Andrei 10 years ago
parent be911d4825
commit d05a462ab7
  1. 164

@ -14,140 +14,9 @@ html
/* Highlight.js Theme Tomorrow */
.hljs-comment,.hljs-title{color:#8e908c}.hljs-variable,.hljs-attribute,.hljs-tag,.hljs-regexp,.ruby .hljs-constant,.xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,.xml .hljs-pi,.xml .hljs-doctype,.html .hljs-doctype,.css .hljs-id,.css .hljs-class,.css .hljs-pseudo{color:#c82829}.hljs-number,.hljs-preprocessor,.hljs-pragma,.hljs-built_in,.hljs-literal,.hljs-params,.hljs-constant{color:#f5871f}.ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,.css .hljs-rules .hljs-attribute{color:#eab700}.hljs-string,.hljs-value,.hljs-inheritance,.hljs-header,.ruby .hljs-symbol,.xml .hljs-cdata{color:#718c00}.css .hljs-hexcolor{color:#3e999f}.hljs-function,.python .hljs-decorator,.python .hljs-title,.ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,.ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,.perl .hljs-sub,.javascript .hljs-title,.coffeescript .hljs-title{color:#4271ae}.hljs-keyword,.javascript .hljs-function{color:#8959a8}.hljs{display:block;background:white;color:#4d4d4c;padding:.5em}.coffeescript .javascript,.javascript .xml,.tex .hljs-formula,.xml .javascript,.xml .vbscript,.xml .css,.xml .hljs-cdata{opacity:.5}
// :stylus
// body, h4, h5
// font-family 'Roboto' sans-serif !important
// h1, h2, h3, .aglio
// font-family 'Raleway' sans-serif !important
// h1, h2, h3, h4, h5
// & a
// display none
// &:hover a
// display inline
// code
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// a[data-target]
// cursor pointer
// h4
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// text-transform uppercase
// .back-to-top
// position fixed
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// .panel-heading
// code
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// white-space -moz-pre-wrap
// white-space -pre-wrap
// white-space -o-pre-wrap
// word-wrap break-word
// h3
// margin-top 10px
// margin-bottom 10px
// a.list-group-item:hover
// background-color #F8F8F8
// border-left 2px solid #555
// padding-left 15px
// .indent
// display block
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// .list-group-item
// padding-left 16px
// .toggle
// .open
// display block
// .closed
// display none
// .list-group-item.collapsed
// .toggle
// .open
// display none
// .closed
// display block
// a.list-group-item
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// overflow hidden
// &.heading
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// &:hover
// background-color #F8F8F8
// .list-group-item.collapse
// display none
// display block
// .list-group-item
// a
// span.closed
// display none
// display block
// .list-group-item
// a.collapsed
// span.closed
// display block
// display none
// #nav
// width: inherit
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// padding-bottom 12px
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// @media(max-width: 1199px)
// #nav
// max-width 212px
// i.fa.fa-toggle-up
// |  Back to top
div(class=fullWidth ? 'container-fluid' : 'container')
block nav
@ -157,34 +26,3 @@ html
block content
+Content('primary', false)
//p.text-muted(style="text-align: center;")
// | Generated by 
// a.aglio(href="") aglio
// |  on #{date().format('DD MMM YYYY')}
//#localFile(style="display: none; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; color: white; background: red; font-size: 150%; text-align: center; padding: 1em;").
// This page may not display correctly when opened as a local file. Instead, view it from a web server.
//if livePreview
// script(src="/")
// :coffee
// # Show a warning when viewed as a local file, which will break the
// # links above that start with `//`.
// if location.protocol is 'file:'
// document.getElementById('localFile').style.display = 'block';
//block scripts
// script
// :coffee
// $('table').addClass 'table'
// if livePreview
// script
// :coffee
// socket = io()
// socket.on "refresh", (msg) ->
// $(document.body).html(msg)
