update locales from crowdin

CI 7 years ago
parent 14ccf647e8
commit eb63a32d2d
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@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Kennung'
default: 'Als Standard festlegen'
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
default_already_exists: 'ist bereits für ein anderes OTP-Gerät gesetzt.'
error_phone_number_format: "muss im Format +XX XXXXXXXXX sein"
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA-Gerät"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Mobiltelefon"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Authenticator App"
error_2fa_disabled: "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ist deaktiviert."
error_no_device: "Kein registriertes 2FA-Gerät für diesen Nutzer gefunden, obwohl Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung für diese Instanz erforderlich ist."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Keine passende 2FA-Zustellungsmechanismus für diesen Nutzer. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Konfigurationsfehler: Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung wird erzwungen, aber keine aktive Strategie wurde konfiguriert.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Ungültiger 2FA Backup-Code'
channel_unavailable: "Die Zustellung über %{channel} ist nicht verfügbar."
no_valid_phone_number: "Keine gültige Telefonnummer vorhanden."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Kennwort"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Sie müssen Ihr Kennwort eingeben, um diese Änderungen zu bestätigen."
label_device_type: "2FA-Gerätetyp"
label_default_device: "Standardgerät für 2FA"
label_device: "2FA-Gerät"
label_devices: "2FA-Geräte"
label_one_time_password: 'Passwort zur einmaligen Verwendung'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ist aktiviert'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ist nicht aktiviert'
text_enter_2fa: 'Bitte geben Sie das Einmalpasswort von Ihrem 2FA-Gerät ein.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Bei jedem Login werden Sie aufgefordert, ein Einmalpasswort aus Ihrem Standardgerät für 2FA einzugeben.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Um die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung zu aktivieren, registrieren Sie ein 2FA-Gerät über die obige Schaltfläche. Wenn Sie bereits ein Gerät registriert haben, müssen Sie es noch als Standardgerät festlegen.'
enter_backup_code_title: 2FA Backup-Code eingeben
enter_backup_code_text: Bitte geben Sie einen 2FA Backup-Code von der zuvor gespeicherten Liste ein, falls Sie keinen Zugang zu Ihrem 2FA-Geräten mehr haben.
other_device: 'Verwenden Sie ein anderes 2FA-Gerät oder Backup-Code'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Bitte besuchen Sie %{self_edit_link} zum hinzufügen oder bearbeiten Ihrer eigenen 2FA-Geräte'
self_edit_link_name: 'Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung auf Ihrer Kontoseite'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Sie können ihre eigenen 2FA-Geräte nicht auf diese Weise bearbeiten. Gehen sie hierfür auf die Seite Mein Account > Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Kein 2FA-Gerät für diesen Nutzer registriert.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Alle 2FA-Geräte dieses Benutzers wurden entfernt'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle 2FA-Geräte dieses Nutzers entfernen möchten?'
button_delete_all_devices: '2FA-Gerät entfernen'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Mobiltelefon registrieren'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Bei jedem Login werden dieser Nutzer aufgefordert, ein Einmalpasswort aus seinem Standardgerät für 2FA einzugeben.'
text_2fa_disabled: "Der Nutzer hat kein 2FA-Gerät über seine Kontoseite registriert"
none_found: Keine 2FA Backup-Codes für dieses Konto gefunden.
singular: 2FA Backup-Code
plural: 2FA Backup-Codes
your_codes: für Ihr Konto %{login} an %{app_name}
overview_description: |
Wenn Sie auf Ihre registrierten 2FA-Geräte nicht zugreifen können, erhalten Sie über die Eingabe eines 2FA Backup-Codes Zugang zu Ihrem Account.
title: 2FA Backup-Codes generieren
keep_safe_as_password: 'Wichtig! Behandeln Sie diese Codes wie ein Passwort.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Speichern Sie diese entweder in Ihrem Passwortmanager, oder legen Sie einen Ausdruck dieser Seite an einen sicheren Ort.'
regenerate_warning: 'Warnung: Wenn Sie bereits 2FA Backup-Codes erstellt haben, werden diese ungültig und können nicht mehr eingesetzt werden.'
add_new: 'Neues 2FA-Gerät hinzufügen'
register: '2FA-Gerät registrieren'
confirm_default: 'Wechsel des Standardgerätes bestätigen'
confirm_device: 'Gerät bestätigen'
confirm_now: 'Nicht bestätigt, hier klicken zum aktivieren'
cannot_delete_default: 'Standardgerät kann nicht entfernt werden'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses 2FA-Gerät zum Standardgerät machen möchten?'
make_default_failed: 'Fehler beim Setzen des 2FA-Standardgerätes.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses 2FA-Gerät wirklich löschen möchten?'
registration_complete: 'Registrierung Ihres 2FA-Gerät abgeschlossen!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'Registrierung Ihres 2FA-Gerät fehlgeschlagen, da das Einmalpasswort ungültig ist.'
registration_failed_update: 'Registrierung Ihres 2FA-Gerät abgeschlossen, weil das Gerät nicht aktualisiert werden konnte.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Registrierung Ihres 2FA-Gerät fehlgeschlagen.'
button_complete_registration: 'Registrierung Ihres 2FA-Gerät abschließen'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Bitte bestätigen Sie den Wechsel des Standardgerätes auf <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> durch die Eingabe des Einmalpasswortes auf ihrem aktuellen Standardgerät."
text_identifier: 'Mit diesem Freitextfeld können Sie Ihrem 2FA-Gerät einen eigene Bezeichnung geben.'
failed_to_delete: 'Fehler beim Entfernen des 2FA-Gerätes.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Dieses 2FA-Gerät ist das aktuelle Standardgerät und kann aufgrund einer aktiven Sicherheitsrichtlinie nicht entfernt werden. Wechseln Sie das Standardgerät, um dieses Gerät löschen zu können.'
not_existing: 'Kein 2FA-Gerät für Ihren Account registriert.'
request_2fa: Bitte geben Sie das Einmalpasswort von Ihrem 2FA-Gerät %{device_name} ein, um Ihre Identität zu bestätigen.
title: 'Verwenden Sie einen App-basierten Authenticator'
provisioning_uri: 'Bereitstellungs-URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Zeitbasiert'
account: 'Aussteller'
setup: |
Zur Einrichtung der Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit der Google Authenticator App, laden Sie die Applikation aus dem Apple App Store bzw. dem Google Play Store herunter. Nach dem Öffnen der App können Sie den folgenden QR-Code einscannen, um das Gerät zu registrieren.
question_cannot_scan: |
Probleme beim scannen des QR-Codes mit der App?
text_cannot_scan: |
Wenn Sie den QR-Code nicht einscannen können, können Sie das Gerät auch händisch über die folgende URI registrieren:
description: |
Registrieren Sie einen App-basierten Authenticator für die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in OpenProject mittels des zeitbasierten Einmalpasswort Standard (TOTP).
Kompatible Anwendungen sind unter anderem Google Authenticator oder Authy.
title: 'Verwenden Sie Ihr Mobiltelefon'
redacted_identifier: 'Mobiltelefon (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, es wurde ein Einmalpasswort über %{delivery_channel} zugestellt'
description: |
Registrieren Sie Ihr Mobiltelefon für die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung in OpenProject. Einmalpasswörter werden an Ihre Handy-Nummer versendet.
delivery_failed: 'Zustellung über Amazon SNS fehlgeschlagen:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Einmalpasswort-Zustellung fehlgeschlagen. (Fehler %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Ein Einmalpasswort wurde an Ihr Mobiltelefon gesendet."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung'
required_to_add_device: 'Eine aktive Sicherheitsrichtlinie erfordert die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA) für Ihren Account. Bitte verwenden Sie das folgende Formular, um ein 2FA-Gerät zu registrieren.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Mobiltelefon"
field_otp: "Einmalpasswort"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Ungültiges Einmalpasswort."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Das Einmalpasswort ist abgelaufen."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Ihr Einmalpasswort lautet: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Die Entwicklungs-Strategie hat das folgende Einmalpasswort generiert: %{token} (Kanal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Ihr Einmalpasswort konnte nicht versendet werden."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Keine Telefonnummer mit Ihrem Account verknüpft."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} oder bei Logout"
label_actions: 'Aktionen'
label_confirmed: 'Bestätigt'
button_continue: 'Fortfahren'
button_make_default: 'Als Standard festlegen'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Bitte geben Sie die Nummer in folgendem Format ein: +XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Andere Überprüfungsmethoden"
text_send_otp_again: "Einmalpasswort neu senden über:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Erneut senden"
button_otp_by_voice: "Sprachanruf"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Übermittlungskanal"

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Identificador'
default: 'Usar como predeterminado'
phone_number: "Número de teléfono"
default_already_exists: 'ya está preparado para otro dispositivo OTP.'
error_phone_number_format: "debe ser en formato +XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Dispositivo 2FA"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Teléfono móvil"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Aplicación de autenticador"
error_2fa_disabled: "La entrega 2FA ha sido desactivada."
error_no_device: "Ningún dispositivo 2FA registrado para este usuario, a pesar de ser requerido para esta instancia."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Ninguna estrategia 2FA disponible para este usuario. Póngase en contacto con su administrador."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Error de configuración: La autenticación de dos factores ha sido implementada, pero no hay estrategias activas.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Código de seguridad de 2FA no válido'
channel_unavailable: "El %{channel} de canal de entrega no está disponible."
no_valid_phone_number: "No existe ningún número de teléfono válido."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Contraseña"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Es necesario confirmar la contraseña al hacer cambios a estos parámetros."
label_device_type: "Tipo de dispositivo"
label_default_device: "Dispositivo 2FA predeterminado"
label_device: "Dispositivo 2FA"
label_devices: "Dispositivos 2FA"
label_one_time_password: 'Contraseña de un solo uso'
label_2fa_enabled: 'La autenticación de dos factores está habilitada'
label_2fa_disabled: 'La autenticación de dos factores está deshabilitada'
text_enter_2fa: 'Ingrese contraseña un solo uso desde su dispositivo.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Al iniciar cada sesión, se le pedirá introducir un token OTP del dispositivo predeterminado 2FA.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Para habilitar la autenticación de dos factores, utilice el botón de arriba para registrar un nuevo dispositivo 2FA. Si ya tiene un dispositivo, se necesita convertirlo en el predeterminado.'
enter_backup_code_title: Escriba el código de seguridad
enter_backup_code_text: Si ya no tiene acceso a sus dispositivos de 2FA registrados, escriba un código de seguridad válido de la lista de códigos.
other_device: 'Usar otro dispositivo o un código de seguridad'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Para añadir o modificar sus propios dispositivos 2FA, vaya a %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Autenticación de dos factores en su página de cuenta'
self_edit_forbidden: 'No puede editar sus propios dispositivos 2FA en esta ruta. Ir a Mi cuenta > Autenticación de dos factores.'
no_devices_for_user: 'No se ha registrado ningún dispositivo 2FA para este usuario.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Se han eliminado todos los dispositivos 2FA de este usuario'
delete_all_are_you_sure: '¿Está seguro que desea eliminar todos los dispositivos 2FA de este usuario?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Eliminar dispositivos 2FA registrados'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Registrar un teléfono móvil'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Al iniciar cada sesión, a este usuario se le pedirá introducir un token OTP del dispositivo predeterminado 2FA del usuario.'
text_2fa_disabled: "El usuario no fijó un dispositivo 2FA a través de su 'Página de cuenta'"
none_found: No existe ningún código de seguridad para esta cuenta.
singular: Código de seguridad
plural: Códigos de seguridad
your_codes: para su cuenta de %{app_name} %{login}
overview_description: |
Si no puede obtener acceso a sus dispositivos de autenticación en dos fases, puede usar un código de seguridad para volver a obtener acceso a su cuenta.
Use el botón siguiente para generar un nuevo conjunto de códigos de seguridad.
title: Generar códigos de seguridad
keep_safe_as_password: 'Importante: Considere estos códigos como contraseñas.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Guárdelos en un administrador de contraseñas, o bien imprima esta página y guárdela en un lugar seguro.'
regenerate_warning: 'Advertencia: Si anteriormente creó códigos de seguridad, se invalidarán y dejarán de funcionar.'
add_new: 'Añadir nuevo dispositivo 2FA'
register: 'Registrar dispositivo'
confirm_default: 'Confirmar cambio de dispositivo predeterminado'
confirm_device: 'Confirme el dispositivo'
confirm_now: 'No confirmado, haga clic aquí para activar'
cannot_delete_default: 'No se puede eliminar el dispositivo predeterminado'
make_default_are_you_sure: '¿Está seguro que desea hacer este dispositivo 2FA el predeterminado?'
make_default_failed: 'Error al actualizar el dispositivo predeterminado de 2FA.'
deletion_are_you_sure: '¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este dispositivo 2FA?'
registration_complete: 'Registro del dispositivo 2FA completado.'
