahdollista."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ fil:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: Sa kasalukuyan ay walang mga wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Gumawa ng bagong wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ fil:
delete: "Alisin ang akawnt"
delete_confirmation: "Ikaw ba ay sigurad na gusto mong alisin ang akawnt na ito?"
deleted: "Ang akawnt ay matagumpay na naalis"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Sa datos na nilikha ng gumagamit (hal. email, mga kagustuhan, mga naka-package na trabaho, mga wiki entry) hangga't maari ay buburahin. Gayunpaman tandaan, na ang data tulad ng mga work package at wiki entry ay hindi pwedeng burahin na hindi nakaapekto sa mga trabaho ng ibang gumagamit. Tulad ng data ay naka-assign sa isang akwant na ang tawag ay \"Deleted user\". Bilang ang data ng bawat tinanggal na akwant ay naka-reassign sa akwant na ito ay posibleng makilala ang data na gumagamit mula sa data ng ibang naburang akwant."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ fr:
page_not_editable_index: La page demandée n'existe pas (encore). Vous avez été redirigé vers l'index de toutes les pages du wiki.
no_results_title_text: Il n'y a actuellement aucune page wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Ajouter une nouvelle page wiki
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ fr:
delete: "Supprimer le compte"
delete_confirmation: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le compte ?"
deleted: "Compte supprimé avec succès"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Les données créées par l'utilisateur (e.g. e-mail, préférences, lots de travaux, entrées wiki) seront supprimées autant que possible. Notez toutefois que les données comme les lots de travaux et les entrées wiki ne peuvent pas être supprimées sans impacter le travail des autres utilisateurs. Ces données sont donc réaffectées à un compte appelé «Utilisateur supprimé». Étant donné que les données de chaque compte supprimé sont réaffectées à ce compte, il ne sera plus possible de distinguer les données créées par cet utilisateur de celles d'un autre compte supprimé."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ he:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: הוסף דף wiki חדש
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ he:
delete: "מחק חשבון"
delete_confirmation: "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את החשבון?"
deleted: "חשבונך נמחק בהצלחה"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ hi:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ hi:
delete: "ख हट"
delete_confirmation: "आप सिित करि आप ख हटहत ?"
deleted: " सफलतवक हटि गय"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ hr:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: Trentuno nema wiki stranica.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Nova wiki stranici
@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ hr:
delete: "Izbriši korisnički račun"
delete_confirmation: "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati korisnički račun?"
deleted: "Korisnički račun uspješno izbrisan"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Od podataka unesenih od strana korisnika (npr. e-mail, postavke, radni paketi, wiki unosi) većina će biti izbrisana. Uzmite u obzir da podaci, kao što su radni zadaci i wiki unosi ne mogu biti izrisani bez utjecaja na radne zadatke ostalih korisnika. Takvi podaci biti će dodjeljeni korisničkom računu naziva \"Izbrisan korisnik\". Kako su podaci svih izbrisanih korisnika dodjeljeni ovom korisničkom računu, zbog toga neće biti moguće razlučiti podatke koje je korisnik unio od podataka iz izbrisanog korisničkog računa."

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ hu:
page_not_editable_index: "A kért oldal (még) nem létezik. Átirányítottuk az összes wiki -oldal indexébe.\n"
no_results_title_text: Jelenleg nincsenek wiki oldalak.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Új wiki oldal hozzáadása
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ hu:
delete: "Felhasználói hozzáférés törölése"
delete_confirmation: "Biztosan törölni akarja ezt a felhasználói hozzáférést?"
deleted: "A felhasználóiiók sikeresen törölve"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "A létrehozott adatok (pl. e-mail, beállítások, munkacsomag, wiki bejegyzés) lehetőség szerint törlődnek. Azonban máshol használt adatokat, mint pl. a munkacsomagok és wiki bejegyzések, nem lehet törölni a többi felhasználó munkájának akadályozása nélkül. Az ilyen adatokat ezért áthelyezzük egy \"törölt felhasználó\" nevű fiókba. Mivel minden törölt hozzáférésnél ez a fiók tartalmazza az adatokat, nem lehet megkülönböztetni a törölt felhasználók adatainak szerzőjét egymástól."

