@ -253,20 +253,6 @@ Given /^the [pP]roject(?: "([^\"]*)")? has the following impediments:$/ do |proj |
end |
end |
Given /^I have selected card label stock (.+)$/ do |stock| |
settings = Setting.plugin_openproject_backlogs |
settings['card_spec'] = stock |
Setting.plugin_openproject_backlogs = settings |
# If this goes wrong, you are probably missing |
# openproject_backlogs/config/labels.yml |
# Run |
# rake openproject:backlogs:default_labels |
# to get the ones, shipped with the plugin or |
# rake openproject:backlogs:current_labels |
# to get current one, downloaded from the internet. |
end |
Given /^I have set my API access key$/ do |
Setting[:rest_api_enabled] = 1 |
User.current.reload |