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'Error en el registro del dispositivo 2FA, el token no es válido.'
registration_failed_update: 'Error en el registro del dispositivo 2FA, el token es válido pero el dispositivo no pudo ser actualizado.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Falló la confirmación del dispositivo 2FA.'
button_complete_registration: 'Completar el registro del 2FA'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Confirme el cambio de dispositivo predeterminado a <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> introduciendo una contraseña de un solo uso, del dispositivo predeterminado actual."
text_identifier: 'Puede dar al dispositivo un identificador personalizado utilizando este campo.'
failed_to_delete: 'Error al eliminar dispositivo 2FA.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'El dispositivo está marcado como predeterminado y no puede ser eliminado debido a una política de seguridad activa. Marque otro dispositivo como predeterminado antes de eliminarlo.'
not_existing: 'No se ha registrado ningún dispositivo 2FA para su cuenta.'
request_2fa: Introduzca el código de su %{device_name} para verificar su identidad.
title: 'Utilice su autenticador basado en software'
provisioning_uri: 'Aprovisionamiento URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Basado en tiempo'
account: 'Nombre de cuenta / emisor'
setup: |
Para configurar la autenticación de dos factores con Google Authenticator, descarga la aplicación de la Apple App store o Google Play Store. Después de abrir la aplicación, puede escanear el código QR siguiente para registrar el dispositivo.
question_cannot_scan: |
¿No ha podido escanear el código usando su aplicación?
text_cannot_scan: |
Si no puede escanear el código, introduzca la entrada manualmente con los siguientes datos:
description: |
Registrar un autenticador basado en software para el uso con OpenProject, utilizando el estándar de autenticación de contraseña de un solo uso, basado en tiempo. Ejemplos comunes son Google Authenticator o Authy.
title: 'Utilizar su teléfono móvil'
redacted_identifier: 'Dispositivo móvil (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, le enviamos un código de autentificación a través de %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Registrar su número de teléfono móvil para la entrega de contraseñas de un solo uso de OpenProject.
delivery_failed: 'Error en la entrega SNS:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Falló entrega de token. (Código de error %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Se ha enviado una contraseña de un solo uso a su teléfono celular."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Autenticación de dos factores'
required_to_add_device: 'Una política de seguridad activa requiere habilitar autenticación de dos factores. Utilice el siguiente formulario para registrar un dispositivo.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Teléfono móvil"
field_otp: "Contraseña de un solo uso"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Contraseña de un solo uso no válida."
notice_account_otp_expired: "La contraseña de un solo uso que haz introducido a caducado."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Su contraseña de un solo uso: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Estrategia de desarrollador generó la siguiente contraseña de un solo uso: %{token} (Canal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Su contraseña de un solo uso no pudo ser enviada."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Ningún número de teléfono móvil está asociado con su cuenta."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} o al salir"
label_actions: 'Acciones'
label_confirmed: 'Confirmado'
button_continue: 'Continuar'
button_make_default: 'Marcar como predeterminado'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Introduzca el número en el siguiente formato: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Otros métodos de verificación"
text_send_otp_again: "Reenviar contraseña de un solo uso por:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Reenviar"
button_otp_by_voice: "Llamada de voz"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Canal de entrega"

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Tunnistaa'
default: 'Käytä oletuksena'
phone_number: "Puhelinnumero"
default_already_exists: 'on jo asetettu toiselle OTP-laitteelle.'
error_phone_number_format: "on oltava muodossa + XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA laite"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Kännykkä"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Authenticator -sovellus"
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA-toimitus on poistettu käytöstä."
error_no_device: "Tälle käyttäjälle ei löytynyt rekisteröityä 2FA-laitetta, vaikkei sitä tarvita tässä tapauksessa."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Tälle käyttäjälle ei ole käytettävissä vastaavaa 2FA-strategiaa. Ota yhteyttä hallintoasihteisiisi."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Konfigurointivirhe: Kaksitasoinen todennusta on noudatettu, mutta aktiivisia strategioita ei ole.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Virheellinen 2FA-varmistuskoodi'
channel_unavailable: "Toimituskanava %{channel} ei ole käytettävissä."
no_valid_phone_number: "Mitään voimassa olevaa puhelinnumeroa ei ole."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Salasana"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Sinun on vahvistettava salasanasi tehdessä muutoksia näihin asetuksiin."
label_device_type: "Laitetyyppi"
label_default_device: "Oletuksena 2FA-laite"
label_device: "2FA-laite"
label_devices: "2FA laitteet"
label_one_time_password: 'Kerta salasana'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Kaksitasoinen todennus on aktiivinen'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Kaksitasoinen todennus ei ole aktiivinen'
text_enter_2fa: 'Anna salasanasi laitteestasi.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Jokaisen sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä sinua pyydetään antamaan OTP-merkki normaaliin 2FA-laitteeseesi.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Voit ottaa kaksitasoisen todennuksen käyttöön käyttämällä yllä olevaa painiketta rekisteröidäksesi uuden 2FA-laitteen. Jos sinulla on jo laite, sinun on tehtävä se oletuksena.'
enter_backup_code_title: Syötä varmistuskoodi
enter_backup_code_text: Syötä voimassa oleva vahvistuskoodi koodiluettelosta, jos sinulla ei ole enää pääsyä rekisteröityihin 2FA laitteisiin.
other_device: 'Käytä toista laitetta tai varmistuskoodia'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Os haluat lisätä tai muokata omia 2FA-laitteitasi, siirry osoitteeseen %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Kaksitasoinen todentaminen tilisi sivulla'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Et voi muokata omia 2FA-laitteitasi tällä polulla. Siirry Oma tili> Kaksi tekijän todennusta sijaan.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Tätä käyttäjää varten ei ole rekisteröity 2FA-laitetta.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Tämän käyttäjän kaikki 2FA-laitteet on poistettu'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa kaikki tämän käyttäjän 2FA-laitteet?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Poista rekisteröidyt 2FA-laitteet'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Rekisteröi matkapuhelin'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Jokaisen sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä tätä käyttäjää pyydetään syöttämään OTP-tunniste hänen oletusarvoisesta 2FA-laitteestaan.'
text_2fa_disabled: "Käyttäjä ei asettanut 2FA-laitetta hänen \"Oma tili -sivullaan\""
none_found: Tälle tilille ei ole varakoodeja.
singular: Varmistuskoodi
plural: Varmistuskoodi
your_codes: '%{app_name} tilisi %{login}'
overview_description: |
Jos et pysty käyttämään kahta tekijälaitteesi, voit käyttää varmuuskopiokoodia, jotta voit palauttaa tilisi käyttöoikeuden. Luo uusi joukko varakoodeja seuraavalla painikkeella.
title: Luo varmistuskoodeja
keep_safe_as_password: 'Tärkeä! Käsittele näitä koodeja salasanoina.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Joko tallenna ne salasanakehjiisi tai tulosta sivu ja aseta se turvalliseen paikkaan.'
regenerate_warning: 'Varoitus: Jos olet luonut varmuuskopiokoodit aiemmin, ne mitätöidään ja eivät enää toimi.'
add_new: 'Lisää uusi 2FA-laite'
register: 'Rekisteröi laite'
confirm_default: 'Vahvista oletuslaitteen muuttaminen'
confirm_device: 'Vahvista laite'
confirm_now: 'Ei vahvistanut, aktivoi tästä napsauttamalla tätä'
cannot_delete_default: 'Et voi poistaa oletuslaitetta'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Haluatko varmasti tehdä tämän 2FA-laitteen oletusarvoksi?'
make_default_failed: 'Oletusarvoisen 2FA-laitteen päivitys epäonnistui.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän 2FA laitteen?'
registration_complete: '2FA laitteen rekisteröinti on valmis!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA laitteen rekisteröinti epäonnistui, merkki oli virheellinen.'
registration_failed_update: '2FA laitteen rekisteröinti epäonnistui, merkki oli voimassa, mutta laitetta ei voitu päivittää.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Confirmation of your 2FA device failed.'
button_complete_registration: 'Complete 2FA registration'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Please confirm changing your default device to <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your current default device."
text_identifier: 'You can give the device a custom identifier using this field.'
failed_to_delete: 'Failed to delete 2FA device.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'The device is marked as default and cannot be deleted due to an active security policy. Mark another device as default before deleting.'
not_existing: 'No 2FA device has been registered for your account.'
request_2fa: Please enter the code from your %{device_name} to verify your identity.
title: 'Use your app-based authenticator'
provisioning_uri: 'Provisioning URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Time based'
account: 'Account name / Issuer'
setup: |
For setting up two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator, download the application from the Apple App store or Google Play Store.
After opening the app, you can scan the following QR code to register the device.
question_cannot_scan: |
Unable to scan the code using your application?
text_cannot_scan: |
If you can't scan the code, you can enter the entry manually using the following details:
description: |
Register an application authenticator for use with OpenProject using the time-based one-time password authentication standard.
Common examples are Google Authenticator or Authy.
title: 'Use your mobile phone'
redacted_identifier: 'Mobile device (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, we sent you an authentication code via %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Register your mobile phone number for delivery of OpenProject one-time passwords.
delivery_failed: 'SNS delivery failed:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token delivery failed. (Error code %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "A one-time password has been sent to your cell phone."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Two-factor authentication'
required_to_add_device: 'An active security policy requires you to enable two-factor authentication. Please use the following form to register a device.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Cell phone"
field_otp: "One-time password"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Invalid one-time password."
notice_account_otp_expired: "The one-time password you entered expired."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Your one-time password: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Developer strategy generated the following one-time password: %{token} (Channel: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Your one-time password could not be sent."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "No cell phone number is associated with your account."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} or on logout"
label_actions: 'Actions'
label_confirmed: 'Confirmed'
button_continue: 'Continue'
button_make_default: 'Merkitse oletusarvo'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Anna numero seuraavalla tavalla: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Muut vahvistusmenetelmät"
text_send_otp_again: "Kertamerkin antaminen uudelleen:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Uudelleen lähettää"
button_otp_by_voice: "Äänipuhelu"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Toimituskanava"

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Identifiant'
default: 'Utiliser par défaut'
phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone"
default_already_exists: 'est déjà définie pour un autre appareil d’OTP.'
error_phone_number_format: "doivent être de format +XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Dispositif de 2FA"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Téléphone mobile"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Application authentificateur"
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA livraison a été désactivé."
error_no_device: "Aucun appareil 2FA enregistré trouvé pour cet utilisateur, malgré étant requis pour cette instance."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Aucune stratégie 2FA correspondant disponible pour cet utilisateur. S’il vous plaît contacter votre modifiables."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Erreur de configuration: authentification à deux facteurs qui est respectée, mais aucuns active de stratégies n’existent.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Code de sauvegarde 2FA non valide'
channel_unavailable: "Le canal de livraison %{channel} n’est pas disponible."
no_valid_phone_number: "Aucun numéro de téléphone valide n’existe."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Mot de passe"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Vous devez confirmer votre mot de passe après avoir modifié ces paramètres."
label_device_type: "Type d'appareil"
label_default_device: "Appareil 2FA par défaut"
label_device: "Appareil de 2FA"
label_devices: "Appareils de 2FA"
label_one_time_password: 'Mot de passe unique'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Authentification à deux facteurs est active'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Authentification à deux facteurs non active'
text_enter_2fa: 'Veuillez entrer le mot de passe unique de votre appareil.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Lors de chaque connexion, vous sera demandé d’entrer un jeton OTP sur appareil 2FA défaut.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Pour activer l’authentification à deux facteurs, utilisez le bouton ci-dessus pour inscrire un nouvel appareil 2FA. Si vous avez déjà un dispositif, vous devez faire une valeur par défaut.'
enter_backup_code_title: Entrez le code de sauvegarde
enter_backup_code_text: Veuillez saisir un code de sauvegarde valide dans votre liste de codes dans le cas où vous ne pouvez plus accéder vos appareils 2FA enregistrés.
other_device: 'Utiliser autre appareil ou code de sauvegarde'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Pour ajouter ou modifier vos propres appareils 2FA, veuillez aller à %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Authentification à deux facteurs dans votre page de compte'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Vous ne pouvez pas modifier vos propres appareils 2FA sur ce chemin. Allez dans Mon Compte > Deux facteurs d’authentification à la place.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Aucun appareil 2FA n’a été enregistrée pour cet utilisateur.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Tous les appareils 2FA de cet utilisateur ont été supprimés'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Êtes-vous sûr de que vouloir supprimer tous les appareils 2FA pour cet utilisateur?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Supprimer les dispositifs 2FA inscrits'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'S’inscrire à téléphone mobile'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Lors de chaque connexion, cet utilisateur sera demandé d’entrer un jeton OTP de son appareil 2FA par défaut.'
text_2fa_disabled: "L’utilisateur n’a pas défini un appareil 2FA à travers ses 'Page de mon compte'"
none_found: Aucun code de sauvegarde n’existe pour ce compte.
singular: Code de sauvegarde
plural: Codes de sauvegarde
your_codes: pour vos %{app_name} compte %{login}
overview_description: |
Si vous ne parvenez pas à accéder à vos appareils de deux facteurs, vous pouvez utiliser un code de sauvegarde pour rétablir l’accès à votre compte. Utilisez le bouton suivant pour générer un nouvel ensemble de codes de sauvegarde.
title: Générer des codes de sauvegarde
keep_safe_as_password: 'Important! Traiter ces codes comme mots de passe.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Soit vous les enregistrez dans votre gestionnaire de mot de passe, ou imprimez cette page et mettre dans un endroit sûr.'
regenerate_warning: 'Avertissement: Si vous avez créé des codes de sauvegarde avant, elles seront invalidées et ne fonctionnera plus.'
add_new: 'Ajouter un nouveau appareil 2FA'
register: 'Enregistrer l''appareil'
confirm_default: 'Confirmer le changement d''appareil par défaut'
confirm_device: 'Confirmez votre appareil'
confirm_now: 'N’a ne pas confirmé, cliquez ici pour activer'
cannot_delete_default: 'Impossible de supprimer l''appareil par défaut'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Êtes-vous certain de que vouloir rendre cet appareil 2FA votre défaut?'
make_default_failed: 'Impossible de mettre à jour l’appareil 2FA par défaut.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Êtes-vous sûr de que vouloir supprimer ce dispositif 2FA ?'
registration_complete: 'Inscription de l’appareil 2FA complete!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'L’enregistrement du appareil 2FA a échoué, le jeton n’était pas valide.'
registration_failed_update: 'L’enregistrement du appareil 2FA a échoué, le jeton était valide, mais l’appareil ne pourrait pas être actualisé.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Confirmation de votre appareil 2FA a échoué.'
button_complete_registration: 'Enregistrement 2FA complet'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "S’il vous plaît confirmer modifier le appareil par défaut à <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> en entrant un mot de passe unique de votre appareil par défaut actuel."
text_identifier: 'Vous pouvez donner à l’appareil un identifiant personnalisé à l’aide de ce champ.'
failed_to_delete: 'Impossible de supprimer le appareil 2FA.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'L’appareil est marquée par défaut et ne peut être supprimée en raison d’une politique de sécurité active. Marquer autre appareil par défaut avant de le supprimer.'
not_existing: 'Aucun appareil 2FA n’a été enregistrée pour votre compte.'
request_2fa: S’il vous plaît entrer le code de votre %{device_name} pour vérifier votre identité.
