Merge pull request #45 from finnlabs/feature/rails3_translations_sort

Sorted translations for easier tracking
Christian Rijke 12 years ago
commit f75e11b7b3
  1. 245
  2. 283

@ -1,171 +1,170 @@
units: Einheiten
hours: Stunden
budget: Geplante Kosten
comment: Kommentar
costs: Kosten
valid_from: Gültig ab
current_rate: Aktueller Satz
cost_type: Kostenart
cost_object: Budget
cost_object: Budget
rate: Satz
one: "Kostenart"
other: "Kostenarten"
material_budget_item: Stück
issue: "Ticket"
overridden_costs: "Überschriebene Kosten"
spent: "Gebucht"
spent_on: "Datum"
type: Kostenart
budget_ratio: Verbraucht (Prozent)
fixed_date: Referenzdatum
budget: Geplant
spent: Verbraucht
available: Verfügbar
status: Status
subject: Thema
author: Autor
created_on: Erstellt
updated_on: Aktualisiert
description: Beschreibung
labor_budget: Geplante Personaleinzelkosten
material_budget: Geplante Stückkosten
author: "Autor"
available: "Verfügbar"
budget: "Geplant"
budget_ratio: "Verbraucht (Prozent)"
created_on: "Erstellt"
description: "Beschreibung"
fixed_date: "Referenzdatum"
spent: "Verbraucht"
status: "Status"
subject: "Thema"
type: "Kostenart"
updated_on: "Aktualisiert"
unit: "Einheit"
unit_plural: "Einheit plural"
issue: Ticket
overridden_costs: "Überschriebene Kosten"
spent_on: Datum
spent: Gebucht
spent_units: Gebuchte Einheiten
spent_costs: Gebuchte Kosten
spent_hours: Gebuchte Stunden
material_costs: Stückkosten
overall_costs: Gesamtkosten
labor_costs: Personaleinzelkosten
cost_object_subject: Budgettitel
default_rates: Standardsätze
cost_object_subject: "Budgettitel"
labor_costs: "Personaleinzelkosten"
material_costs: "Stückkosten"
overall_costs: "Gesamtkosten"
spent_costs: "Gebuchte Kosten"
spent_hours: "Gebuchte Stunden"
spent_units: "Gebuchte Einheiten"
rate: Satz
#TODO: these could be mapped to cost object and cost type model human names
cost_objects_title: Budgets
cost_types_title: Kostenarten
project_module_costs_module: Controlling
currency_separator: ","
currency_delimiter: .
one: "1 Eintrag"
other: "%{count} Einträge"
week: Woche
group_by_others: In keiner der Gruppen
rate: "Satz"
default_rates: "Standardsätze"
labor_budget: "Geplante Personaleinzelkosten"
material_budget: "Geplante Stückkosten"
cost_object: "Budget"
one: "Kostenart"
other: "Kostenarten"
material_budget_item: "Stück"
rate: "Satz"
budget: "Geplante Kosten"
comment: "Kommentar"
cost_object: "Budget"
cost_type: "Kostenart"
costs: "Kosten"
current_rate: "Aktueller Satz"
hours: "Stunden"
units: "Einheiten"
valid_from: "Gültig ab"
button_add_budget_item: "Budgetposition hinzufügen"
button_add_cost_object: Neues Budget anlegen
button_add_cost_type: Kostenart anlegen
button_add_cost_object: "Neues Budget anlegen"
button_add_cost_type: "Kostenart anlegen"
button_add_rate: "Satz hinzufügen"
button_cancel_edit_budget: "Budget bearbeiten abbrechen"
button_cancel_edit_costs: "Kosten bearbeiten abbrechen"
button_log_costs: "Stückkosten buchen"
button_log_time: "Zeit buchen"
caption_booked_on_project: "Auf das Projekt gebucht"
caption_default: Standard
caption_default: "Standard"
caption_default_rate_history_for: "Standardsatz-Historie für %{user}"
caption_labor: Personal
caption_labor_costs: Ist-Personaleinzelkosten
caption_materials: Stücke
caption_material_costs: Ist-Stückkosten
caption_rate_history: Stundensatz-Historie
caption_labor: "Personal"
caption_labor_costs: "Ist-Personaleinzelkosten"
caption_locked_on: "Gesperrt am"
caption_material_costs: "Ist-Stückkosten"
caption_materials: "Stücke"
caption_rate_history: "Stundensatz-Historie"
caption_rate_history_for: "Stundensatz-Historie für %{user}"
caption_rate_history_for_project: "Studensatz-Historie für %{user} in Projekt %{project}"
caption_set_rate: Aktuellen Satz festlegen
caption_save_rate: "Satz speichern"
caption_set_rate: "Aktuellen Satz festlegen"
caption_show_locked: "Gesperrte Typen anzeigen"
cost_objects_title: "Budgets"
cost_types_title: "Kostenarten"
currency_delimiter: "."