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ id:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ id:
delete: "Hapus akun"
delete_confirmation: "Yakin Anda ingin menghapus akun?"
deleted: "Akun telah dihapus"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Data yang dibuat pengguna (seperti email, preferensi, Work Package, entri wiki) akan dihapus. Namun, data seperti Work Package dan entri wiki yang terhubung dengan pengguna lain tidak bisa dihapus. Data seperti ini akan dipindahkan ke sebuah akun bernama \"Pengguna Terhapus\". Karena data dari setiap akun terhapus dipindahkan ke akun tersebut, maka pembedaan antara data yang dibuat pengguna dengan data dari akun terhapus lainnya tidak akan bisa dilakukan."

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ it:
page_not_editable_index: La pagina richiesta non esiste (ancora). Sei stato reindirizzato all'indice di tutte le pagine wiki.
no_results_title_text: Al momento non vi sono pagine wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Aggiungi una nuova pagina wiki
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ it:
delete: "Cancella account"
delete_confirmation: "Sei davvero sicuro di voler cancellare questo account?"
deleted: "Account cancellato con successo"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "I dati creati dall'utente (ad esempio posta elettronica, preferenze, macro-attività, voci wiki) verranno eliminati completamente se possibile. Si noti, tuttavia, che alcuni tipi di dati, come ad esempio i pacchetti di lavoro e le voci wiki, non possono essere eliminati senza creare un ostacolo per il lavoro di altri utenti. La proprietà di tali dati sarà pertanto trasferita ad un account generico chiamato \"Deleted user\". Visto che i dati di tutti gli account eliminati vengono riassegnati a questo stesso account, non sarà più possibile distinguere i dati creati dall'utente dai dati di un altro account eliminato."

@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ ja:
page_not_editable_index: 要求されたページは (まだ) 存在しません。すべてのwikiページの索引にリダイレクトされました。
no_results_title_text: 現在、Wikiページはありません。
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: 新しいWikiページを追加
@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ ja:
delete: "アカウントを削除"
delete_confirmation: "アカウントを削除してもよろしいですか?"
deleted: "アカウントが正常に削除されました。"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "ユーザーが作成した殆どのデータ (例えば電子メール、設定、ワークパッケージ 、wiki記載 )が削除されます。ただし、他のユーザーの作業を妨害することがなくワークパッケージやwiki 記載のようなデータは削除することはできません。それ故に、このようなデータは「削除されたユーザー」と呼ばれるアカウントに再割り当てされます。削除された各アカウントのデータがこのアカウントに再割り当てされるので、そのユーザーが作成したデータと削除された別のユーザーのデータとを区別することができなくなります。"

@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ ko:
page_not_editable_index: 요청한 페이지가 (아직) 존재하지 않습니다. 모든 위키 페이지의 색인으로 리디렉션되었습니다.
no_results_title_text: 위키 페이지가 없습니다.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: 위키 페이지 추가
@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ ko:
delete: "계정 삭제"
delete_confirmation: "이 계정을 정말로 삭제합니까?"
deleted: "계정을 성공적으로 삭제했습니다."
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "이 사용자에 대한 데이터(예를 들어 이메일, 환경 설정, 일감, 위키 항목)를 가능한 범위까지 지울 것입니다. 다만 일감이나 위키 항목과 같은 데이터는 지워버릴 경우 다른 사용자의 작업을 방해하게 됩니다. 따라서 그러한 데이터는 \"삭제된 사용자\" 계정에 귀속됩니다. 삭제된 사용자의 작업물이 하나의 계정으로 귀속되기에, 작업물을 만든 원래 사용자가 누구인지 구분할 수 없게 됩니다."