title: 'Utilisez votre authentificateur axée sur l’app'
provisioning_uri: 'Provisionnement URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Basé de temps'
account: 'Nom de compte / émetteur'
setup: |
Pour mettre en place l’authentification à deux facteurs avec Google Authenticator, téléchargez l’application depuis l’App store d’Apple ou Google Play Store. Après l’ouverture de l’app, vous pouvez scanner le code QR suivant pour vous inscrire à l’appareil.
question_cannot_scan: |
Impossible de scanner le code à l’aide de votre application?
text_cannot_scan: |
Si vous ne pouvez pas balayer le code, vous pouvez entrer l’entrée manuellement en utilisant les coordonnées suivantes:
description: |
S’inscrire à un authentificateur de demande pour une utilisation avec OpenProject à l’aide de la norme d’authentification de mot de passe unique basé sur le temps. Des exemples courants sont Google Authenticator ou Authy.
title: 'Utilisez votre téléphone mobile'
redacted_identifier: 'Appareil mobile (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, nous vous avons envoyé un code d’authentification via %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Inscrire votre numéro de téléphone pour la livraison de OpenProject des mots de passe uniques.
delivery_failed: 'Remise SNS a échoué:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Jeton remise a échoué. (Error code %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Un mot de passe unique a été envoyé à votre téléphone portable."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Authentification à deux facteurs'
required_to_add_device: 'Une politique de sécurité active nécessite d’activer l’authentification à deux facteurs. Veuillez utiliser le formulaire ci-dessous pour enregistrer un appareil.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Téléphone cellulaire"
field_otp: "Mot de passe unique"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Mot de passe unique non valide."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Le mot de passe unique à usage a expiré."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Votre mot de passe unique: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Stratégie de développeur générée le mot de passe unique suivant: %{token} (Canal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Votre mot de passe unique n’a pas pu être envoyé."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Aucun numéro de téléphone cellulaire n’est associée à votre compte."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} ou sur logout"
label_actions: 'Actions'
label_confirmed: 'Confirmé'
button_continue: 'Continuer'
button_make_default: 'Marquer par défaut'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Veuillez entrer le nombre dans le format suivant : +XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Autres méthodes de vérification"
text_send_otp_again: "Mot de passe unique renvoyer par:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Renvoyer"
button_otp_by_voice: "Appel vocal"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Canal de livraison"

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Pengenal'
default: 'Gunakan Default'
phone_number: "telepon"
default_already_exists: 'sudah diatur untuk perangkat OTP lain.'
error_phone_number_format: "harus merupakan format + XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Perangkat 2FA"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "telephon"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Aplikasi Authenticator"
error_2fa_disabled: "Pengiriman 2FA telah dinonaktifkan."
error_no_device: "Tidak ada perangkat 2FA terdaftar yang ditemukan untuk pengguna ini, meskipun yang diperlukan untuk contoh ini."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Tidak ada 2FA strategi yang cocok tersedia untuk pengguna ini. Silahkan hubungi administratior Anda."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Kesalahan konfigurasi: dua faktor otentikasi yang telah diberlakukan, tapi ada tidak ada strategi yang aktif.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Kode cadangan 2FA tidak valid'
channel_unavailable: "%{channel} saluran pengiriman tidak tersedia."
no_valid_phone_number: "Nomor telepon tidak ada."
label_pwd_confirmation: "sandi"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Anda perlu mengkonfirmasi password saat melakukan perubahan pada pengaturan ini."
label_device_type: "Tipe perangkat"
label_default_device: "Default 2FA perangkat"
label_device: "Perangkat 2FA"
label_devices: "Perangkat 2FA"
label_one_time_password: 'One-time password'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Dua faktor otentikasi tidak aktif'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Dua faktor otentikasi tidak aktif'
text_enter_2fa: 'Silakan masukkan sandi satu kali dari perangkat Anda.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Setelah setiap login, Anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan tanda OTP dari perangkat 2FA default Anda.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Untuk mengaktifkan otentikasi dua faktor, gunakan tombol di atas untuk mendaftar perangkat 2FA baru. Jika Anda sudah memiliki perangkat, Anda perlu untuk membuatnya default.'
enter_backup_code_title: Masukkan Kode Cadangan
enter_backup_code_text: Please enter a valid backup code from your list of codes in case you can no longer access your registered 2FA devices.
other_device: 'Gunakan perangkat yang lain atau kode cadangan'
title: 'Pengaturan 2FA'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Untuk menambah atau memodifikasi perangkat 2FA Anda sendiri, silahkan pergi ke %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Dua faktor otentikasi tidak aktif'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Anda tidak dapat mengedit perangkat 2FA Anda sendiri di jalan ini. Pergi ke My Account > dua faktor otentikasi sebaliknya.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Tidak ada perangkat 2FA telah terdaftar untuk pengguna ini.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Semua 2FA perangkat pengguna ini telah dihapus'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Apakah Anda yakin Anda ingin menghapus semua 2FA perangkat untuk pengguna ini?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Menghapus perangkat terdaftar 2FA'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Daftar ponsel'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Setelah setiap login, user ini akan diminta untuk memasukkan tanda OTP dari perangkat nya 2FA default.'
text_2fa_disabled: "Pengguna tidak mengatur perangkat 2FA melalui 'Halaman account saya'"
none_found: Tidak ada cadangan yang ada untuk akun ini
singular: kode cadangan
plural: Kode kode cadangan
your_codes: for your %{app_name} account %{login}
overview_description: |
If you are unable to access your two factor devices, you can use a backup code to regain access to your account.
Use the following button to generate a new set of backup codes.
title: Generate backup codes
keep_safe_as_password: 'Important! Treat these codes as passwords.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Either save them in your password manager, or print this page and put in a safe place.'
regenerate_warning: 'Warning: If you have created backup codes before, they will be invalidated and will no longer work.'
add_new: 'Tambahkan perangkat 2FA baru'
register: 'daftar perangkat'
confirm_default: 'Mengkonfirmasi perubahan default perangkat'
confirm_device: 'Mengkonfirmasi perangkat'
confirm_now: 'Tidak dikonfirmasi, klik di sini untuk mengaktifkan'
cannot_delete_default: 'Tidak dapat menghapus perangkat default'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Apakah Anda yakin Anda ingin membuat perangkat 2FA ini default?'
make_default_failed: 'Gagal untuk memperbarui perangkat 2FA default.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus pengaturan tersimpan ini?'
registration_complete: '2FA perangkat pendaftaran lengkap!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA perangkat pendaftaran gagal, token adalah tidak valid.'
registration_failed_update: '2FA perangkat pendaftaran gagal, token ini berlaku tetapi perangkat tidak dapat diperbarui.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Konfirmasi perangkat 2FA Anda gagal.'
button_complete_registration: 'Pendaftaran lengkap 2FA'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Harap mengkonfirmasi mengubah perangkat default untuk <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> dengan memasukkan sandi satu kali dari default perangkat Anda saat ini."
text_identifier: 'Anda dapat memberikan perangkat identifier kustom menggunakan bidang ini.'
failed_to_delete: 'Gagal untuk menghapus perangkat 2FA.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Perangkat ditandai sebagai default dan tidak dapat dihapus karena kebijakan keamanan aktif. Menandai perangkat lain sebagai default sebelum menghapus.'
not_existing: 'Tidak ada perangkat 2FA telah terdaftar untuk akun Anda.'
request_2fa: Silakan masukkan kode dari %{device_name} Anda untuk memverifikasi identitas Anda.
title: 'Menggunakan authenticator berbasis aplikasi Anda'
provisioning_uri: 'Penyediaan URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Berdasarkan waktu'
account: 'Nama akun / penerbit'
setup: |
Untuk mengatur dua faktor otentikasi dengan Google Authenticator, men-download aplikasi dari Apple App store atau Google Play Store. Setelah membuka app, Anda dapat memindai kode QR berikut untuk mendaftar perangkat.
question_cannot_scan: |
Mampu memindai kode menggunakan aplikasi Anda?
text_cannot_scan: |
Jika Anda tidak dapat memindai kode, Anda dapat memasukkan entri manual menggunakan rincian berikut:
description: |
Mendaftar aplikasi authenticator untuk digunakan dengan OpenProject yang menggunakan standar otentikasi berbasis waktu one-time password. Contoh umum adalah Google Authenticator atau Authy.
title: 'Menggunakan ponsel Anda'
redacted_identifier: 'Perangkat mobile (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, kita mengirimkan kode otentikasi melalui %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Mendaftarkan nomor ponsel Anda untuk pengiriman sandi satu kali OpenProject.
delivery_failed: 'SNS pengiriman gagal:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token pengiriman yang gagal. (Kesalahan kode %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "One-time password telah dikirim ke ponsel Anda."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Autentikasi dua faktor'
required_to_add_device: 'Kebijakan keamanan aktif mengharuskan Anda untuk mengaktifkan otentikasi dua-faktor. Silakan gunakan formulir berikut untuk mendaftar perangkat.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'ingat'
clear_cookie: 'tekan disini untuk menghapus cookie '
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Ponsel"
field_otp: "One-time password"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Sandi sekali pakai yang tidak valid."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Kedaluwarsa one-time password yang Anda masukkan."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Sandi satu kali: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Pengembang strategi dihasilkan one-time password berikut: %{token} (saluran: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Sandi satu kali tidak akan dikirim."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Tidak ada nomor ponsel ini dikaitkan dengan akun Anda."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} atau logout"
label_actions: 'Tindakan'
label_confirmed: 'Dikonfirmasi'
button_continue: 'Lanjutkan'
button_make_default: 'Tandai sebagai default'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Masukkan nomor dalam format berikut: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Verifikasi metode lain"
text_send_otp_again: "Kirim kembali one-time password oleh:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Kirim kembali"
button_otp_by_voice: "Panggilan suara"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Delivery channel yang"

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Identificatore'
default: 'Utilizzare come predefinito'
phone_number: "Numero di telefono"
default_already_exists: 'è già impostato per un altro dispositivo OTP.'
error_phone_number_format: "deve essere di formato + XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Dispositivo di 2FA"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Cellulare"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "App Authenticator"
error_2fa_disabled: "Consegna di 2FA è stato disattivato."
error_no_device: "Nessun dispositivo registrato 2FA trovato per questo utente, pur essendo necessaria per questa istanza."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Nessuna strategia di 2FA corrispondenza disponibile per questo utente. Si prega di contattare il suo amministratore."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Errore di configurazione: Two-factor authentication è stato imposto, ma nessun strategie attive esistano.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Codice di backup 2FA non valido'
channel_unavailable: "Il canale di consegna %{channel} non è disponibile."
no_valid_phone_number: "Non esiste nessun numero di telefono valido."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Password"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "È necessario confermare la password al momento di effettuare modifiche a queste impostazioni."
label_device_type: "Tipo di dispositivo"
label_default_device: "Dispositivo di 2FA predefinito"
label_device: "Dispositivo di 2FA"
label_devices: "Dispositivi di 2FA"
label_one_time_password: 'Password monouso'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Two-factor authentication è attivo'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Two-factor authentication non attivo'
text_enter_2fa: 'Si prega di inserire la password monouso dal suo dispositivo.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'All''ogni accesso, sarà richiesto di inserire un token OTP dal dispositivo di 2FA predefinito.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Per abilitare two-factor authentication, è possibile utilizzare il pulsante sopra per registrare un nuovo dispositivo di 2FA. Se si dispone già di un dispositivo, è necessario renderlo predefinito.'
enter_backup_code_title: Immettere il codice di backup
enter_backup_code_text: Inserisci un codice valido di backup dall'elenco dei codici nel caso in cui non è possibile accedere i dispositivi registrati 2FA.
other_device: 'Usi un altro dispositivo o backup codice'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Per aggiungere o modificare i propri dispositivi di 2FA, visitare il sito %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Two-factor authentication sulla pagina del suo account'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Tu non puoi modificare i suoi dispositivi di 2FA su questo percorso. Vai al mio Account > Two-factor authentication invece.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Nessun dispositivo di 2FA è stato registrato per questo utente.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Sono stati eliminati tutti i dispositivi di 2FA di questo utente'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare tutti i dispositivi di 2FA per questo utente?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Eliminare dispositivi registrati 2FA'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Registrare il telefono mobile'
text_2fa_enabled: 'All''ogni accesso, l''utente sarà richiesto di inserire un token OTP dal suo dispositivo di 2FA predefinito.'
text_2fa_disabled: "L'utente non imposta dispositivo 2FA attraverso i suoi 'Pagina il mio account'"
none_found: Nessun codici di backup esistano per questo account.
singular: Codice di backup
plural: Codici di backup
your_codes: per il suo %{app_name} account %{login}
overview_description: |
Se si riesce ad accedere ai dispositivi two factor, è possibile utilizzare un codice di backup per riottenere l'accesso al suo account. Usi il seguente pulsante per generare un nuovo set di codici di backup.
title: Generare codici di backup
keep_safe_as_password: 'Importante! Trattare questi codici come password.'
keep_safe_warning: 'O salvarli nel suo gestore di password, o stampare questa pagina e mettere in un luogo sicuro.'
regenerate_warning: 'Attenzione: Se avete creato i codici di backup prima, essi verranno invalidati e non funzionerà più.'
add_new: 'Aggiungi nuovo dispositivo di 2FA'
register: 'Registrare un Dispositivo'
confirm_default: 'Confermare il dispositivo di cambio predefinito'
confirm_device: 'Confermare il dispositivo'
confirm_now: 'Non confermato, clicca qui per attivare'
cannot_delete_default: 'Non è possibile eliminare il dispositivo predefinito'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Sei sicuro che si desidera rendere questo dispositivo 2FA predefinito?'
make_default_failed: 'Impossibile aggiornare il dispositivo di 2FA predefinito.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo dispositivo 2FA?'
registration_complete: 'Registrazione del dispositivo 2FA completa!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA registrazione dispositivo non riuscita, il token è valido.'
registration_failed_update: '2FA registrazione dispositivo non riuscita, il token è valido, ma il dispositivo potrebbe non essere aggiornato.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Conferma del dispositivo 2FA non riuscita.'
button_complete_registration: 'Completa la registrazione 2FA'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Si prega di confermare cambiando dispositivo predefinito a <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> inserendo una password monouso dal dispositivo predefinito corrente."