currency_separator: ","
description_date_for_new_rate: "Datum für neuen Satz"
group_by_others: "In keiner der Gruppen"
help_click_to_edit: Hier Klicken zum bearbeiten.
help_click_to_edit: "Hier Klicken zum bearbeiten."
help_currency_format: "Format der angezeigten Währungswerte. %n wird mit dem Zahlenwert ersetzt, %u mit der Währung."
help_override_rate: "Hier einen Wert eingeben um den Standardwert zu Überschreiben."
label_log_costs: Stückkosten buchen
label_between: zwischen
label_between: "zwischen"
label_cost_filter_add: "Kostenfilter hinzufügen"
label_cost_object: Budget
label_cost_object: "Budget"
label_cost_object_id: "Budget #%{id}"
label_cost_object_new: Neues Budget
label_cost_object_new: "Neues Budget"
label_cost_object_plural: "Budgets"
label_cost_plural: Kosten
label_cost_report: Report
label_costs_per_page: Kosten dieser Seite
label_cost_plural: "Kosten"
label_cost_report: "Report"
label_costs_per_page: "Kosten dieser Seite"
label_currency: "Währung"
label_currency_format: "Währungsformat"
label_current_default_rate: Aktueller Standardsatz
label_date_on: am
label_current_default_rate: "Aktueller Standardsatz"
label_date_on: "am"
label_deleted_cost_types: "Gelöschte Kostenarten"
label_deliverable: Budget
label_display_cost_entries: Stückkosten anzeigen
label_display_time_entries: Personaleinzelkosten anzeigen
label_display_types: Angezeigte Eintragsarten
label_edit: Bearbeiten
label_fixed_cost_object: Festes Budget
label_fixed_date: Referenzdatum
label_generic_user: Generischer Benutzer
label_deliverable: "Budget"
label_display_cost_entries: "Stückkosten anzeigen"
label_display_time_entries: "Personaleinzelkosten anzeigen"
label_display_types: "Angezeigte Eintragsarten"
label_edit: "Bearbeiten"
label_fixed_cost_object: "Festes Budget"
label_fixed_date: "Referenzdatum"
label_generic_user: "Generischer Benutzer"
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_group_by: Gruppiere Ergebnisse
label_group_by: "Gruppiere Ergebnisse"
label_group_by_add: "Gruppierungsfeld hinzufügen"
label_hourly_rate: "Stundensatz"
label_include_deleted: "Gelöschte anzeigen"
label_issue_filter_add: "Ticketfilter hinzufügen"
label_kind: Art
label_less_or_equal: <=
label_no: Nein
label_option_plural: Optionen
label_overall_costs: Gesamtkosten
label_rate: Satz
label_rate_plural: Sätze
label_status_finished: Abgeschlossen
label_units: Einheiten
label_until: bis
label_kind: "Art"
label_less_or_equal: "<="
label_log_costs: "Stückkosten buchen"
label_no: "Nein"
label_option_plural: "Optionen"
label_overall_costs: "Gesamtkosten"
label_rate: "Satz"
label_rate_plural: "Sätze"
label_status_finished: "Abgeschlossen"
label_units: "Einheiten"
label_until: "bis"
label_valid_from: "Gültig ab"
label_variable_cost_object: Variables Budget
label_variable_cost_object: "Variables Budget"
label_view_all_cost_objects: "Alle Budgets anzeigen"
label_yes: Ja
label_hourly_rate: "Stundensatz"
label_yes: "Ja"
notice_cost_object_conflict: "Tickets müssen im gleichen Projekt sein."
notice_no_cost_objects_available: "Kein Budget verfügbar."
notice_something_wrong: Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.
notice_successful_restore: Erfolgreich wiederhergestellt.
notice_something_wrong: "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
notice_successful_restore: "Erfolgreich wiederhergestellt."