@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ lol:
page_not_editable_index: crwdns495049:0crwdne495049:0
no_results_title_text: crwdns495051:0crwdne495051:0
print_hint: crwdns843657:0crwdne843657:0
no_results_content_text: crwdns495053:0crwdne495053:0
@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ lol:
delete: "crwdns495081:0crwdne495081:0"
delete_confirmation: "crwdns495083:0crwdne495083:0"
deleted: "crwdns495085:0crwdne495085:0"
deletion_pending: "crwdns843659:0crwdne843659:0"
other: "crwdns495087:0crwdne495087:0"

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ lt:
page_not_editable_index: Prašomas puslapis (dar) neegzistuoja. Vietoje to jus nukreipėme į visų wiki puslapių sąrašą.
no_results_title_text: Nėra wiki puslapių.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Pridėti naują wiki puslapį
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ lt:
delete: "Pašaslinti paskyrą"
delete_confirmation: "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti paskyrą?"
deleted: "Paskyrą sėkmingai ištrinta"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Naudotojo duomenys (pvz., el. paštas, nustatymai, darbo paketai, wiki įrašai) bus ištrinti kiek įmanoma. Tačiau duomenys, kaip darbo paketai, viki įrašai, negali būti ištrinti nepaveikiant kitų naudotojų darbo. Taigi, tokie duomenys priskiriami ištrinto naudotojo paskyrai „Ištrintas naudotojas“. Kadangi kiekvieno ištrinto naudotojo duomenys priskiriami tam pačiam naudotojui, nėra įmanoma išskirti atskirų ištrintojo naudotojo duomenų."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ lv:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: Pašlaik nav wiki lapu.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Pievienot jaunu wiki lapu
@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ lv:
delete: "Dzēst kontu"
delete_confirmation: "Vai tiešām vēlies dzēst kontu?"
deleted: "Konts veiksmīgi dzēsts"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ ne:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ ne:
delete: "खउन"
delete_confirmation: "क तप हटउन निित हछ?"
deleted: "सफलतवक खईय"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ nl:
page_not_editable_index: De opgevraagde pagina bestaat (nog) niet. Je bent doorverwezen naar de index van alle wiki-pagina's.
no_results_title_text: Er zijn momenteel geen wiki-pagina's.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Voeg een nieuwe wiki-pagina toe
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ nl:
delete: "Account Verwijderen"
delete_confirmation: "Weet je zeker dat je dit account wilt verwijderen?"
deleted: "Account met succes verwijderd"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Van de gegevens die de gebruiker heeft gemaakt (bijvoorbeeld e-mail, voorkeuren, werkpakketten, wiki-inzendingen) zal zoveel mogelijk worden verwijderd. Let echter op dat gegevens zoals werkpakketten en wiki-items niet kunnen worden verwijderd zonder het belemmeren van het werk van de andere gebruikers. Dergelijke gegevens worden dus opnieuw toegewezen aan een account genaamd \"Verwijderde gebruiker\". Zodra de gegevens van elk verwijderd account zijn toegewezen aan dit account, zal het niet mogelijk zijn om gegevens die de gebruiker heeft gemaakt te onderscheiden van de gegevens van een ander verwijderd account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@
delete: "Slett konto"
delete_confirmation: "Er du sikker på at du vil slette kontoen?"
deleted: "Kontoen ble slettet"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ pl:
page_not_editable_index: Żądana strona nie istnieje (jeszcze). Nastąpiło przekierowanie do indeksu wszystkich stron wiki.
no_results_title_text: Nie ma jeszcze żadnych stron Wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Dodaj nową stronę Wiki
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ pl:
delete: "Usuń konto"
delete_confirmation: "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to konto?"
deleted: "Konto usunięte pomyślnie"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Dane użytkownika (np. e-mail, preferencje, pakiety pracy, wpisy wiki) będą usunięte w miarę możliwości. Jednakże, takie dane jak Zadania i wpisy wiki nie mogą być usunięte bez wpływu na pracę pozostałych użytkowników i mogą ją utrudnić. Te dane zostaną przypisane do konta \"Użytkownik usunięty\". Wszystkie dane z usuwanego konta zostaną przypisane do tego ww. konta uniemożliwiając ich późniejszą identyfikację."

