@ -28,273 +28,26 @@
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
require 'optparse'
require 'find'
require 'etc'
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
warn << - EOS
[ DEPRECATION ] The functionality provided by reposman . rb has been integrated into OpenProject .
Please remove any existing cronjobs that still use this script .
Version = " 1.4 "
SUPPORTED_SCM = %w( Subversion Git )
You can create repositories explicitly on the filesystem using managed repositories .
Enable managed repositories for each SCM vendor individually using the templates
defined in configuration . yml .
$verbose = 0
$quiet = false
$openproject_host = ''
$repos_base = ''
$svn_owner = 'root'
$svn_group = 'root'
$public_mode = '0775'
$private_mode = '0770'
$use_groupid = true
$svn_url = false
$test = false
$force = false
$scm = 'Subversion'
If you want to convert existing repositories previously created ( by reposman . rb or manually )
into managed repositories , use the following command :
def log ( text , options = { } )
level = options [ :level ] || 0
puts text unless $quiet or level > $verbose
exit 1 if options [ :exit ]
$ bundle exec rake scm : migrate : managed [ URL prefix ( , URL prefix , ... ) ]
Where URL prefix denotes a common prefix of repositories whose status should be upgraded to :managed .
Example :
def system_or_raise ( command )
raise " \" #{ command } \" failed " unless system command
If you have executed reposman . rb with the following parameters :
module SCM
$ reposman . rb [ ... ] - - svn - dir " /opt/svn " - - url " file:///opt/svn "
module Subversion
def self . create ( path )
system_or_raise " svnadmin create #{ path } "
module Git
def self . create ( path )
Dir . mkdir path
Dir . chdir ( path ) do
system_or_raise " git --bare init --shared "
system_or_raise " git update-server-info "
OptionParser . new do | opts |
opts . banner = " Usage: reposman.rb [OPTIONS...] -s [DIR] -r [HOST] "
opts . separator ( " " )
opts . separator ( " Manages your repositories with OpenProject. " )
opts . separator ( " " )
opts . separator ( " Required arguments: " )
opts . on ( " -s " , " --svn-dir DIR " , " use DIR as base directory for svn repositories " ) { | v | $repos_base = v }
opts . on ( " -r " , " --openproject-host HOST " , " assume OpenProject is hosted on HOST. Examples: " ,
" -r openproject.example.net " ,
" -r http://openproject.example.net " ,
" -r https://openproject.example.net " ) { | v | $openproject_host = v }
opts . on ( '' , " --redmine-host HOST " , " DEPRECATED: please use --openproject-host instead " ) { | v | $openproject_host = v }
opts . on ( " -k " , " --key KEY " , " use KEY as the OpenProject API key " ) { | v | $api_key = v }
opts . separator ( " " )
opts . separator ( " Options: " )
opts . on ( " -o " , " --owner OWNER " , " owner of the repository. using the rails login " ,
" allows users to browse the repository within " ,
" OpenProject even for private projects. If you want to " ,
" share repositories through OpenProject.pm, you need " ,
" to use the apache owner. " ) { | v | $svn_owner = v ; $use_groupid = false }
opts . on ( " -g " , " --group GROUP " , " group of the repository (default: root) " ) { | v | $svn_group = v ; $use_groupid = false }
opts . on ( " --public-mode MODE " , " file mode for new public repositories (default: 0775) " ) { | v | $public_mode = v }
opts . on ( " --private-mode MODE " , " file mode for new private repositories (default: 0770) " ) { | v | $private_mode = v }
opts . on ( " --scm SCM " , " the kind of SCM repository you want to create " ,
" (and register) in OpenProject (default: Subversion). " ,
" reposman is able to create Git and Subversion " ,
" repositories. " ,
" For all other kind, you must specify a --command " ,
" option " ) { | v | v . capitalize ; log ( " Invalid SCM: #{ v } " , :exit = > true ) unless SUPPORTED_SCM . include? ( v ) }
opts . on ( " -u " , " --url URL " , " the base url OpenProject will use to access your " ,
" repositories. This option is used to automatically " ,
" register the repositories in OpenProject. The project " ,
" identifier will be appended to this url. " ,
" Examples: " ,
" -u https://example.net/svn " ,
" -u file:///var/svn/ " ,
" if this option isn't set, reposman won't register " ,
" the repositories in OpenProject " ) { | v | $svn_url = v }
opts . on ( " -c " , " --command COMMAND " , " use this command instead of 'svnadmin create' to " ,
" create a repository. This option can be used to " ,
" create repositories other than subversion and git " ,
" kind. " ,
" This command override the default creation for git " ,
" and subversion. " ) { | v | $command = v }
opts . on ( " -f " , " --force " , " force repository creation even if the project " ,
" repository is already declared in OpenProject " ) { $force = true }
opts . on ( " -t " , " --test " , " only show what should be done " ) { $test = true }
opts . on ( " -h " , " --help " , " show help and exit " ) { puts opts ; exit 1 }
opts . on ( " -v " , " --verbose " , " verbose " ) { $verbose += 1 }
opts . on ( " -V " , " --version " , " print version and exit " ) { puts Version ; exit }
opts . on ( " -q " , " --quiet " , " no log " ) { $quiet = true }
opts . separator ( " " )
opts . separator ( " Examples: " )
opts . separator ( " reposman.rb --svn-dir=/var/svn --openproject-host=openproject.example.net --scm Subversion " )
opts . separator ( " reposman.rb -s /var/git -r openproject.example.net -u http://svn.example.net --scm Git " )
opts . separator ( " " )
opts . separator ( " You might find more information on the OpenProject's help site: \n https://www.openproject.org/help " )
end . parse!