permission_block_tickets: Tickets blockieren
permission_edit_cost_entries: Bearbeiten gebuchter Stückkosten
permission_block_tickets: "Tickets blockieren"
permission_edit_cost_entries: "Bearbeiten gebuchter Stückkosten"
permission_edit_cost_objects: "Budgets bearbeiten"
permission_edit_own_cost_entries: Bearbeiten eigener gebuchter Stückkosten
permission_edit_own_cost_entries: "Bearbeiten eigener gebuchter Stückkosten"
permission_edit_rates: "Stundensätze editieren"
permission_log_costs: Stückkosten buchen
permission_log_own_costs: Eigene Stückkosten buchen
permission_view_cost_entries: Gebuchte Kosten ansehen
permission_log_costs: "Stückkosten buchen"
permission_log_own_costs: "Eigene Stückkosten buchen"
permission_view_cost_entries: "Gebuchte Kosten ansehen"
permission_view_cost_objects: "Budgets ansehen"
permission_view_cost_rates: Anzeigen von Stückpreisen
permission_view_cost_rates: "Anzeigen von Stückpreisen"
permission_view_hourly_rates: "Alle Stundensätze ansehen"
permission_view_own_hourly_rate: "Eigene Stundensätze ansehen"
project_module_costs_module: "Controlling"
text_assign_time_and_cost_entries_to_project: Gebuchte Aufwände dem Projekt zuweisen
text_assign_time_and_cost_entries_to_project: "Gebuchte Aufwände dem Projekt zuweisen"
text_cost_object_change_type_confirmation: "Sind Sie sicher? Diese Operation wird einige Informationen des aktuellen Budgets löschen."
text_destroy_cost_entries_question: Es wurden bereits %{cost_entries} auf dieses Ticket gebucht. Was soll mit den Aufwänden geschehen?
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries: Gebuchte Aufwände löschen
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries_question: Es wurden bereits %{hours} Stunden sowie %{cost_entries} auf dieses Ticket gebucht. Was soll mit den Aufwänden geschehen?
text_reassign_time_and_cost_entries: 'Gebuchte Aufwände diesem Ticket zuweisen:'
text_destroy_cost_entries_question: "Es wurden bereits %{cost_entries} auf dieses Ticket gebucht. Was soll mit den Aufwänden geschehen?"
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries: "Gebuchte Aufwände löschen"
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries_question: "Es wurden bereits %{hours} Stunden sowie %{cost_entries} auf dieses Ticket gebucht. Was soll mit den Aufwänden geschehen?"
text_reassign_time_and_cost_entries: "Gebuchte Aufwände diesem Ticket zuweisen:"
text_warning_hidden_elements: "Es wurden möglicherweise nicht alle Einträge berücksichtigt."
caption_save_rate: "Satz speichern"
caption_locked_on: "Gesperrt am"
caption_show_locked: "Gesperrte Typen anzeigen"
button_cancel_edit_budget: "Budget bearbeiten abbrechen"
button_cancel_edit_costs: "Kosten bearbeiten abbrechen"
description_date_for_new_rate: "Datum für neuen Satz"
week: "Woche"
one: "1 Eintrag"
other: "%{count} Einträge"

@ -1,171 +1,170 @@
units: Units
hours: Hours
budget: Planned costs
comment: Comment
costs: Costs
valid_from: Valid from
current_rate: Current rate
cost_type: Cost type
cost_object: Budget
cost_object: Budget
rate: Rate
one: "Cost type"
other: "Cost types"
material_budget_item: Unit
issue: "Issue"
overridden_costs: "Overridden costs"
spent: "Spent"
spent_on: "Date"
type: Cost type
budget_ratio: Spent (ratio)
fixed_date: Fixed date
budget: Planned
spent: Spent
available: Available
status: Status
subject: Subject
author: Author
created_on: Created On
updated_on: Updated On
description: Description
labor_budget: Planned Labor Costs
material_budget: Planned Unit Costs
author: "Author"
available: "Available"
budget: "Planned"
budget_ratio: "Spent (ratio)"
created_on: "Created On"
description: "Description"
fixed_date: "Fixed date"
spent: "Spent"
status: "Status"
subject: "Subject"
type: "Cost type"
updated_on: "Updated On"
unit: "Unit Name"
unit_plural: "Pluralized Unit Name"
issue: Issue
overridden_costs: "Overridden costs"
spent_on: Date
spent: Spent
spent_units: Spent units
spent_costs: Spent costs
spent_hours: Spent hours
material_costs: Unit costs
overall_costs: Overall costs
labor_costs: Labor costs
cost_object_subject: Budget title
default_rates: Default rates
cost_object_subject: "Budget title"
labor_costs: "Labor costs"
material_costs: "Unit costs"
overall_costs: "Overall costs"
spent_costs: "Spent costs"
spent_hours: "Spent hours"
spent_units: "Spent units"
rate: Rate
#TODO: these could be mapped to cost object and cost type model human names
cost_objects_title: Budgets
cost_types_title: Cost Types
project_module_costs_module: Cost Control
currency_separator: .
