@ -240,5 +240,5 @@ Then /^there should not be a saving error on task "(.+?)"$/ do |task_name|
Then/^I should be notified that the issue "(.+?)" is an invalid parent to the issue "(.+?)" because of cross project limitations$/do|parent_name,child_name|
step%Q{I should see "#{I18n.t(:field_parent_issue)} is invalid because the issue '#{child_name}' is a backlogs task and as such can not have the backlogs story '#{parent_name}' as it´s parent as long as the story is in a different project" within "#errorExplanation"}
step%Q{I should see "#{Issue.human_attribute_name(:parent_issue)} is invalid because the issue '#{child_name}' is a backlogs task and as such can not have the backlogs story '#{parent_name}' as it´s parent as long as the story is in a different project" within "#errorExplanation"}