@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ pt:
page_not_editable_index: A página solicitada (ainda) não existe. Você foi redirecionado para o índice de todas as páginas wiki.
no_results_title_text: Atualmente, não há páginas wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Adicionar uma nova página wiki
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ pt:
delete: "Excluir conta"
delete_confirmation: "Tem certeza que deseja excluir a conta?"
deleted: "Conta excluída com sucesso"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Os dados que o usuário criou (ex.: e-mail, preferências, pacotes de trabalho, páginas wiki) serão excluídos na medida do possível. Note, porém, que dados como pacotes de trabalho e páginas wiki não podem ser excluídos sem impactar o trabalho dos demais usuários. Estes dados serão reatribuídos a uma conta chamada \"Usuário excluído\". Como os dados de todas as contas excluídas serão reatribuídos a esta conta, não será possível distinguir os dados que o usuário criou dos dados de outra conta excluída."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ ro:
page_not_editable_index: Pagina solicitată nu există (încă). Ați fost redirecționat către indexul tuturor paginilor wiki.
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există pagini wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Adăugare pagină wiki nouă
@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ ro:
delete: "Ştergere cont"
delete_confirmation: "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să ştergeţi contul?"
deleted: "Contul a fost șters cu succes"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Vor fi șterse cât mai multe din datele create de utilizator (e.g. email, preferințe, pachete de lucru, contribuții wiki). De reținut, totuși, că date precum pachete de lucru și contribuții wiki nu pot fi șterse fără a afecta activitatea altor utilizatori. Prin urmare, astfel de date sunt realocate la un cont numit \"Utilizator șters\". Deoarece datele fiecărui cont șters sunt realocate acestui cont, nu va mai fi posibil să se facă distincția între datele create de utilizator și datele altui cont șters."

@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ ru:
page_not_editable_index: Запрошенная страница (пока) не существует. Вы были перенаправлены на индекс всех вики-страниц.
no_results_title_text: На данный момент wiki-страницы отсутствуют.
print_hint: Это позволит печатать содержимое этой страницы вики без каких-либо навигационных баров.
no_results_content_text: Добавить новую wiki-страницу
@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ ru:
delete: "Удалить учётную запись"
delete_confirmation: "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить учетную запись?"
deleted: "Учетная запись успешно удалена"
deletion_pending: "Учетная запись была заблокирована и была запланирована к удалению. Заметьте, что этот процесс происходит в фоновом режиме. Это может занять несколько минут, пока пользователь не будет полностью удален."
other: "Данные, созданные пользователем (адрес электронной почты, предпочтения, пакеты работ, wiki-записи) полностью не удаляются. Рабочие пакеты, wiki-записи и пр. могут влиять на работы других пользователей, поэтому такие данные не удаляются, а закрепляются за другой, специальной учетной записью, именуемой «Удаленный пользователь». После такого переназначения определить кому принадлежали эти данные ранее становиться невозможно."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ rw:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ rw:
delete: "Delete account"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the account?"
deleted: "Account successfully deleted"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ si:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: නට වත.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: නව වවක එක කරන
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ si:
delete: "ගම මකනන"
delete_confirmation: "ඔබට ගම මකමට අවශය බව ඔබට වසද?"
deleted: "ම සථකව මක දමන ලද"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "පරලකයණය කරන ලද දතත (උද: ඊම, මනපයන, වඩ පජ, ව ඇතළත) හ මක ඇත. කතත, අන පරලකයයයට බකර වඩ පජ සහ ව ඇතළත දතත මකය න බව සලකනන. එබ එව දතත “මක පරලකය” නමමකට නවත පවරන. මකම ගමකම දතත මම ගමට නවත පවරන බ පරලකයනත මකමක දතත වලණය කළ දතත වකර හඳමට න වන ඇත."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ sk:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: Momentálne neexistujú žiadne stránky wiki.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Pridať novú stránku wiki
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ sk:
delete: "Vymazať účet"
delete_confirmation: "Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať daný účet?"
deleted: "Účet bol úspešne vymazaný"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Dáta, ktoré daný používateľ vytvoril (čiže e-mail, nastavenia, pracovné balíčky, wiki stránky a pod.), budú odstránené do takej miery, do akej to bude možné. Pamätajte však, že pracovné balíčky a wiki stránky nemôžu byť odstránené bez skomplikovania prác ostatných používateľov. Takéto dáta budú preto preradené na účet nazvaný \"Odstránený používateľ\". Keďže dáta všetkých odstránených účtov sú automaticky priraďované na uvedený účet, nebude možné rozlíšiť dáta tohto používateľa od dát ostatných už odstránených používateľov."

