Merge pull request #130 from NobodysNightmare/feature/fix_features

Fix features and specs
Florian Kraft 10 years ago
commit fe645d236f
  1. 8
  2. 2
  3. 2

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Feature: The work_package hierarchy defines the allowed versions for each work_p
And I select "Task" from "work_package_type_id"
And I fill in "Task 0815" for "work_package_subject"
And I click on the first button matching "Create"
Then I should see "Sprint 001" within "td.work_package_attribute_header.fixed-version + td.fixed-version"
Then I should see "Sprint 001" within ".work_package.details dd.-fixed-version"
Scenario: Creating a task, via new work_package, as a subtask to a story set´s the new task´s fixed version to the parent´s fixed version
When I go to the new work_package page of the project called "ecookbook"
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Feature: The work_package hierarchy defines the allowed versions for each work_p
And I fill in "Task 0815" for "work_package_subject"
And I fill in the id of the work_package "Story A" as the parent work_package
And I click on the first button matching "Create"
Then I should see "Sprint 001" within "td.work_package_attribute_header.fixed-version + td.fixed-version"
Then I should see "Sprint 001" within ".work_package.details dd.-fixed-version"
Scenario: Creating a task, via new work_package, as a subtask to a story and setting a fixed version is overriden by the parent´s fixed version (bug 8904)
When I go to the new work_package page of the project called "ecookbook"
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Feature: The work_package hierarchy defines the allowed versions for each work_p
And I fill in the id of the work_package "Story A" as the parent work_package
And I select "Sprint 003" from "work_package_fixed_version_id"
And I click on the first button matching "Create"
Then I should see "Sprint 001" within "td.work_package_attribute_header.fixed-version + td.fixed-version"
Then I should see "Sprint 001" within ".work_package.details dd.-fixed-version"
Scenario: Moving a task between stories via work_package/edit (bug 9324)
Given the project has the following tasks:
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Feature: The work_package hierarchy defines the allowed versions for each work_p
When I go to the edit page of the work_package "Task 1"
And I fill in the id of the work_package "Story C" as the parent work_package
And I press "Submit"
Then I should see "Sprint 002" within "td.work_package_attribute_header.fixed-version + td.fixed-version"
Then I should see "Sprint 002" within ".work_package.details dd.-fixed-version"
Scenario: Changing the fixed_version of a task with a non backlogs parent work_package (bug 8354)
Given the project has the following work_packages:

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ describe WorkPackagesController, :type => :controller do
subject { response.body }
it { have_selector('table.attributes td.work_package_attribute_header + td.story-points', text: story_points.to_s) }
it { have_selector('.work_package.details dd.-story-points', text: story_points.to_s) }

@ -56,6 +56,6 @@ describe 'work_packages/show', :type => :view do
render partial: 'work_packages/show_attributes', locals: { work_package: story }
it { expect(rendered).to have_selector('table.attributes td.work_package_attribute_header + td.story-points', text: story_points.to_s) }
it { expect(rendered).to have_selector('.work_package.details dd.-story-points', text: story_points.to_s) }