text_identifier: 'Puoi dare al dispositivo un identificativo personalizzato usando questo campo.'
failed_to_delete: 'Impossibile eliminare 2FA dispositivo.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Il dispositivo è contrassegnato come predefinita e non puoi essere eliminato a causa di una politica di sicurezza attiva. Segna un altro dispositivo come predefinito prima di eliminare.'
not_existing: 'Nessun dispositivo di 2FA è stato registrato per il suo account.'
request_2fa: Si prega di inserire il codice dal suo %{device_name} per verificare la sua identità.
title: 'Usa il suo autenticatore basato su app'
provisioning_uri: 'URI di provisioning'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Basato sul tempo'
account: 'Nome account / emittente'
setup: |
Per l'impostazione di two-factor authentication con Google Authenticator, Scarica l'applicazione dall'App store di Apple o Google Play Store. Dopo aver aperto l'applicazione, è possibile acquisire il codice QR seguente per registrare il dispositivo.
question_cannot_scan: |
Impossibile analizzare il codice utilizzando l'applicazione?
text_cannot_scan: |
Se non puoi eseguire la scansione del codice, è possibile immettere la voce manualmente utilizzando i seguenti dettagli:
description: |
Registrare un autenticatore di applicazione per l'utilizzo con OpenProject utilizzando lo standard di autenticazione di password monouso basati sul tempo. Esempi comuni sono Google Authenticator o Authy.
title: 'Utilizzare il telefono cellulare'
redacted_identifier: 'Dispositivo mobile (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, abbiamo inviato un codice di autenticazione via %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Registra il suo numero di cellulare per la consegna di OpenProject passwords monouso.
delivery_failed: 'SNS non recapitato:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token non recapitato. (Errore codice %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Un password monouso è stato inviato al suo telefono cellulare."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Two-factor authentication'
required_to_add_device: 'Una politica di sicurezza attiva richiede l''abilitazione di two-factor authentication. Si prega di utilizzare il seguente modulo per registrare un dispositivo.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Telefono cellulare"
field_otp: "Password monouso"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "One-Time Password non valido."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Il password monouso immesso è scaduto."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Il suo password monouso: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "La strategia dello sviluppatore ha generato la seguente password monouso: %{token} (canale: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Il suo password monouso potrebbe non essere inviato."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Nessun numero di telefono cellulare è associato con il suo account."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} o il logout"
label_actions: 'Azioni'
label_confirmed: 'Confermato'
button_continue: 'Avanti'
button_make_default: 'Segna come predefinito'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Inserisci il numero nel formato seguente: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Altri metodi di verifica"
text_send_otp_again: "Reinvia di nuovo una password di:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Reinvia"
button_otp_by_voice: "Chiamata vocale"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Canale di recapito"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
identifier: '식별자'
default: '기본값으로 사용'
phone_number: "전화번호"
default_already_exists: '은(는) 이미 다른 OTP 장치에 대해 설정되었습니다.'
error_phone_number_format: "은(는) +XX XXXXXXXXX 형식이어야 합니다."
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA 장치"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "휴대폰"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "인증자 애플리케이션"
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA 배달이 비활성화되었습니다."
error_no_device: "이 인스턴스에 필요하지만, 이 사용자에 대해 등록된 2FA 장치를 찾지 못했습니다."
error_no_matching_strategy: "이 사용자에 대해 사용 가능한 일치하는 2FA 전략이 없습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요."
error_is_enforced_not_active: '구성 오류: 2단계 인증이 적용되었지만, 존재하는 활성 전략이 없습니다.'
error_invalid_backup_code: '잘못된 2FA 백업 코드'
channel_unavailable: "배달 채널 %{channel}이(가) 사용 가능하지 않습니다."
no_valid_phone_number: "올바른 전화번호가 없습니다."
label_pwd_confirmation: "암호"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "이러한 설정 변경 시 암호를 확인해야 합니다."
label_device_type: "장치 유형"
label_default_device: "기본 2FA 장치"
label_device: "2FA 장치"
label_devices: "2FA 장치"
label_one_time_password: '일회용 암호'
label_2fa_enabled: '2단계 인증이 활성화되었습니다.'
label_2fa_disabled: '2단계 인증이 활성화되지 않았습니다.'
text_enter_2fa: '장치에서 일회용 암호를 입력하세요.'
text_2fa_enabled: '로그인할 때마다 기본 2FA 장치에서 OTP 토큰을 입력하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다.'
text_2fa_disabled: '2단계 인증을 활성화하려면 위의 버튼을 사용하여 새로운 2FA 장치를 등록하세요. 장치가 이미 있는 경우 이 장치를 기본값으로 만들어야 합니다.'
enter_backup_code_title: 백업 코드 입력
enter_backup_code_text: 등록된 2FA 장치에 더 이상 액세스할 수 없는 경우 코드 목록에서 유효한 백업 코드를 입력하세요.
other_device: '다른 장치 또는 백업 코드 사용'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: '고유한 2FA 장치를 추가하거나 수정하려면 %{self_edit_link}(으)로 이동하세요.'
self_edit_link_name: '계정 페이지의 2단계 인증'
self_edit_forbidden: '이 경로에서 사용자의 고유한 2FA 장치를 편집하지 못할 수 있습니다. 대신 내 계정 > 2단계 인증으로 이동하세요.'
no_devices_for_user: '2FA 장치가 이 사용자에 대해 등록되지 않았습니다.'
all_devices_deleted: '이 사용자의 모든 2FA 장치가 삭제되었습니다.'
delete_all_are_you_sure: '이 사용자에 대한 모든 2FA 장치를 삭제하시겠습니까?'
button_delete_all_devices: '등록된 2FA 장치 삭제'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: '휴대폰 등록'
text_2fa_enabled: '로그인할 때마다 기본 2FA 장치에서 OTP 토큰을 입력하라는 메시지가 이 사용자에게 표시됩니다.'
text_2fa_disabled: "사용자가 '내 계정 페이지'에서 2FA 장치를 설정하지 않았습니다."
none_found: 이 계정에 대한 백업 코드가 존재하지 않습니다.
singular: 백업 코드
plural: 백업 코드
your_codes: '- %{app_name} 계정 %{login}'
overview_description: |
2단계 장치에 액세스할 수 없는 경우 백업 코드를 사용하여 계정에 다시 액세스할 수 있습니다.
다음 버튼을 사용하여 새로운 백업 코드 집합을 생성하세요.
title: 백업 코드 생성
keep_safe_as_password: '중요! 이러한 코드를 암호로 처리하세요.'
keep_safe_warning: '암호 관리자에 이를 저장하거나, 이 페이지를 인쇄하고 안전한 장소에 보관하세요.'
regenerate_warning: '경고: 이전에 백업 코드를 만든 경우 이러한 코드는 무효화되고 더 이상 작동하지 않습니다.'
add_new: '새로운 2FA 장치 추가'
register: '장치 등록'
confirm_default: '기본 장치 변경 확인'
confirm_device: '장치 확인'
confirm_now: '확인되지 않음, 여기를 클릭하여 활성화'
cannot_delete_default: '기본 장치를 삭제할 수 없음'
make_default_are_you_sure: '이 2FA 장치를 기본 장치로 만드시겠습니까?'
make_default_failed: '기본 2FA 장치를 업데이트하지 못했습니다.'
deletion_are_you_sure: '이 2FA 장치를 삭제하시겠습니까?'
registration_complete: '2FA 장치 등록 완료!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA 장치 등록 실패, 토큰이 잘못되었습니다.'
registration_failed_update: '2FA 장치 등록 실패, 토큰이 유효하지만 장치를 업데이트할 수 없습니다.'
confirm_send_failed: '2FA 장치 확인에 실패했습니다.'
button_complete_registration: '2FA 등록 완료'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "현재 기본 장치에서 일회용 암호를 입력하여 기본 장치를 <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong>(으)로 변경을 확인하세요."
text_identifier: '이 필드를 사용하여 사용자 지정 식별자를 장치에 지정할 수 있습니다.'
failed_to_delete: '2FA 장치를 삭제하지 못했습니다.'
is_default_cannot_delete: '장치가 기본으로 표시되고 활성 보안 정책으로 인해 삭제할 수 없습니다. 삭제하기 전에 다른 장치를 기본으로 표시하세요.'
not_existing: '2FA 장치가 해당 계정에 대해 등록되지 않았습니다.'
request_2fa: '%{device_name}의 코드를 입력하여 ID를 확인하세요.'
title: '앱 기반 인증자 사용'
provisioning_uri: '프로비저닝 URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: '시간 기반'
account: '계정 이름/발급자'
setup: |
Google 인증자로 2단계 인증 설정을 위해, Apple App Store 또는 Google Play Store에서 애플리케이션을 다운로드하세요.
앱을 연 후, 다음 QR 코드를 스캔하여 장치를 등록할 수 있습니다.
question_cannot_scan: |
애플리케이션을 사용하여 코드를 스캔할 수 없습니까?
text_cannot_scan: |
코드를 스캔할 수 없는 경우 다음과 같은 세부 정보를 사용하여 수동으로 항목을 입력할 수 있습니다.
description: |
시간 기반 일회용 암호 인증 표준을 사용하여 OpenProject와 함께 사용할 애플리케이션 인증자를 등록하세요.
일반적인 예로 Google Authenticator 또는 Authy가 있습니다.
title: '휴대폰 사용'
redacted_identifier: '모바일 장치(%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}님, %{delivery_channel}을(를) 통해 인증 코드를 전송했습니다.'
description: |
OpenProject 일회용 암호 배달을 위해 휴대폰 번호를 등록하세요.
delivery_failed: 'SNS 배달 실패:'
delivery_failed_with_code: '토큰 배달이 실패했습니다(오류 코드 %{code}).'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "일회용 암호가 휴대폰으로 전송되었습니다."
label_two_factor_authentication: '2단계 인증'
required_to_add_device: '활성 보안 정책에서는 2단계 인증을 사용하도록 요구합니다. 다음 양식을 사용하여 장치를 등록하세요.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "휴대폰"
field_otp: "일회용 암호"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "일회용 암호가 잘못되었습니다 ."
notice_account_otp_expired: "입력한 일회용 암호가 만료되었습니다."
notice_otp_sms_text: "일회용 암호: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "개발자 전략에서 다음 일회용 암호를 생성함: %{token}(채널: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "일회용 암호를 보낼 수 없습니다."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "휴대폰 번호가 계정과 연결되지 않았습니다."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} 또는 로그아웃 시"
label_actions: '작업'
label_confirmed: '확인됨'
button_continue: '계속'
button_make_default: '기본값으로 표시'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "다음과 같은 형식으로 번호를 입력하세요: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "기타 확인 방법"
text_send_otp_again: "다음으로 일회용 암호 다시 보내기:"
button_resend_otp_form: "다시 보내기"
button_otp_by_voice: "음성 통화"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "배달 채널"

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'ID'
default: 'Gebruik als standaard'
phone_number: "Telefoonnummer"
default_already_exists: 'is al ingesteld voor een ander OTP-apparaat.'
error_phone_number_format: "moet de formaat + XX XXXXXXXXX zijn"
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA apparaat"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Mobiele telefoon"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Verificator toepassing"
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA-bezorging is uitgeschakeld."
error_no_device: "Geen geregistreerd 2FA-apparaat gevonden voor deze gebruiker, ondanks dat dit vereist is voor dit voorbeeld."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Er is geen overeenkomende 2FA-strategie beschikbaar voor deze gebruiker. Neem contact op met uw beheerder."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Configuratiefout: tweefactorauthenticatie is afgedwongen, maar er zijn geen actieve strategieën.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Ongeldige 2FA back-up code'
channel_unavailable: "Het bezorgkanaal %{channel} is niet beschikbaar."
no_valid_phone_number: "Er is geen geldig telefoonnummer."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Wachtwoord"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "U moet uw wachtwoord bevestigen bij het aanbrengen van wijzigingen in deze instellingen."
label_device_type: "Apparaattype"
label_default_device: "Standaard 2FA-apparaat"
label_device: "2FA apparaat"
label_devices: "2FA apparaten"
label_one_time_password: 'Eenmalig wachtwoord'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie is actief'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie is niet actief'
text_enter_2fa: 'Voer het eenmalige wachtwoord in vanaf uw apparaat.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Bij elke aanmelding wordt u gevraagd om een OTP-token in te voeren vanaf uw standaard 2FA-apparaat.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Om authenticatie met twee factoren in te schakelen, gebruikt u de knop hierboven om een nieuw 2FA-apparaat te registreren. Als u al een apparaat heeft, moet u dit als standaard instellen.'
enter_backup_code_title: Back-up code invoeren
enter_backup_code_text: Voer een geldige back-up code in uit uw codelijst voor het geval dat u geen toegang meer heeft tot uw geregistreerde 2FA-apparaten.
other_device: 'Gebruik een ander 2FA-apparaat of een back-up code'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Om uw eigen 2FA-apparaten toe te voegen of te wijzigen, gaat u naar %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie op uw accountpagina'
self_edit_forbidden: 'U mag uw eigen 2FA-apparaten niet op dit pad bewerken. Ga in plaats daarvan naar Mijn account> Two-factor-authenticatie.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Er is geen 2FA-apparaat geregistreerd voor deze gebruiker.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Alle 2FA-apparaten van deze gebruiker zijn verwijderd'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Weet u zeker dat u alle 2FA-apparaten voor deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Geregistreerde 2FA apparaten verwijderen'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Mobiele telefoon registreren'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Bij elke aanmelding wordt deze gebruiker gevraagd om een OTP-token in te voeren vanaf zijn standaard 2FA-apparaat.'
text_2fa_disabled: "De gebruiker heeft geen 2FA-apparaat ingesteld via zijn 'Mijn accountpagina'"
none_found: Geen 2FA back-upcodes gevonden voor dit account.
singular: Back-up code
plural: Back-up codes
your_codes: voor uw %{app_name} account %{login}
overview_description: |
Als u geen toegang hebt tot uw geregistreerde 2FA-apparaten, krijgt u toegang tot uw account door een 2FA-back-upcode in te voeren. Gebruik de volgende knop om een nieuwe back-upcodes te genereren.