@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ sl:
page_not_editable_index: Ta stran (še) ne obstaja. Preusmerjeni ste bili na kazalo vseh wiki strani.
no_results_title_text: Trenutno ni wiki strani
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Dodaj novo stran
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ sl:
delete: "Izbriši račun"
delete_confirmation: "Ali ste prepričani da želite izbrisati ia račun ?"
deleted: "Vaš račun je bil uspešno izbrisan"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Iz podatkov, ki jih je uporabnik ustvaril (npr. E-pošta, nastavitve, delovni paketi, vnosi v wiki), bodo v največji možni meri izbrisani. Upoštevajte pa, da podatkov, kot so delovni paketi in vnosi v wiki, ni mogoče izbrisati, ne da bi ovirali delo drugih uporabnikov. Takšni podatki so torej dodeljeni računu z imenom \"Izbrisani uporabnik\". Ker so podatki vsakega izbrisanega računa dodeljeni temu računu, podatkov, ki jih je uporabnik ustvaril, ne bo mogoče ločiti od podatkov drugega izbrisanega računa."

@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ sv:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: Det finns för närvarande inga wiki-sidor.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Lägg till en ny wiki-sida
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ sv:
delete: "Ta bort konto"
delete_confirmation: "Är du säker du vill ta bort kontot?"
deleted: "Kontot har tagits bort"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Det mesta av informationen som användaren skapat (t.ex. e-post och inställningar) kommer att raderas. Information som exempelvis arbetspaket och wiki-poster kan dock inte raderas eftersom detta skulle påverka andra användares arbete, så detta kommer istället att tilldelas ett konto som heter \"Raderad användare\". Eftersom information från alla raderade konton överförs till detta konto kommer det inte längre vara möjligt att se vem som skapat vad."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ th:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: ขณะนงไมหนาวใดๆ
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: เพมหนาวใหม
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ th:
delete: "ลบบญชใช"
delete_confirmation: "คณแนใจหรอไมาจะลบบญชใช ?"
deleted: "ลบบญชใชเรยบรอยแล"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ tr:
page_not_editable_index: İstenen sayfa mevcut değil (henüz). Tüm wiki sayfalarının dizinine yönlendirildiniz.
no_results_title_text: Şu anda wiki sayfası bulunmuyor.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Yeni wiki sayfası Ekle
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ tr:
delete: "Hesabı sil"
delete_confirmation: "Hesabını silmek istediğinden emin misin?"
deleted: "Hesap başarıyla silindi"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Kullanıcının oluşturduğu (ör. E-posta, tercihler, iş paketleri, wiki girdileri) mümkün olduğunca silinen verilerden. Bununla birlikte, iş paketleri ve wiki girdileri gibi veriler, diğer kullanıcıların çalışmalarını engellemeden silinemez. Bu tür veriler, \"Silinmiş kullanıcı\" adı verilen bir hesaba yeniden atanır. Her silinen hesabın verileri bu hesaba yeniden atandığından, kullanıcının oluşturduğu verileri başka bir silinen hesabın verilerinden ayırt etmek mümkün olmayacaktır."

@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ uk:
page_not_editable_index: Запитувана сторінка не існує (поки що). Вас було переспрямовано до індексу всіх вікі-сторінок.
no_results_title_text: Наразі немає wiki-сторінок.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Додати нову wiki-сторінку
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ uk:
delete: "Видалити обліковий запис"
delete_confirmation: "Ви дійсно бажаєте видалити цей обліковий запис?"
deleted: "Обліковий запис успішно видалений"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "З даних, створених користувачем (наприклад, електронною поштою, налаштуваннями, робочими пакетами, вікі-записами), буде максимально вилучено. Зауважте, що дані, такі як робочі пакети та записи вікі, не можуть бути видалені без перешкод роботі інших користувачів. Таким чином, такі дані перепризначено до облікового запису, який називається \"Видалений користувач\". Оскільки дані кожного видаленого облікового запису перепризначені для цього облікового запису, неможливо буде розрізняти дані, створені користувачем, з даних іншого видаленого облікового запису."

