@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ try 'bundle exec rake openproject:plugins:register_frontend >> log/setup_dev.log |
echo "Exporting frontend locale files" |
try 'bundle exec rake i18n:js:export >> log/setup_dev.log' |
echo "Setting up git hooks" |
try 'bundle exec lefthook install' |
echo "---------------------------------------" |
echo "Done. Now start the following services" |
echo '- Rails server `RAILS_ENV=development bin/rails server`' |
@ -36,3 +33,9 @@ echo '- Angular CLI: `npm run serve`' |
echo '- Delayed Job worker: `RAILS_ENV=development bin/rails jobs:work`' |
echo "" |
echo 'You can also run `foreman start -f Procfile.dev` to run all the above on a single terminal.' |
echo "" |
echo 'Setting up git hooks' |
echo 'If you want to have commit hooks for rubocop and eslint errors, you can install lefthook like so:' |
echo '`bundle exec lefthook install`' |