currency_delimiter: ","
rate: "Rate"
default_rates: "Default rates"
labor_budget: "Planned Labor Costs"
material_budget: "Planned Unit Costs"
cost_object: "Budget"
one: "Cost type"
other: "Cost types"
material_budget_item: "Unit"
rate: "Rate"
budget: "Planned costs"
comment: "Comment"
cost_object: "Budget"
cost_type: "Cost type"
costs: "Costs"
current_rate: "Current rate"
hours: "Hours"
units: "Units"
valid_from: "Valid from"
one: "1 Entry"
other: "%{count} Entries"
button_add_budget_item: "Add Planned Costs"
button_add_cost_object: "Add Budget"
button_add_cost_type: "Add cost type"
button_add_rate: "Add rate"
button_cancel_edit_budget: "Cancel editing budget"
button_cancel_edit_costs: "Cancel editing costs"
button_log_costs: "Log unit costs"
button_log_time: "Log time"
week: week
group_by_others: not in any group
caption_booked_on_project: "Booked on Project"
caption_default: "Default"
caption_default_rate_history_for: "Default Rate History for %{user}"
caption_labor: "Labor"
caption_labor_costs: "Actual Labor Costs"
caption_locked_on: "Locked on"
caption_material_costs: "Actual Unit Costs"
caption_materials: "Units"
caption_rate_history: "Rate History"
caption_rate_history_for: "Rate History for %{user}"
caption_rate_history_for_project: "Rate History for %{user} in Project %{project}"
caption_save_rate: "Save rate"
caption_set_rate: "Set Current Rate"
caption_show_locked: "Show locked types"
cost_objects_title: "Budgets"
cost_types_title: "Cost Types"
currency_delimiter: ","
currency_separator: "."
button_add_budget_item: Add Planned Costs
button_add_cost_object: Add Budget
button_add_cost_type: Add cost type
button_add_rate: Add rate
button_log_costs: Log unit costs
button_log_time: Log time
description_date_for_new_rate: "Date for new rate"
caption_booked_on_project: "Booked on Project"
caption_default: Default
caption_default_rate_history_for: Default Rate History for %{user}
caption_labor: Labor
caption_labor_costs: Actual Labor Costs
caption_materials: Units
caption_material_costs: Actual Unit Costs
caption_rate_history: Rate History
caption_rate_history_for: Rate History for %{user}
caption_rate_history_for_project: Rate History for %{user} in Project %{project}
caption_set_rate: Set Current Rate
group_by_others: "not in any group"
help_click_to_edit: Click here to edit.
help_currency_format: Format of displayed currency values. %n is replaced with the currency value, %u ist replaced with the currency unit.
help_override_rate: Enter a value here to override the default rate.
help_click_to_edit: "Click here to edit."
help_currency_format: "Format of displayed currency values. %n is replaced with the currency value, %u ist replaced with the currency unit."
help_override_rate: "Enter a value here to override the default rate."