title: Back-up codes genereren
keep_safe_as_password: 'Belangrijk! Behandel deze codes als wachtwoorden.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Sla ze op in uw wachtwoordbeheerder of druk deze pagina af en bewaar hem op een veilige plaats.'
regenerate_warning: 'Waarschuwing: als u al 2FA-back-upcodes hebt gemaakt, worden deze ongeldig en kunnen deze niet meer worden gebruikt.'
add_new: 'Nieuwe 2FA-apparaat toevoegen'
register: 'Registreer apparaat'
confirm_default: 'Bevestig het wijzigen van standaard-apparaat'
confirm_device: 'Apparaat bevestigen'
confirm_now: 'Niet bevestigd, klik hier om te activeren'
cannot_delete_default: 'Kan standaardapparaat niet verwijderen'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Weet u zeker dat u dit 2FA-apparaat als standaard wilt instellen?'
make_default_failed: 'Kan het standaard 2FA-apparaat niet bijwerken.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Bent u zeker dat u dit 2FA-apparaat wilt verwijderen?'
registration_complete: '2FA-apparaatregistratie voltooid!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA-apparaatregistratie mislukt, het token was ongeldig.'
registration_failed_update: '2FA registratie van het apparaat mislukt, het token was geldig, maar het apparaat kan niet worden bijgewerkt.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Bevestiging van uw 2FA-apparaat is mislukt.'
button_complete_registration: 'Voltooi 2FA-registratie'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Bevestig uw standaardapparaat aan <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> door een eenmalig wachtwoord in te voeren vanaf uw huidige standaardapparaat."
text_identifier: 'U kunt het apparaat een aangepaste Id geven met behulp van dit veld.'
failed_to_delete: 'Kan het 2FA-apparaat niet verwijderen.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Het apparaat is gemarkeerd als standaard en kan niet worden verwijderd vanwege een actief beveiligingsbeleid. Markeer een ander apparaat als standaard voordat u het verwijdert.'
not_existing: 'Er is geen 2FA-apparaat geregistreerd voor uw account.'
request_2fa: Voer alstublieft de code van uw %{device_name} in om uw identiteit te verifiëren.
title: 'Gebruik uw app-gebaseerde authenticator'
provisioning_uri: 'Voorbereiden van URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Tijdgebonden'
account: 'Accountnaam / verstrekker'
setup: |
Voor het instellen van twee-factorenauthenticatie met Google Authenticator, download de applicatie vanuit de Apple App Store of Google Play Store.
Na het openen van de app, kunt u de volgende QR-code scannen om het apparaat te registreren.
question_cannot_scan: |
Kon de code niet worden gescand met uw applicatie?
text_cannot_scan: |
Als u de code niet kunt scannen, kunt u het item handmatig invoeren met behulp van de volgende details:
description: |
Registreer een applicatie-authenticator voor gebruik met OpenProject met behulp van de tijdgebonden eenmalige wachtwoordauthenticatie-standaard (TOTP). Veelvoorkomende voorbeelden zijn Google Authenticator of Authy.
title: 'Gebruik uw mobiele telefoon'
redacted_identifier: 'Mobiel apparaat (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, we hebben u een authenticatiecode gestuurd via %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Registreer uw mobiele telefoonnummer voor de levering van OpenProject eenmalige wachtwoorden.
delivery_failed: 'SNS levering mislukt:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token levering mislukt. (Error code %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Een eenmalig wachtwoord is verzonden naar uw mobiele telefoon."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie'
required_to_add_device: 'Voor een actief beveiligingsbeleid moet u authenticatie met twee factoren inschakelen. Gebruik het volgende formulier om een apparaat te registreren.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Mobiele telefoon"
field_otp: "Eenmalig wachtwoord"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Ongeldig éénmalig wachtwoord."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Het eenmalige wachtwoord dat je hebt ingevoerd, is verlopen."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Uw eenmalige wachtwoord: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Ontwikkelaarsstrategie heeft het volgende eenmalige wachtwoord gegenereerd: %{token} (kanaal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Uw eenmalige wachtwoord kan niet worden verzonden."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Er is geen mobiel nummer gekoppeld aan uw account."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} of bij het afmelden"
label_actions: 'Acties'
label_confirmed: 'Bevestigd'
button_continue: 'Verdergaan'
button_make_default: 'Markeren als standaard'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Voer het nummer alstublieft in de volgende indeling in: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Andere verificatiemethoden"
text_send_otp_again: "Eenmalig wachtwoord opnieuw verzenden door:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Opnieuw verzenden"
button_otp_by_voice: "Spraakoproep"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Bezorgkanaal"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Identifikator'
default: 'Bruk som standard'
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
default_already_exists: 'er allerede angitt for en annen OTP-enhet.'
error_phone_number_format: "må ha format + XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA-enhet"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Mobiltelefon"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Autentiseringsprogram"
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA-levering har blitt deaktivert."
error_no_device: "Ingen registrert 2FA-enhet funnet for denne brukeren, til tross for at det kreves for denne forekomsten."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Ingen matchende 2FA-strategi tilgjengelig for denne brukeren. Ta kontakt med administratoren din."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Konfigurasjonsfeil: Tofaktorautentisering har blitt håndhevet, men ingen aktive strategier eksisterer.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Ugyldig 2FA backup-kode'
channel_unavailable: "Leveringskanalen %{channel} er utilgjengelig."
no_valid_phone_number: "Det finnes ikke et gyldig telefonnummer."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Passord"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Du må bekrefte passordet ditt når du endrer disse innstillingene."
label_device_type: "Enhetstype"
label_default_device: "Standard 2FA-enhet"
label_device: "2FA-enhet"
label_devices: "2FA-enheter"
label_one_time_password: 'Engangspassord'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Tofaktorautentisering er aktiv'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Tofaktorautentisering ikke aktiv'
text_enter_2fa: 'Vennligst skriv inn engangspassordet fra enheten.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Ved hvert innlogging vil du bli bedt om å legge inn et OTP-token fra standard 2FA-enheten.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'For å aktivere tofaktorautentisering, bruk knappen ovenfor for å registrere en ny 2FA-enhet. Hvis du allerede har en enhet, må du gjøre det til en standard.'
enter_backup_code_title: Skriv inn sikkerhetskode
enter_backup_code_text: Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig sikkerhetskode fra koderlisten din hvis du ikke lenger kan få tilgang til de registrerte 2FA-enhetene dine.
other_device: 'Bruk en annen enhet eller sikkerhetskode'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'For å legge til eller endre dine egne 2FA-enheter, vennligst gå til %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Tofaktorautentisering på kontosiden din'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Du kan ikke redigere dine egne 2FA-enheter på denne banen. Gå til Min konto> Tofaktorautentisering i stedet.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Ingen 2FA-enhet er registrert for denne brukeren.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Ingen 2FA-enhet er registrert for denne brukeren. Alle 2FA-enheter av denne brukeren er slettet'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette alle 2FA-enheter for denne brukeren?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Slett registrerte 2FA-enheter'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Registrer mobiltelefon'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Ved hver pålogging vil denne brukeren bli bedt om å legge inn et OTP-token fra sin standard 2FA-enhet.'
text_2fa_disabled: "Brukeren har ikke satt opp en 2FA-enhet via hans «Min konto side»"
none_found: Det finnes ingen sikkerhetskoder for denne kontoen.
singular: Sikkerhetskopieringskode
plural: Sikkerhetskopieringskoder
your_codes: for din %{app_name} konto %{login}
overview_description: |
Hvis du ikke klarer å få tilgang til de to faktorene, kan du bruke en sikkerhetskode for å få tilgang til kontoen din.
Bruk følgende knapp for å generere et nytt sett med sikkerhetskoder.
title: Generer sikkerhetskoder
keep_safe_as_password: 'Viktig! Behandle disse kodene som passord.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Enten lagre dem i passordbehandleren din, eller skriv ut denne siden og sett på et trygt sted.'
regenerate_warning: 'Advarsel: Hvis du har opprettet sikkerhetskoder før, blir de ugyldig og vil ikke lenger fungere.'
add_new: 'Legg til ny 2FA-enhet'
register: 'Registrer enheten'
confirm_default: 'Bekreft å bytte standard enhet'
confirm_device: 'Bekreft enheten'
confirm_now: 'Ikke bekreftet, klikk her for å aktivere'
cannot_delete_default: 'Kan ikke slette standard enhet'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Er du sikker på at du vil gjøre denne 2FA-enheten til standard?'
make_default_failed: 'Kunne ikke oppdatere standard 2FA-enheten.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne 2FA-enheten?'
registration_complete: '2FA enhet registrering fullført!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA-enhetsregistrering mislyktes, tokenet var ugyldig.'
registration_failed_update: '2FA-enhetsregistrering mislyktes, symbolet var gyldig, men enheten kunne ikke oppdateres.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Bekreftelse av 2FA-enheten din mislyktes.'
button_complete_registration: 'Fullfør 2FA-registrering'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Vennligst bekreft at standardinnstillingen din endres til <strong> %{new_identifier} </ strong> ved å skrive inn et engangspassord fra den gjeldende standard enheten din."
text_identifier: 'Du kan gi enheten en egendefinert Id ved hjelp av dette feltet.'
failed_to_delete: 'Kunne ikke slette 2FA-enheten.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Enheten er merket som standard og kan ikke slettes på grunn av en aktiv sikkerhetspolicy. Merk en annen enhet som standard før du sletter.'
not_existing: 'Ingen 2FA-enhet er registrert for kontoen din.'
request_2fa: Vennligst skriv koden fra din %{device_name} for å bekrefte identiteten din.
title: 'Bruk appbasert godkjenning'
provisioning_uri: 'Levering av URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Tidsbasert'
account: 'Kontonavn / Utsteder'
setup: |
For å sette opp tofaktorautentisering med Google Authenticator, last ned programmet fra Apple App Store eller Google Play Store.
Etter at du har åpnet appen, kan du skanne følgende QR-kode for å registrere enheten.
question_cannot_scan: |
Kunne ikke skanne koden ved hjelp av programmet ditt?
text_cannot_scan: |
Hvis du ikke kan skanne koden, kan du legge inn oppføringen manuelt ved å bruke følgende detaljer:
description: |
Registrer en applikasjonsautentiserer for bruk med OpenProject ved hjelp av den tidsbaserte engangsautentiseringsstandarden for passord.
Vanlige eksempler er Google Authenticator eller Authy.
title: 'Bruk mobiltelefonen din'
redacted_identifier: 'Mobil enhet (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, vi sendte deg en godkjenningskode via %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Registrer mobilnummeret ditt for levering av OpenProject engangs passord.
delivery_failed: 'SNS-levering mislyktes:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token levering mislyktes. (Feil koden %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Et engangspassord er sendt til din mobiltelefon."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Tofaktorautentisering'
required_to_add_device: 'En aktiv sikkerhetspolicy krever at du aktiverer tofaktorautentisering. Vennligst bruk følgende skjema for å registrere en enhet.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Mobiltelefon"
field_otp: "Engangspassord"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Ugyldig engangspassord."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Engangs-passordet du skrev inn, utløp."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Din engangspassord: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Utvikler strategi generert av følgende engangspassord: %{token} (kanal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Ditt engangspassord kunne ikke sendes."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Ingen mobilnummer er knyttet til kontoen din."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} eller på logg ut"
label_actions: 'Handlinger'
label_confirmed: 'Bekreftet'
button_continue: 'Fortsette'
button_make_default: 'Merk som standard'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Vennligst skriv inn nummeret i følgende format: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Andre verifikasjonsmetoder"
text_send_otp_again: "Send engangspassord på nytt ved å:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Send igjen"
button_otp_by_voice: "Taleanrop"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Leveringskanal"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Identyfikator'
default: 'Użyj jako domyślnego'
phone_number: "Numer telefonu"
default_already_exists: 'jest już ustawione dla innego urządzenia OTP.'
error_phone_number_format: "musi mieć format + XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Urządzenie 2FA"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Telefon komórkowy"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Aplikacja Authenticator"
error_2fa_disabled: "Dostawa 2FA została wyłączona."
error_no_device: "Nie znaleziono zarejestrowanego urządzenia 2FA dla tego użytkownika, mimo że jest ono wymagane dla tego wystąpienia."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Dla tego użytkownika nie jest dostępna żadna zgodna strategia 2FA. Skontaktuj się z administratorem."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Błąd konfiguracji: Wymuszono uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe, ale nie istnieją żadne aktywne strategie.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Nieprawidłowy kod zapasowy 2FA'
channel_unavailable: "Kanał doręczeniowy %{channel} jest niedostępny."
no_valid_phone_number: "Brak prawidłowego numeru telefonu."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Hasło"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Po wprowadzeniu zmian w tych ustawieniach musisz potwierdzić swoje hasło."
label_device_type: "Rodzaj urządzenia"
label_default_device: "Domyślne urządzenie 2FA"
label_device: "Urządzenie 2FA"
label_devices: "Urządzenie 2FA"
label_one_time_password: 'Jednorazowe hasło'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe jest aktywne'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe nie jest aktywne'
text_enter_2fa: 'Wprowadź jednorazowe hasło z urządzenia.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Po każdym logowaniu zostaniesz poproszony o wprowadzenie tokena OTP z domyślnego urządzenia 2FA.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Aby włączyć uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe, użyj przycisku powyżej, aby zarejestrować nowe urządzenie 2FA. Jeśli masz już urządzenie, musisz ustawić je jako domyślne.'
enter_backup_code_title: Wprowadź kod zapasowy
enter_backup_code_text: Wprowadź prawidłowy kod zapasowy z listy kodów, na wypadek, gdyby nie było już dostępu do zarejestrowanych urządzeń 2FA.
other_device: 'Użyj innego urządzenia lub kodu zapasowego'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Aby dodać lub zmodyfikować własne urządzenia 2FA, przejdź do %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe na stronie konta'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Nie możesz edytować własnych urządzeń 2FA na tej ścieżce. Przejdź do Moje konto> Uwierzytelnianie dwuetapowe.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Żadne urządzenie 2FA nie zostało zarejestrowane dla tego użytkownika.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Wszystkie urządzenia 2FA tego użytkownika zostały usunięte'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie urządzenia 2FA dla tego użytkownika?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Usuń zarejestrowane urządzenia 2FA'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Zarejestruj telefon komórkowy'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Po każdym logowaniu ten użytkownik zostanie poproszony o wprowadzenie tokena OTP z jego domyślnego urządzenia 2FA.'
text_2fa_disabled: "Użytkownik nie ustawił urządzenia 2FA na swojej stronie \"Moje konto\""
none_found: Na tym koncie nie ma kodów zapasowych.
singular: Kod zapasowy
plural: Kody zapasowe
your_codes: dla Twojego %{app_name} konta %{login}
overview_description: |
Jeśli nie możesz uzyskać dostępu do urządzeń z dwoma elementami, możesz użyć kodu zapasowego, aby odzyskać dostęp do swojego konta.