@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ vi:
page_not_editable_index: The requested page does not (yet) exist. You have been redirected to the index of all wiki pages.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: Thêm một trang wiki mới
@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ vi:
delete: "Xoá tài khoản"
delete_confirmation: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xoá tài khoản chứ?"
deleted: "Tài khoản được xoá thành công"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ zh-TW:
page_not_editable_index: 本頁不存在,重新導至wiki目錄頁。
no_results_title_text: 目前沒有 wiki 頁面
print_hint: This will print the content of this wiki page without any navigation bars.
no_results_content_text: 新增一個 wiki 頁面
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ zh-TW:
delete: "刪除帳號"
delete_confirmation: "您確定要刪除這個帳號嗎?"
deleted: "成功刪除帳號"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "您創建的資料 (例如電子郵件、 我的最愛、 工作項目,維基條目) 一樣可能會被刪除。但是請注意像工作項目和維基條目的資料刪除可能導致阻礙其他使用者的工作。這種資料因此重新分配到稱為\"刪除使用者\"的帳戶。由每筆被刪除而分配到這帳戶將不可能再從刪除帳戶中分配資料給你創建。"

@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ en:
delete: "Delete account"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the account?"
deleted: "Account successfully deleted"
deletion_pending: "Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion. Note that this process takes place in the background. It might take a few moments until the user is fully deleted."
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
description: |-
The schema provides more detailed information about the properties of a resource.
The schema is represented by a dictionary containing names of resource properties as keys
and objects describing the corresponding property as values.
These objects are called **field schema** and form the core of the schema representation,
each of them can contain its own `_links` and `_embedded` section.
The schema provides detailed information about the properties of a resource.
The schema is represented by a dictionary where keys are names of resource properties and values are
objects describing the corresponding property.
These objects are called **field schema** and form the core of the schema representation.
Each of them can contain its own `_links` and `_embedded` section.
## Linked Properties
@ -41,16 +43,17 @@ description: |-
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
|:-----------------:| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------- |
| type | The data type of the property | MetaType | |
| name | Human readable name of the property as it could be displayed in a UI | String | |
| type | The data type of the properties values | MetaType | |
| required | If true this property is not nullable | Boolean | true |
| hasDefault | If true this property will have a default value if none is provided | Boolean | false |
| writable | If false it is not allowed to **change** the property value | Boolean | true |
| minLength | The value of the property must at least contain the specified amount of characters | Integer | 0 |
| maxLength | The value of the property must at most contain the specified amount of characters | Integer | ∞ |
| regularExpression | The value of the property must match the given regular expression (if not null) | String | null |
| required | If true this property is not nullable | Boolean | true |
| writable | If false it is not allowed to **change** the properties value | Boolean | true |
| location | If present, contains a reference to the location of the property in the JSON | String | |
| description | If present, contains a formattable, human readable description | Formattable | |
| deprecated | If present, the client should consider the existence of the property depreacated | Boolean | false |
| location | If present, contains a reference to the location of the property in the JSON | String | null |
| description | If present, contains a formattable, human readable description | Formattable | null |
| deprecated | If present, the client should consider the existence of the property deprecated | Boolean | false |
All of the above properties that do not have a default value *must* be present in the schema.
For properties that have a default value, the client can assume the default value, if the property is missing.
@ -59,15 +62,28 @@ description: |-
### Location property
The location property gives a hint as to where to find the property if it is not contained in the set of local attributes.
For example, for linked properties, the location attribute of the schema will contain `_links`. The property will then be found in the resource
under the path `_links.propertyName`.
The location property gives a hint as to where to find the resource property:
* when not set, it is in the resource top level attributes;
* when set to `_links`, it is under the path `_links.propertyName`;
* when set to `_meta`, it is under the path `_meta.propertyName`.
For the default attributes to be added on the top level of the resource, the location attribute will not be set.
For example, for a work package schema, the field schema of the `user` property has a location
property set to `_links`. This means that the `user` property will be found under the path
`_links.user` of the json payload of the work package resource.
# Schema Dependencies
A SchemaDependency describes the dependencies between a value chosen for a resource's property and the resource's structure. By that, additional properties or changes in a property are described. A SchemaDependency will never describe a property to disappear, only to appear. As such it always provides additional information. For a property that is depending on another propertie's value, this can result in not being listed in the resource's schema itself at all. This will be the case if the existence of the a property as a whole will be dependent. If only one of the aspects (e.g. *writable*) of the property changes with the selected value, the property itself will already be listed in the schema, but it will lack the dependent aspect.
A `SchemaDependency` describes the dependencies between a value chosen for a resource's property
and the resource's structure. By that, additional properties or changes in a property are
A `SchemaDependency` will never describe a property to disappear, only to appear. As such it
always provides additional information. For a property that is depending on another property's
value, this can result in not being listed in the resource's schema itself at all. This will be
the case if the existence of the property as a whole will be dependent. If only one of the aspects
(e.g. *writable*) of the property changes with the selected value, the property itself will
already be listed in the schema, but it will lack the dependent aspect.
Given that SchemaDependencies will only add information, and the content type of JSON, a client should be able to join the two objects, the schema and the dependency, into one object easily.
@ -141,11 +157,13 @@ description: |-
Given the example above, the client has to add the property `loremIpsum` to the schema if the depending property is `1`, `2` or `3`.
If it is `4` the property does not exist.
The property will not be writable if the value is `3`.
The values allowed to be set differ between having `1` or `2` selected for the depending property.
Given the example above:
* If the depending property is `1`, `2` or `3`:
* The client must set the property `loremIpsum`, because of `"required": true` for all three field schemas
* When the depending property is `1` or `2`, the values allowed to be set for `loremIpsum` property differ
* When the depending property is `3`, the `loremIpsum` property will not be writable
* If the depending property is `4`, the `loremIpsum` property does not exist
Because of the limitation of JSON objects, all keys will be strings, even when the depending value is actually something different (e.g. Integer, Date).
This is also true for resources in which case the url of the resource is used as the key.
This is also true for resources where the resource url is used as the key.
name: Schemas