if $test
log ( " running in test mode " )
# Make sure command is overridden if SCM vendor is not handled internally (for the moment Subversion and Git)
if $command . nil?
scm_module = SCM . const_get ( $scm )
log ( " Please use --command option to specify how to create a #{ $scm } repository. " , :exit = > true )
$svn_url += " / " if $svn_url and not $svn_url . match ( / \/ $ / )
if ( $openproject_host . empty? or $repos_base . empty? )
puts " Required argument missing. Type 'reposman.rb --help' for usage. "
exit 1
unless File . directory? ( $repos_base )
log ( " directory ' #{ $repos_base } ' doesn't exists " , :exit = > true )
log ( " querying OpenProject for projects... " , :level = > 1 ) ;
$openproject_host . gsub! ( / ^ / , " http:// " ) unless $openproject_host . match ( " ^https?:// " )
$openproject_host . gsub! ( / \/ $ / , '' )
api_uri = URI . parse ( " #{ $openproject_host } /sys " )
http = Net :: HTTP . new ( api_uri . host , api_uri . port )
http . use_ssl = ( api_uri . scheme == 'https' )
http_headers = { 'User-Agent' = > " OpenProject-Repository-Manager/ #{ Version } " }
# Get all active projects that have the Repository module enabled
response = http . get ( " #{ api_uri . path } /projects.json?key= #{ $api_key } " , http_headers )
projects = JSON . parse ( response . body )
rescue = > e
log ( " Unable to connect to #{ $openproject_host } : #{ e } " , :exit = > true )
if projects . nil?
log ( 'no project found, perhaps you forgot to "Enable WS for repository management"' , :exit = > true )
log ( " retrieved #{ projects . size } projects " , :level = > 1 )
def set_owner_and_rights ( project , repos_path , & block )
if mswin?
yield if block_given?
uid , gid = Etc . getpwnam ( $svn_owner ) . uid , ( $use_groupid ? Etc . getgrnam ( project [ 'identifier' ] ) . gid : Etc . getgrnam ( $svn_group ) . gid )
right = project [ 'is_public' ] ? $public_mode : $private_mode
right = right . to_i ( 8 ) & 007777
yield if block_given?
Find . find ( repos_path ) do | f |
File . chmod right , f
File . chown uid , gid , f
def other_read_right? ( file )
! ( File . stat ( file ) . mode & 0007 ) . zero?
def owner_name ( file )
mswin? ?
$svn_owner :
Etc . getpwuid ( File . stat ( file ) . uid ) . name
def mswin?
( RUBY_PLATFORM =~ / (:?mswin|mingw) / ) || ( RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' && ( ENV [ 'OS' ] || ENV [ 'os' ] ) =~ / windows /i )
projects . each do | project |
log ( " treating project #{ project [ 'name' ] } " , :level = > 1 )
if project [ 'identifier' ] . empty?
log ( " \t no identifier for project #{ project [ 'name' ] } " )
elsif not project [ 'identifier' ] . match ( / ^[a-z0-9 \ -_]+$ / )
log ( " \t invalid identifier for project #{ project [ 'name' ] } : #{ project [ 'identifier' ] } " ) ;
next ;
repos_path = File . join ( $repos_base , project [ 'identifier' ] ) . gsub ( File :: SEPARATOR , File :: ALT_SEPARATOR || File :: SEPARATOR )
if File . directory? ( repos_path )
# we must verify that repository has the good owner and the good
# rights before leaving
other_read = other_read_right? ( repos_path )
owner = owner_name ( repos_path )
next if project [ 'is_public' ] == other_read and owner == $svn_owner
if $test
log ( " \t change mode on #{ repos_path } " )
set_owner_and_rights ( project , repos_path )
rescue Errno :: EPERM = > e
log ( " \t unable to change mode on #{ repos_path } : #{ e } \n " )
log ( " \t mode change on #{ repos_path } " ) ;
# if repository is already declared in openproject, we don't create
# unless user use -f with reposman
if $force == false and project . has_key? ( 'repository' )
log ( " \t repository for project #{ project [ 'identifier' ] } already exists in OpenProject " , :level = > 1 )
project [ 'is_public' ] ? File . umask ( 0002 ) : File . umask ( 0007 )
if $test
log ( " \t create repository #{ repos_path } " )
log ( " \t repository #{ repos_path } registered in OpenProject with url #{ $svn_url } #{ project [ 'identifier' ] } " ) if $svn_url ;
set_owner_and_rights ( project , repos_path ) do
if scm_module . nil?
system_or_raise " #{ $command } #{ repos_path } "
scm_module . create ( repos_path )
rescue = > e
log ( " \t unable to create #{ repos_path } : #{ e } \n " )
if $svn_url
http . post ( " #{ api_uri . path } /projects/ #{ project [ 'identifier' ] } /repository.json? " +
" vendor= #{ $scm } &repository[url]= #{ $svn_url } #{ project [ 'identifier' ] } &key= #{ $api_key } " ,
" " , # empty data
http_headers )
log ( " \t repository #{ repos_path } registered in OpenProject with url #{ $svn_url } #{ project [ 'identifier' ] } " ) ;
rescue = > e
log ( " \t repository #{ repos_path } not registered in OpenProject: #{ e . message } " ) ;
log ( " \t repository #{ repos_path } created " ) ;
Then you can pass a URL prefix of 'file:///opt/svn' and the rake task will migrate all repositories
matching this prefix to :managed .
You may pass more than one URL prefix to the task .