Użyj następującego przycisku, aby wygenerować nowy zestaw kodów zapasowych.
title: Wygeneruj kody zapasowe
keep_safe_as_password: 'Ważny! Traktuj te kody jako hasła.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Zapisz je w menedżerze haseł lub wydrukuj tę stronę i umieść w bezpiecznym miejscu.'
regenerate_warning: 'Ostrzeżenie: jeśli wcześniej utworzyłeś kody zapasowe, zostaną one unieważnione i przestaną działać.'
add_new: 'Dodaj nowe urządzenie 2FA'
register: 'Zarejestruj urządzenie'
confirm_default: 'Potwierdź zmianę domyślnego urządzenia'
confirm_device: 'Potwierdź urządzenie'
confirm_now: 'Nie potwierdzono, kliknij tutaj, aby aktywować'
cannot_delete_default: 'Nie można usunąć domyślnego urządzenia'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Czy na pewno chcesz ustawić to urządzenie 2FA jako domyślne?'
make_default_failed: 'Nie udało się zaktualizować domyślnego urządzenia 2FA.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to urządzenie 2FA?'
registration_complete: 'Rejestracja urządzenia 2FA zakończona!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'Rejestracja urządzenia 2FA nie powiodła się, token był nieprawidłowy.'
registration_failed_update: 'Rejestracja urządzenia 2FA nie powiodła się, token był ważny, ale urządzenie nie mogło zostać zaktualizowane.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Potwierdzenie twojego urządzenia 2FA nie powiodło się.'
button_complete_registration: 'Ukończ rejestrację 2FA'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Proszę potwierdzić, zmiana domyślnego urządzenia do <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> poprzez wpisanie hasła jednorazowego z bieżącego urządzenia domyślnego."
text_identifier: 'Możesz nadać urządzeniu niestandardowy identyfikator za pomocą tego pola.'
failed_to_delete: 'Nie można usunąć urządzenia 2FA.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Urządzenie jest oznaczone jako domyślne i nie można go usunąć z powodu aktywnej polityki bezpieczeństwa. Przed usunięciem oznacz urządzenie jako domyślne.'
not_existing: 'Nie zarejestrowano urządzenia 2FA dla Twojego konta.'
request_2fa: Wprowadź kod z %{device_name}, aby zweryfikować swoją tożsamość.
title: 'Użyj uwierzytelniacza opartego na aplikacji'
provisioning_uri: 'Inicjowanie obsługi URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Oparte na czasie'
account: 'Nazwa rachunku / wystawcy'
setup: |
Aby skonfigurować uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe za pomocą Google Authenticator, pobierz aplikację ze sklepu Apple App Store lub Google Play Store.
Po otwarciu aplikacji możesz zeskanować poniższy kod QR, aby zarejestrować urządzenie.
question_cannot_scan: |
Nie można zeskanować kodu za pomocą aplikacji?
text_cannot_scan: |
Jeśli nie możesz zeskanować kodu, możesz wprowadzić wpis ręcznie, korzystając z następujących informacji:
description: |
Zarejestruj aplikację uwierzytelniającą do użytku z OpenProject, korzystając z opartego na czasie standardu uwierzytelniania za pomocą hasła jednorazowego.
Typowymi przykładami są Google Authenticator lub Authy.
title: 'Użyj swojego telefonu komórkowego'
redacted_identifier: 'Urządzenie mobilne (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, wysłaliśmy Ci kod uwierzytelniający za pośrednictwem %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Zarejestruj swój numer telefonu komórkowego w celu dostarczenia jednorazowych haseł OpenProject.
delivery_failed: 'Nie udało się dostarczyć SNS:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Błąd dostarczania tokenu. (Kod błędu %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Hasło jednorazowe zostało wysłane na Twój telefon komórkowy."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe'
required_to_add_device: 'Aktywna polityka bezpieczeństwa wymaga włączenia uwierzytelniania dwuskładnikowego. Użyj poniższego formularza, aby zarejestrować urządzenie.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Komórka"
field_otp: "Jednorazowe hasło"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Nieprawidłowe hasło jednorazowe."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Wprowadzone hasło jednorazowe wygasło."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Twoje jednorazowe hasło: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Strategia programisty wygenerowała następujące jednorazowe hasło: %{token} (kanał:%{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Twoje jednorazowe hasło nie mogło zostać wysłane."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Żaden numer telefonu komórkowego nie jest powiązany z Twoim kontem."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} lub wylogowania"
label_actions: 'Działania'
label_confirmed: 'Zatwardziały'
button_continue: 'Dalej'
button_make_default: 'Oznacz jako domyślny'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Wprowadź numer w następującym formacie: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Inne metody weryfikacji"
text_send_otp_again: "Ponownie wyślij hasło jednorazowe:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Wysłać ponownie"
button_otp_by_voice: "Rozmowa głosowa"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Kanał dostawy"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Identificador'
default: 'Usar padrão'
phone_number: "Número de telefone"
default_already_exists: 'já está definido para outro dispositivo OTP.'
error_phone_number_format: "deve ser de formato +XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Dispositivo 2FA"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Telefone celular"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Aplicativo autenticador"
error_2fa_disabled: "A entrega 2FA foi desativada."
error_no_device: "Nenhum dispositivo 2FA registrado foi encontrado para este usuário, apesar de ser necessário para esta instância."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Nenhuma estratégia 2FA correspondente disponível para este usuário. Entre em contato com o administrador."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Erro de configuração: a autenticação de dois fatores foi implementada, mas não existe nenhuma estratégia ativa.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Código de backup 2FA inválido'
channel_unavailable: "O canal de entrega %{channel} não está disponível."
no_valid_phone_number: "Nenhum número de telefone válido."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Senha"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Você precisa confirmar sua senha ao realizar alterações nessas configurações."
label_device_type: "Tipo de dispositivo"
label_default_device: "Dispositivo 2FA padrão"
label_device: "Dispositivo 2FA"
label_devices: "Dispositivos 2FA"
label_one_time_password: 'Senha de uso único'
label_2fa_enabled: 'A autenticação de dois fatores está ativa'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Autenticação de dois fatores não ativa'
text_enter_2fa: 'Digite a senha de uso único de seu dispositivo.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Em cada login, será solicitado que você digite um token OTP de seu dispositivo 2FA padrão.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Para ativar a autenticação de dois fatores, use o botão acima para registrar um novo dispositivo 2FA. Se você já possui um dispositivo, é necessário que ele seja padrão.'
enter_backup_code_title: Digite o código de backup
enter_backup_code_text: Digite um código de backup válido de sua lista de códigos caso não possa mais acessar seus dispositivos 2FA registrados.
other_device: 'Use outro dispositivo ou código de backup'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Para adicionar ou modificar seus próprios dispositivos 2FA, acesse %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Autenticação de dois fatores na página da sua conta'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Você não pode editar seus próprios dispositivos 2FA neste caminho. Em vez disso, acesse Minha Conta > Autenticação de dois fatores.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Nenhum dispositivo 2FA foi registrado para este usuário.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Todos os dispositivos 2FA deste usuário foram excluídos'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir todos os dispositivos 2FA para este usuário?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Excluir dispositivos 2FA registrados'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Registrar telefone celular'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Em cada login, será solicitado a este usuário que ele digite um token OTP de seu dispositivo 2FA padrão.'
text_2fa_disabled: "O usuário não configurou um dispositivo 2FA através da sua página \"Minha conta\""
none_found: Não existem códigos de backup para esta conta.
singular: Código de backup
plural: Códigos de backup
your_codes: para a sua conta %{login} do %{app_name}
overview_description: |
Se você não conseguir acessar seus dispositivos de dois fatores, você pode usar um código de backup para recuperar o acesso à sua conta.
Use o seguinte botão para gerar um novo conjunto de códigos de backup.
title: Gerar códigos de backup
keep_safe_as_password: 'Importante! Trate esses códigos como senhas.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Você pode tanto guarda-los em seu gerenciador de senhas quanto imprimir esta página e colocá-la em um lugar seguro.'
regenerate_warning: 'Aviso: se você já criou códigos de backup antes, eles serão invalidados e não funcionarão mais.'
add_new: 'Adicionar novo dispositivo 2FA'
register: 'Registar o dispositivo'
confirm_default: 'Confirmar a alteração do dispositivo padrão'
confirm_device: 'Confirmar dispositivo'
confirm_now: 'Não confirmado, clique aqui para ativar'
cannot_delete_default: 'Não é possível excluir o dispositivo padrão'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Tem certeza de que deseja tornar este dispositivo 2FA padrão?'
make_default_failed: 'Falha ao atualizar o dispositivo 2FA padrão.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Tem certeza que deseja excluir este dispositivo 2FA?'
registration_complete: 'Registro de dispositivo 2FA concluído!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'O registro do dispositivo 2FA falhou, o token não era válido.'
registration_failed_update: 'O registro do dispositivo 2FA falhou, o token era válido, mas o dispositivo não pôde ser atualizado.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Não foi possível confirmar seu dispositivo 2FA.'
button_complete_registration: 'Registo 2FA concluído'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Confirme a alteração de seu dispositivo padrão para <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> inserindo uma senha de uso único de seu dispositivo padrão atual."
text_identifier: 'Você pode fornecer ao dispositivo um identificador personalizado usando este campo.'
failed_to_delete: 'Falha ao excluir o dispositivo 2FA.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'O dispositivo está marcado como padrão e não pode ser excluído devido a uma política de segurança ativa. Marque outro dispositivo como padrão antes da exclusão.'
not_existing: 'Nenhum dispositivo 2FA foi registrado para sua conta.'
request_2fa: Digite o código do seu %{device_name} para verificar sua identidade.
title: 'Use o seu autenticador com base no aplicativo'
provisioning_uri: 'Posicionando URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Com base no tempo'
account: 'Nome da conta / Emissor'
setup: |
Para configurar a autenticação de dois fatos com o Google Authenticator, baixe o aplicativo da Apple App Store ou do Google Play Store.
Depois de abrir o aplicativo, você pode digitalizar o seguinte código QR para registrar o dispositivo.
question_cannot_scan: |
Não foi possível verificar o código usando seu aplicativo?
text_cannot_scan: |
Se você não conseguir digitalizar o código, pode inserir a entrada manualmente usando os seguintes detalhes:
description: |
Registro de um autenticador de aplicativo para uso com o OpenProject usando o padrão de autenticação de senha de uso único com base no tempo.
Exemplos comuns são o Google Authenticator ou o Authy.
title: 'Use seu telefone celular'
redacted_identifier: 'Dispositivo móvel (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, enviamos um código de autenticação por %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Registre seu número de telefone celular para a entrega de senhas de uso único do OpenProject.
delivery_failed: 'Falha na entrega do SNS:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'A entrega do token falhou. (Código de erro %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Uma senha de uso único foi enviada para o seu telefone celular."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Autenticação de dois fatores'
required_to_add_device: 'Uma política de segurança ativa exige que você ative a autenticação de dois fatores. Use o seguinte formulário para registrar um dispositivo.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Telefone celular"
field_otp: "Senha de uso único"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Senha de uso único inválida."
notice_account_otp_expired: "A senha de uso único que você inseriu expirou."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Sua senha de uso único: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "A estratégia do desenvolvedor gerou a seguinte senha única: %{token} (Canal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Sua senha de uso único não pôde ser enviada."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Nenhum número de telefone celular está associado à sua conta."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} ou no fim da sessão"
label_actions: 'Ações'
label_confirmed: 'Confirmado'
button_continue: 'Continuar'
button_make_default: 'Marque como padrão'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Digite o número no seguinte formato: +XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Outros métodos de verificação"
text_send_otp_again: "Reenviar a senha de uso único por:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Reenviar"
button_otp_by_voice: "Chamada por voz"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Canal de entrega"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Identificador'
default: 'Usar padrão'
phone_number: "Número de telemóvel"
default_already_exists: 'já está definido para outro dispositivo OTP.'
error_phone_number_format: "deve ser do formato + XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Dispositivo 2FA"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Telemóvel"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Aplicação autenticadora"
error_2fa_disabled: "A entrega 2FA foi desativada."
error_no_device: "Nenhum dispositivo registado 2FA encontrado para este usuário, apesar de ser necessário para esta instância."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Nenhuma estratégia 2FA correspondente disponível para este usuário. Entre em contato com o administrador."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Erro de configuração: a autenticação de dois fatores foi implementada, mas nenhuma estratégia ativa existe.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Código de backup 2FA inválido'
channel_unavailable: "O canal de entrega %{channel} não está disponível."
no_valid_phone_number: "Não existe um número de telefone válido."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Palavra passe"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Você precisa confirmar sua senha ao fazer alterações nessas configurações."
label_device_type: "Tipo de dispositivo"
label_default_device: "Dispositivo 2FA predefinido"
label_device: "Dispositivo 2FA"
label_devices: "Dispositivos 2FA"
label_one_time_password: 'Palavra-passe de uso único'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Autenticação de dois fatores está ativo'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Autenticação de dois fatores não ativa'
text_enter_2fa: 'Digite a palavra-passe de utilização única de seu dispositivo.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Em cada login, você será solicitado a inserir um token OTP do seu dispositivo 2FA padrão.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Para habilitar a autenticação de dois fatores, use o botão acima para registrar um novo dispositivo 2FA. Se você já possui um dispositivo, é necessário que seja um padrão.'
enter_backup_code_title: Digite o código de backup
enter_backup_code_text: Digite um código de backup válido da sua lista de códigos caso não possa mais acessar seus dispositivos registrados 2FA. Digite um código de backup válido da sua lista de códigos caso não possa mais acessar seus dispositivos registrados 2FA.
other_device: 'Use outro dispositivo ou código de backup'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Para adicionar ou modificar seus próprios dispositivos 2FA, vá para %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: 'Autenticação de dois fatores na página da sua conta'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Você não pode editar seus próprios dispositivos 2FA neste caminho. Vá em Minha conta> Autenticação de dois fatores em vez disso.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Nenhum dispositivo 2FA foi registrado para este usuário.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Todos os dispositivos 2FA deste usuário foram excluídos'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir todos os dispositivos 2FA para este usuário?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Eliminar dispositivos registados 2FA'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Registre o celular'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Em cada login, este usuário será solicitado a inserir um token OTP do seu dispositivo padrão 2FA.'
text_2fa_disabled: "O usuário não configurou um dispositivo 2FA através da sua página 'Minha conta'"
none_found: Não existem códigos de backup para esta conta.
singular: Código de backup
plural: Códigos de backup
your_codes: para a sua %{app_name} conta %{login}
overview_description: |
Se você não conseguir acessar seus dispositivos de dois fatores, você pode usar um código de backup para recuperar o acesso à sua conta.