label_log_costs: Log unit costs
label_between: between
label_cost_filter_add: Add cost entry filter
label_cost_object: Budget
label_between: "between"
label_cost_filter_add: "Add cost entry filter"
label_cost_object: "Budget"
label_cost_object_id: "Budget #%{id}"
label_cost_object_new: New Budget
label_cost_object_plural: Budgets
label_cost_plural: Costs
label_cost_report: Cost Report
label_costs_per_page: Costs per page
label_currency: Currency
label_currency_format: Format of currency
label_current_default_rate: Current default rate
label_cost_object_new: "New Budget"
label_cost_object_plural: "Budgets"
label_cost_plural: "Costs"
label_cost_report: "Cost Report"
label_costs_per_page: "Costs per page"
label_currency: "Currency"
label_currency_format: "Format of currency"
label_current_default_rate: "Current default rate"
label_date_on: "on"
label_deleted_cost_types: Deleted Cost Types
label_deliverable: Budget
label_display_types: Display types
label_edit: Edit
label_fixed_cost_object: Fixed budget
label_fixed_date: Fixed date
label_generic_user: Generic User
label_deleted_cost_types: "Deleted Cost Types"
label_deliverable: "Budget"
label_display_cost_entries: "Display unit costs"
label_display_time_entries: "Display reported hours"
label_display_types: "Display types"
label_edit: "Edit"
label_fixed_cost_object: "Fixed budget"
label_fixed_date: "Fixed date"
label_generic_user: "Generic User"
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
label_group_by: Group by
label_group_by_add: Add grouping field
label_include_deleted: Include deleted
label_issue_filter_add: Add issue filter
label_kind: Type
label_less_or_equal: <=
label_group_by: "Group by"
label_group_by_add: "Add grouping field"
label_hourly_rate: "Hourly rate"
label_include_deleted: "Include deleted"
label_issue_filter_add: "Add issue filter"
label_kind: "Type"
label_less_or_equal: "<="
label_log_costs: "Log unit costs"
label_no: "No"
label_option_plural: Options
label_overall_costs: Overall costs
label_rate: Rate
label_rate_plural: Rates
label_status_finished: Finished
label_units: Cost units
label_until: until
label_valid_from: Valid from
label_variable_cost_object: Variable rate based budget
label_view_all_cost_objects: View all Budgets
label_option_plural: "Options"
label_overall_costs: "Overall costs"
label_rate: "Rate"
label_rate_plural: "Rates"
label_status_finished: "Finished"
label_units: "Cost units"
label_until: "until"
label_valid_from: "Valid from"
label_variable_cost_object: "Variable rate based budget"
label_view_all_cost_objects: "View all Budgets"
label_yes: "Yes"
label_hourly_rate: "Hourly rate"
label_display_cost_entries: Display unit costs
label_display_time_entries: Display reported hours
notice_cost_object_conflict: "Issues must be of the same project."
notice_no_cost_objects_available: "No budgets available."
notice_something_wrong: Something went wrong. Please try again.
notice_successful_restore: Successful restore.
notice_something_wrong: "Something went wrong. Please try again."
notice_successful_restore: "Successful restore."
permission_block_tickets: Block tickets
permission_edit_cost_entries: Edit booked unit costs
permission_edit_cost_objects: Edit Budgets
permission_edit_own_cost_entries: Edit own booked unit costs
permission_edit_rates: Edit rates
permission_log_costs: Book unit costs
permission_log_own_costs: Book unit costs for oneself
permission_view_cost_entries: View booked costs
permission_view_cost_objects: View Budgets
permission_view_cost_rates: View cost rates
permission_view_hourly_rates: View all hourly rates
permission_view_own_hourly_rate: View own hourly rate
permission_block_tickets: "Block tickets"
permission_edit_cost_entries: "Edit booked unit costs"
permission_edit_cost_objects: "Edit Budgets"
permission_edit_own_cost_entries: "Edit own booked unit costs"
permission_edit_rates: "Edit rates"
permission_log_costs: "Book unit costs"
permission_log_own_costs: "Book unit costs for oneself"
permission_view_cost_entries: "View booked costs"
permission_view_cost_objects: "View Budgets"
permission_view_cost_rates: "View cost rates"
permission_view_hourly_rates: "View all hourly rates"
permission_view_own_hourly_rate: "View own hourly rate"
project_module_costs_module: "Cost Control"
text_assign_time_and_cost_entries_to_project: Assign reported hours and costs to the project
text_cost_object_change_type_confirmation: Are you sure? This operation will destroy information of the specific budget type.
text_assign_time_and_cost_entries_to_project: "Assign reported hours and costs to the project"
text_cost_object_change_type_confirmation: "Are you sure? This operation will destroy information of the specific budget type."
text_destroy_cost_entries_question: "%{cost_entries} were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?"
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries: Delete reported hours and costs
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries: "Delete reported hours and costs"
text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries_question: "%{hours} hours, %{cost_entries} were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?"
text_reassign_time_and_cost_entries: 'Reassign reported hours and costs to this issue:'
text_reassign_time_and_cost_entries: "Reassign reported hours and costs to this issue:"
text_warning_hidden_elements: "Some entries may have been excluded from the aggregation."
caption_save_rate: "Save rate"
caption_locked_on: "Locked on"
caption_show_locked: "Show locked types"
button_cancel_edit_budget: "Cancel editing budget"
button_cancel_edit_costs: "Cancel editing costs"
description_date_for_new_rate: "Date for new rate"
week: "week"
one: "1 Entry"
other: "%{count} Entries"