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Working days
priority: 6790
priority: 770
description: Define which days of the week are considered working days for scheduling and calculation of duration
keywords: working non-working days work week

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module OpenProject
# Add current user and other stateful tags to appsignal
# @param context A hash of context, such as passing in the current controller or request
def tag_request(context)
def tag_request(context = {})
return unless enabled?
payload = tags(context)

@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ ne:
group_name_attribute_text: 'Enter the attribute of the LDAP group used for setting the OpenProject group name.'
filter_string_text: 'Enter the RFC4515 LDAP filter that returns groups in your LDAP to synchronize with OpenProject.'
base_dn_text: >
Enter the search base DN to use for this filter. It needs to be below the base DN of the selected LDAP connection.
Leave this option empty to reuse the base DN of the connection
Enter the search base DN to use for this filter. It needs to be below the base DN of the selected LDAP connection. Leave this option empty to reuse the base DN of the connection
add_new: 'Add synchronized LDAP group'

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ describe UsersController, type: :controller do
expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: 'account', action: 'login')
it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(I18n.t('account.deleted')) }
it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(I18n.t('account.deletion_pending')) }
describe "WHEN the current user is the requested one
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ describe UsersController, type: :controller do
expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: 'users', action: 'index')
it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(I18n.t('account.deleted')) }
it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(I18n.t('account.deletion_pending')) }
describe "WHEN the current user is the admin

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ describe 'user deletion:', type: :feature, js: true do
dialog.confirm_flow_with user_password
expect(page).to have_content 'Account successfully deleted'
expect(page).to have_content 'Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion'
expect(page).to have_current_path '/login'
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ describe 'user deletion:', type: :feature, js: true do
dialog.confirm_flow_with user_password, should_fail: false
expect(page).to have_content 'Account successfully deleted'
expect(page).to have_content 'Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion'
expect(page).to have_current_path '/users'
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ describe 'user deletion:', type: :feature, js: true do
dialog.confirm_flow_with user_password, with_keyboard: true, should_fail: false
expect(page).to have_content 'Account successfully deleted'
expect(page).to have_content 'Account has been locked and was scheduled for deletion'
expect(page).to have_current_path '/users'