Use o seguinte botão para gerar um novo conjunto de códigos de backup.
title: Gerar códigos de backup
keep_safe_as_password: 'Importante! Trate esses códigos como senhas.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Ou guarde-os no seu gerenciador de senhas, ou imprima esta página e coloque em um lugar seguro.'
regenerate_warning: 'Aviso: se você criou códigos de backup antes, eles serão invalidados e não funcionarão mais.'
add_new: 'Adicionar novo dispositivo 2FA'
register: 'Registar o dispositivo'
confirm_default: 'Confirmar a alteração do dispositivo padrão'
confirm_device: 'Confirmar dispositivo'
confirm_now: 'Não confirmado, clique aqui para ativar'
cannot_delete_default: 'Não é possível excluir o dispositivo padrão'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Tem certeza de que deseja tornar este dispositivo 2FA padrão?'
make_default_failed: 'Falha ao atualizar o dispositivo 2FA padrão.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Você realmente deseja excluir este dispositivo 2FA?'
registration_complete: 'Registro de dispositivo 2FA completo!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'O registro do dispositivo 2FA falhou, o token foi inválido.'
registration_failed_update: 'O registro do dispositivo 2FA falhou, o token foi válido, mas o dispositivo não pôde ser atualizado.'
confirm_send_failed: 'A confirmação do seu dispositivo 2FA falhou.'
button_complete_registration: 'Registo 2FA Completo'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Confirme a alteração do seu dispositivo padrão para <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> inserindo uma senha única de seu dispositivo padrão atual."
text_identifier: 'Você pode fornecer ao dispositivo um identificador personalizado usando este campo.'
failed_to_delete: 'Falha ao excluir o dispositivo 2FA.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'O dispositivo está marcado como padrão e não pode ser excluído devido a uma política de segurança ativa. Marque outro dispositivo como padrão antes de excluir.'
not_existing: 'Nenhum dispositivo 2FA foi registrado para sua conta.'
request_2fa: Digite o código do seu %{device_name} para verificar sua identidade.
title: 'Use o seu autenticador baseado em aplicativos'
provisioning_uri: 'URI de provisionamento'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Baseada no tempo'
account: 'Nome da conta / Emissor'
setup: |
Para configurar a autenticação de dois fatos com o Google Authenticator, baixe o aplicativo da Apple App Store ou do Google Play Store.
Depois de abrir o aplicativo, você pode digitalizar o seguinte código QR para registrar o dispositivo.
question_cannot_scan: |
Não é possível verificar o código usando seu aplicativo?
text_cannot_scan: |
Se você não conseguir digitalizar o código, pode inserir a entrada manualmente usando os seguintes detalhes:
description: |
Registre um autenticador de aplicativo para uso com o OpenProject usando o padrão de autenticação de senha de tempo único baseado em tempo.
Exemplos comuns são o Google Authenticator ou o Authy.
title: 'Use seu celular'
redacted_identifier: 'Dispositivo móvel (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, enviamos um código de autenticação via %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Registre seu número de telefone celular para a entrega de senhas únicas do OpenProject.
delivery_failed: 'Falha na entrega do SNS:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'A entrega de token falhou. (Código de erro %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Uma senha única foi enviada para o seu celular."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Autenticação de dois fatores'
required_to_add_device: 'Uma política de segurança ativa exige que você habilite a autenticação de dois fatores. Use o seguinte formulário para registrar um dispositivo.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Telemóvel"
field_otp: "Palavra-passe de utilização única"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Palavra-passe de utilização única inválida."
notice_account_otp_expired: "A senha única que você inseriu expirou."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Sua senha única: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "A estratégia do desenvolvedor gerou a seguinte senha única: %{token} (Canal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Sua senha única não pôde ser enviada."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Nenhum número de telefone celular está associado à sua conta."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} ou no fim de sessão"
label_actions: 'Ações'
label_confirmed: 'Confirmado'
button_continue: 'Continuar'
button_make_default: 'Marque como padrão'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Digite o número no seguinte formato: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Outros métodos de verificação"
text_send_otp_again: "Reenviar a senha única por:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Reenviar"
button_otp_by_voice: "Chamada de voz"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Canal de entrega"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Идентификатор'
default: 'Использовать по умолчанию'
phone_number: "Номер телефона"
default_already_exists: 'уже используется для другого устройства ОП.'
error_phone_number_format: "необходимо указывать в формате +XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "Устройство 2ФА"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Мобильный телефон"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Приложение для аутентификации"
error_2fa_disabled: "Доставка 2ФА отключена."
error_no_device: "Для пользователя не найдено зарегистрированного устройства 2ФА, что требуется для этого экземпляра."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Для этого пользователя нет подходящей стратегии 2ФА. Обратитесь к администратору."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Ошибка конфигурации: применена двухфакторная аутентификация, однако активных стратегий нет.'
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Неправильный резервный код 2ФА'
channel_unavailable: "Канал доставки %{channel} недоступен."
no_valid_phone_number: "Нет номера телефона."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Пароль"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "После изменения этих настроек необходимо подтвердить пароль."
label_device_type: "Тип устройства"
label_default_device: "Устройство 2ФА по умолчанию"
label_device: "Устройство 2ФА"
label_devices: "Устройства 2ФА"
label_one_time_password: 'Одноразовый пароль'
label_2fa_enabled: 'Двухфакторная аутентификация активна'
label_2fa_disabled: 'Двухфакторная аутентификация неактивна'
text_enter_2fa: 'Введите одноразовый пароль со своего устройства.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'При каждом входе у вас будет запрашиваться токен ОП (одноразового пароля) с устройства 2ФА по умолчанию.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'Чтобы включить двухфакторную аутентификацию, нажмите кнопку выше и зарегистрируйте новое устройство 2ФА. Если устройство у вас уже есть, необходимо сделать его устройством по умолчанию.'
enter_backup_code_title: Введите резервный код
enter_backup_code_text: Если у вас больше нет доступа к зарегистрированным устройствам 2ФА, введите действительный резервный код из списка кодов.
other_device: 'Использовать другое устройство или резервный код'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Добавлять и изменять свои устройства 2ФА можно в разделе %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: '«Двухфакторная аутентификация» на странице учетной записи'
self_edit_forbidden: 'На этой странице изменять свои устройства 2ФА нельзя. Перейдите в раздел «Моя учетная запись > Двухфакторная аутентификация».'
no_devices_for_user: 'Для этого пользователя не зарегистрировано ни одного устройства 2ФА.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Все устройства 2ФА этого пользователя удалены'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Удалить все устройства 2ФА для этого пользователя?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Удалить зарегистрированные устройства 2ФА'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Зарегистрировать мобильный телефон'
text_2fa_enabled: 'При каждом входе у пользователя будет запрашиваться токен ОП (одноразового пароля) с его устройства 2ФА по умолчанию.'
text_2fa_disabled: "Пользователь не настроил устройство 2ФА на своей странице «Моя учетная запись»"
none_found: Для этой учетной записи резервных кодов нет.
singular: Резервный код
plural: Резервные коды
your_codes: для вашей учетной записи (%{app_name}, %{login})
overview_description: |
Если вы утратите доступ к устройствам двухфакторной аутентификации, войти в учетную запись можно будет с помощью резервного кода.
Чтобы создать новый набор резервных кодов, нажмите следующую кнопку.
title: Создание резервных кодов
keep_safe_as_password: 'Внимание! Берегите эти коды, как пароли.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Следует либо сохранить их в менеджере паролей, либо распечатать эту страницу и спрятать ее в безопасное место.'
regenerate_warning: 'Предупреждение: созданные ранее резервные коды станут недействительны и больше не будут работать.'
add_new: 'Добавить устройство 2ФА'
register: 'Регистрация устройства'
confirm_default: 'Подтвердите изменение устройства по умолчанию'
confirm_device: 'Подтвердить устройство'
confirm_now: 'Не подтверждено; чтобы активировать, нажмите сюда'
cannot_delete_default: 'Не удается удалить устройство по умолчанию'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Сделать это устройство 2ФА устройством по умолчанию?'
make_default_failed: 'Не удалось обновить устройство 2ФА по умолчанию.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Удалить это устройство 2ФА?'
registration_complete: 'Регистрация устройства 2ФА завершена!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'Ошибка регистрации устройства 2ФА: токен недействителен.'
registration_failed_update: 'Ошибка регистрации устройства 2ФА: токен действителен, однако обновить устройство не удалось.'
confirm_send_failed: 'Не удалось подтвердить устройство 2ФА.'
button_complete_registration: 'Завершить регистрацию 2ФА'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Подтвердите новое устройство по умолчанию — <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong>: введите одноразовый пароль с текущего устройства по умолчанию."
text_identifier: 'С помощью этого поля устройству можно присвоить идентификатор.'
failed_to_delete: 'Не удалось удалить устройство 2ФА.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Устройство задано как устройство по умолчанию, поэтому политика безопасности запрещает его удалять. Что удалить его, задайте другое устройство по умолчанию.'
not_existing: 'Для вашей учетной записи не зарегистрировано ни одного устройства 2ФА.'
request_2fa: Чтобы подтвердить свою личность, введите код с устройства %{device_name}.
title: 'Использование приложения для аутентификации'
provisioning_uri: 'URI для подключения'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'С синхронизацией по времени'
account: 'Имя учетной записи / эмитент'
setup: |
Для настройки двухфакторной аутентификации через приложение Google Authenticator скачайте его из магазина Apple App Store или Google Play.
Затем, чтобы зарегистрировать устройство, откройте приложение и отсканируйте следующий QR-код.
question_cannot_scan: |
Не получается отсканировать код в приложении?
text_cannot_scan: |
Если код не сканируется, можно сделать запись вручную, используя следующие данные:
description: |
Регистрация приложения для аутентификации в сервисе OpenProject с применением стандарта аутентификации с синхронизированным по времени паролем.
Примеры таких приложений: Google Authenticator и Authy.
title: 'Используйте мобильный телефон'
redacted_identifier: 'Мобильное устройство (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, мы отправили вам код аутентификации по каналу %{delivery_channel}'
description: |
Регистрация номера мобильного телефона для получения одноразовых паролей OpenProject.
delivery_failed: 'Сбой доставки SNS:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Ошибка доставки токена. (Код ошибки: %{code}.)'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Одноразовый пароль был отправлен вам на сотовый телефон."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Двухфакторная аутентификация'
required_to_add_device: 'Активная политика безопасности требует использования двухфакторной аутентификации. Зарегистрируйте устройство с помощью следующей формы.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Сотовый телефон"
field_otp: "Одноразовый пароль"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Неправильный одноразовый пароль."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Срок действия введенного одноразового пароля истек."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Ваш одноразовый пароль: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Стратегия разработчика сформировала следующий одноразовый пароль: %{token} (канал: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Не удается отправить одноразовый пароль."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "К вашей учетной записи не привязан номер сотового телефона."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} или при выходе из системы"
label_actions: 'Действия'
label_confirmed: 'Подтвержден'
button_continue: 'Далее'
button_make_default: 'Задать по умолчанию'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Введите номер в следующем формате: +XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Другие способы проверки"
text_send_otp_again: "Повторно отправить одноразовый пароль:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Отправить еще раз"
button_otp_by_voice: "Голосовой звонок"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Канал доставки"

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
identifier: 'Tanıtıcı'
default: 'Varsayılan olarak kullanın'
phone_number: "Telefon numarası"
default_already_exists: 'zaten başka bir OTP aygıtı için ayarlanmış.'
error_phone_number_format: "biçimi olmalı + XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA aygıtı"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Cep telefonu"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Kimlik Doğrulayıcı uygulaması"
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA teslimatı devre dışı bırakıldı."
error_no_device: "Bu örnek için gerekli olmasına rağmen, bu kullanıcı için kayıtlı 2FA cihazı bulunamadı."
error_no_matching_strategy: "Bu kullanıcı için uygun 2FA stratejisi yok. Lütfen yöneticinize başvurun."
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Yapılandırma hatası: İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama zorlanmış, ancak etkin bir strateji mevcut değil.'
error_invalid_backup_code: '2FA yedek kodu geçersiz'
channel_unavailable: "%{channel} dağıtım kanalı kullanılamıyor."
no_valid_phone_number: "Geçerli telefon numarası yok."
label_pwd_confirmation: "Parola"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Bu ayarlarda değişiklik yaptıktan sonra şifrenizi onaylamanız gerekir."
label_device_type: "Cihaz türü"
label_default_device: "Varsayılan 2FA aygıtı"
label_device: "2FA aygıtı"
label_devices: "2FA aygıtı"
label_one_time_password: 'Tek-kullanımlık Şifreler'
label_2fa_enabled: 'İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama etkin'
label_2fa_disabled: 'İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama etkin değil'
text_enter_2fa: 'Lütfen cihazınızdaki bir kerelik şifreyi girin.'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Her girişte, varsayılan 2FA cihazınızdan bir OTP jetonu girmeniz istenir.'
text_2fa_disabled: 'İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulamayı etkinleştirmek için yukarıdaki düğmeyi kullanarak yeni bir 2FA aygıtı kaydettirin. Hâlihazırda bir aygıtınız varsa, onu bir varsayılan yapın.'
enter_backup_code_title: Yedekleme kodunuzu girin
enter_backup_code_text: Kayıtlı 2FA cihazlarınıza erişemediğiniz taktirde lütfen kod listenizden geçerli bir yedek kod girin.
other_device: 'Başka bir aygıt veya yedek kodu kullanın'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: 'Kendi 2FA cihazlarınızı eklemek veya değiştirmek için lütfen %{self_edit_link} adresine gidin'
self_edit_link_name: 'Hesap sayfanızdaki iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama'
self_edit_forbidden: 'Bu yolda kendi 2FA cihazlarınızı düzenleyemezsiniz. Yerine, Hesabım> İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama gidin.'
no_devices_for_user: 'Bu kullanıcı için 2FA cihazı kayıtlı değil.'
all_devices_deleted: 'Bu kullanıcının tüm 2FA cihazları silindi'
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Bu kullanıcı için tüm 2FA cihazlarını silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?'
button_delete_all_devices: 'Kayıtlı 2FA cihazlarını sil'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Cep telefonunu kaydet'
text_2fa_enabled: 'Her girişte bu kullanıcının varsayılan 2FA cihazından bir OTP jetonu girmesi istenir.'
text_2fa_disabled: "Kullanıcı, \"Hesabım sayfası\" nı kullanarak bir 2FA cihazı kurmadı,"
none_found: Bu hesap için geçerli bir yedek kod bulunmamaktadır.
singular: Yedekleme kodu
plural: Yedekleme kodları
your_codes: sizin %{app_name} hesabınız için %{login}
overview_description: |
Kayıtlı 2FA cihazlarınıza erişiminiz yoksa, 2FA yedek kod girerek hesabınıza erişebilirsiniz. Yeni bir yedek kod oluşturmak için aşağıdaki düğmeyi kullanın.
title: Yedek kodları oluşturun
keep_safe_as_password: 'Önemli! Bu kodlara parola gibi davranın.'
keep_safe_warning: 'Yedek kodlarınızı şifre yöneticinize kaydedin veya bu sayfayı yazdırıp güvenli bir yerde saklayın.'
regenerate_warning: 'Uyarı: Önceden oluşturduğunuz 2FA yedek kodları geçersiz olur ve artık kullanılamazlar.'
add_new: 'Yeni 2FA aygıtı ekle'
register: 'Cihazınızı Kaydettirin'
confirm_default: 'Varsayılan aygıtı değiştirdiğinizi onaylayın'
confirm_device: 'Aygıtı Onayla'
confirm_now: 'Teyit edilmemiştir, etkinleştirmek için buraya tıklayın'
cannot_delete_default: 'Varsayılan cihazı silemiyor'
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Bu 2FA cihazını varsayılan ayar yapmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?'
make_default_failed: 'Varsayılan 2FA aygıtı güncellenemedi.'
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Bu 2FA cihazını silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?'
registration_complete: '2FA cihaz kaydı tamamlandı!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA cihaz kaydı başarısız oldu, belirteç geçersiz.'
registration_failed_update: '2FA cihaz kaydı başarısız oldu, belirteç geçerli ancak cihaz güncellenemedi.'
confirm_send_failed: '2FA cihazınızın onayı başarısız oldu.'
button_complete_registration: '2FA kaydı tamamlayın'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Mevcut varsayılan cihazınızdan bir kerelik şifre girerek varsayılan cihazınızı <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> olarak değiştirmenizi onaylayın."
text_identifier: 'Bu alanı kullanarak cihaza özel bir tanımlayıcı verebilirsiniz.'
failed_to_delete: '2FA cihazı silinemedi.'
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Cihaz varsayılan olarak işaretlidir ve etkin bir güvenlik politikası nedeniyle silinemez. Silmeden önce başka bir cihazı varsayılan olarak işaretleyin.'
not_existing: 'Hesabınız için hiçbir 2FA cihazı kayıtlı değil.'
request_2fa: Kimliğinizi doğrulamak için lütfen %{device_name} numaranızın kodunu girin.
title: 'Uygulama dayalı kimlik doğrulayıcınızı kullanın'
provisioning_uri: 'URI Hazırlama'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: 'Zaman bazlı'
account: 'Hesap adı / veren'
setup: |
Google Authenticator ile iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama kurmak için uygulamayı Apple App mağazasından veya Google Play Store'dan indirin.
Uygulamayı açtıktan sonra, cihazı kaydetmek için aşağıdaki QR kodunu tarayabilirsiniz.
question_cannot_scan: |
Uygulamanızı kullanarak kodu tarayamıyor musunuz?
text_cannot_scan: |
Kodu tarayamazsanız, aşağıdaki ayrıntıları kullanarak girişi manuel olarak girebilirsiniz:
description: |
Zamana dayalı bir kerelik şifre doğrulama standardını kullanarak OpenProject ile kullanmak üzere bir uygulama kimlik doğrulayıcısı kaydettirin.
Genel örnekler, Google Authenticator veya Authy'dir.
title: 'Cep telefonunuzu kullanın'
redacted_identifier: 'Hareket eden aygıt (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, biz %{delivery_channel} ile bir kimlik doğrulama kodu gönderdik'
description: |
OpenProject'ın bir kerelik şifrelerini iletmek için cep telefonu numaranızı kaydedin.
delivery_failed: 'SNS teslim başarısız oldu:'
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token teslimatı başarısız oldu. (Hata kodu %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "Cep telefonunuza bir kerelik bir şifre gönderildi."
label_two_factor_authentication: 'İki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama'
required_to_add_device: 'Etkin bir güvenlik ilkesi, iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulamayı etkinleştirmenizi gerektirir. Bir cihazı kaydetmek için lütfen aşağıdaki formu kullanın.'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "Cep Telefonu"
field_otp: "Tek-kullanımlık Şifre"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Geçersiz tek kullanımlık şifre."
notice_account_otp_expired: "Girdiğiniz tek kullanımlık şifrenin süresi doldu."
notice_otp_sms_text: "Tek Kullanımlık Şifreniz: %{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Geliştirici stratejisi, aşağıdaki tek seferlik şifreyi oluşturdu: %{token} (kanal: %{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Tek kullanımlık şifreniz gönderilemedi."
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Hesabınızla ilişkili cep telefonu numarası yok."
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} veya oturum kapatma"
label_actions: 'Eylemler'
label_confirmed: 'Onaylandı'
button_continue: 'Devam et'
button_make_default: 'Varsayılan olarak kullanın'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "Lütfen numarasını yandaki biçimde girin: + XX XXXXXXXX."
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "Diğer doğrulama yöntemleri"
text_send_otp_again: "Tek seferlik şifreyi şu yollarla tekrar gönderin:"
button_resend_otp_form: "Tekrar Gönder"
button_otp_by_voice: "Sesli arama"
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS"
label_otp_channel: "Teslimat kanalı"

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
identifier: '标识符'
default: '用作默认'
phone_number: "电话号码"
default_already_exists: '已设为另一个 OTP 设备。'
error_phone_number_format: "格式必须为 +XX XXXXXXXXX"
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA 设备"
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "手机"
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "身份验证器应用程序"
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA 传送已禁用。"
error_no_device: "尽管此实例需要,但没有为该用户找到注册的 2FA 设备。"
error_no_matching_strategy: "没有匹配的 2FA 策略可供此用户使用。请联系您的管理员。"
error_is_enforced_not_active: '配置错误:已强制执行双重身份验证,但不存在活动策略。'
error_invalid_backup_code: '2FA 备份代码无效'
channel_unavailable: "传送通道 %{channel} 不可用。"
no_valid_phone_number: "不存在有效的电话号码。"
label_pwd_confirmation: "密码"
notice_pwd_confirmation: "在对这些设置进行更改时,您需要确认您的密码。"
label_device_type: "设备类型"
label_default_device: "默认 2FA 设备"
label_device: "2FA 设备"
label_devices: "2FA 设备"
label_one_time_password: '一次性密码'
label_2fa_enabled: '双重身份验证已激活'
label_2fa_disabled: '双重身份验证未激活'
text_enter_2fa: '请从您的设备输入一次性密码。'
text_2fa_enabled: '每次登录时,系统将要求您从默认的 2FA 设备输入 OTP 令牌。'
text_2fa_disabled: '要启用双重身份验证,请使用上面的按钮注册新的 2FA 设备。如果您已拥有设备,则需要将其设置为默认设备。'
enter_backup_code_title: 输入备份代码
enter_backup_code_text: 请从您的代码列表中输入有效的备份代码,以防您无法再访问已注册的 2FA 设备。
other_device: '使用其他设备或备份代码'
title: '2FA settings'
current_configuration: 'Current configuration'
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies'
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA'
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login'
text_configuration: |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart.
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide.
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.'
text_remember: |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days.
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration.
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid'
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}'
self_edit_path: '要添加或修改您自己的 2FA 设备,请转到 %{self_edit_link}'
self_edit_link_name: '您帐户页面上的双重身份验证'
self_edit_forbidden: '您可能无法在此路径上编辑自己的 2FA 设备。请转到我的帐户 >> 双重身份验证。'
no_devices_for_user: '没有为此用户注册过 2FA 设备。'
all_devices_deleted: '此用户的所有 2FA 设备已被删除'
delete_all_are_you_sure: '确实要删除此用户的所有 2FA 设备吗?'
button_delete_all_devices: '删除已注册的 2FA 设备'
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: '注册手机'
text_2fa_enabled: '每次登录时,系统将要求此用户从默认的 2FA 设备输入 OTP 令牌。'
text_2fa_disabled: "用户未通过“我的帐户页面”设置过 2FA 设备"
none_found: 此帐户不存在备份代码。
singular: 备份代码
plural: 备份代码
your_codes: 针对您的 %{app_name} 帐户 %{login}
overview_description: |
title: 生成备份代码
keep_safe_as_password: '重要!将这些代码视为密码。'
keep_safe_warning: '请将它们保存在您的密码管理器中,或者打印本页并置于安全的地方。'
regenerate_warning: '警告:如果您以前创建过备份代码,它们将失效并且不再工作。'
add_new: '添加新的 2FA 设备'
register: '注册设备'
confirm_default: '确认更改默认设备'
confirm_device: '确认设备'
confirm_now: '未确认,请单击此处激活'
cannot_delete_default: '无法删除默认设备'
make_default_are_you_sure: '确实要将此 2FA 设备设置为您的默认设备吗?'
make_default_failed: '更新默认 2FA 设备失败。'
deletion_are_you_sure: '确实要删除此 2FA 设备吗?'
registration_complete: '2FA 设备注册完成!'
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA 设备注册失败,令牌无效。'
registration_failed_update: '2FA 设备注册失败,令牌有效,但设备无法更新。'
confirm_send_failed: '确认您的 2FA 设备失败。'
button_complete_registration: '完成 2FA 注册'
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device."
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "请从您的当前默认设备输入一次性密码,确认将您的默认设备更改为 <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong>。"
text_identifier: '您可以使用此字段为设备提供自定义标识符。'
failed_to_delete: '删除 2FA 设备失败。'
is_default_cannot_delete: '该设备被标记为默认设备,并且由于活动安全策略而无法删除。在删除之前,请将另一个设备标记为默认设备。'
not_existing: '没有为您的帐户注册过 2FA 设备。'
request_2fa: 请从您的 %{device_name} 输入代码以验证您的身份。
title: '使用您的基于应用程序的身份验证器'
provisioning_uri: '配置 URI'
secret_key: 'Secret key'
time_based: '基于时间'
account: '帐户名/颁发者'
setup: |
要使用 Google Authenticator 设置双重身份验证,请从 Apple App Store 或 Google Play 商店下载应用程序。
question_cannot_scan: |
text_cannot_scan: |
description: |
使用基于时间的一次性密码身份验证标准来注册要与 OpenProject 搭配使用的应用程序身份验证器。
常见的示例包括 Google Authenticator 或 Authy。
title: '使用您的手机'
redacted_identifier: '移动设备 (%{redacted_number})'
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier},我们通过 %{delivery_channel} 向您发送了一个身份验证代码'
description: |
注册您的手机号码,以便传送 OpenProject 一次性密码。
delivery_failed: 'SNS 传送失败:'
delivery_failed_with_code: '令牌传送失败。(错误代码 %{code})'
totp: 'Authenticator application'
sns: 'Amazon SNS'
resdt: 'SMS Rest API'
mobile_transmit_notification: "一个一次性密码已发送到您的手机。"
label_two_factor_authentication: '双重身份验证'
required_to_add_device: '活动安全策略要求您启用双重身份验证。请使用以下表单注册设备。'
active_session_notice: >
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time.
label: 'Remember'
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie'
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.'
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days."
field_phone: "手机"
field_otp: "一次性密码"
notice_account_otp_invalid: "一次性密码无效。"
notice_account_otp_expired: "您输入的一次性密码已过期。"
notice_otp_sms_text: "您的一次性密码:%{token}"
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "开发人员策略生成了以下一次性密码:%{token}(通道:%{channel})"
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "无法发送您的一次性密码。"
notice_account_has_no_phone: "您的帐户没有关联任何手机号码。"
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} 或注销时"
label_actions: '操作'
label_confirmed: '已确认'
button_continue: '继续'
button_make_default: '标记为默认'
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified"
message_expiration_time: "For security reasons it will expire in %{duration} (%{time}) automatically or when you log out."
notice_phone_number_format: "请按以下格式输入号码:+XX XXXXXXXX。"
error_password_on_phone_change: "is required if you want to change your cell phone number"
notice_field_phone: "To login by one-time password you must be able to receive SMS messages sent to this number"
text_otp_not_receive: "其他验证方法"
text_send_otp_again: "通过下列方式重新发送一次性密码:"
button_resend_otp_form: "重新发送"
button_otp_by_voice: "语音通话"
button_otp_by_sms: "短信"
label_otp_channel: "传送通道"