Given /^the following languages are active:$/ do |table| Setting.available_languages = table.raw.flatten end Given /^the (.+) called "(.+)" has the following localizations:$/ do |model_name, object_name, table| model = model_name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, "_").camelize.constantize object = model.find_by_name(object_name) object.translations = [] table.hashes.each do |h| h.each do |k, v| h[k] = nil if v == "nil" end object.translations.create h end end When /^I delete the (.+) localization of the "(.+)" attribute$/ do |language, attribute| locale = locale_for_language language page.should have_selector("span.#{attribute}_translation :first-child") spans = page.all(:css, "span.#{attribute}_translation") # Use the [] method since Firefox doesn't change the 'selected' attribute # when choosing the last available option of a select where all other # options are disabled. Check scenario 'Deleting a newly added localization' # when changing this. span = spans.detect do |span| span.find(:css, ".locale_selector")["value"] == locale end destroy = span.find(:css, "a.destroy_locale") end When /^I change the (.+) localization of the "(.+)" attribute to be (.+)$/ do |language, attribute, new_language| attribute_span = span_for_localization language, attribute locale_selector = attribute_span.find(:css, ".locale_selector") locale_name = locale_selector.all(:css, "option").detect{ |o| o.value == locale_for_language(new_language) } if locale_name end When /^I add the (.+) localization of the "(.+)" attribute as "(.+)"$/ do |language, attribute, value| # Emulate old find behavior, just use first match. Better would be # selecting an element by id. attribute_p = page.find(:xpath, "(//span[contains(@class, '#{attribute}_translation')])[1]/..") add_link = attribute_p.find(:css, ".add_locale") span = attribute_p.all(:css, ".#{attribute}_translation").last update_localization(span, language, value) end # Maybe this step can replace 'I change the ... localization of the ... attribute' When /^I set the (.+) localization of the "(.+)" attribute to "(.+)"$/ do |language, attribute, value| locale = locale_for_language language # Look for a span with #{attribute}_translation class, which doesn't have an # ancestor with style display: none span = page.find(:xpath, "//span[contains(@class, '#{attribute}_translation') " + "and not(ancestor-or-self::*[starts-with(normalize-space(substring-after(@style, 'display:')), 'none')])]") update_localization(span, language, value) end def update_localization(container, language, value) new_value = container.find(:css, "input[type=text], textarea") new_locale = container.find(:css, ".locale_selector") new_value.set(value.gsub("\\n", "\n")) locale_name = new_locale.all(:css, "option").detect{|o| o.value == locale_for_language(language)} if locale_name end Then /^there should be the following localizations:$/ do |table| wait_for_page_load cleaned_expectation = do |x| x.reject{ |k, v| v == "nil" } end attributes = [] wait_until(5) do attributes = page.all(:css, "[name*=\"translations_attributes\"]:not([disabled=disabled])") attributes.size > 0 end name_regexp = /\[(\d)+\]\[(\w+)\]$/ attribute_group = attributes.inject({}) do |h, element| if element['name'] =~ name_regexp h[$1] ||= [] h[$1] << element end h end actual_localizations = attribute_group.inject([]) do |a, (k, group)| a << group.inject({}) do |h, element| if element['name'] =~ name_regexp if $2 != "id" and $2 != "_destroy" and (element['type'] != 'checkbox' or (element['type'] == 'checkbox' and element.checked?)) h[$2] = element['value'] end end h end a end actual_localizations = actual_localizations.group_by{|e| e["locale"]}.collect{|(k, v)| v.inject({}){|a, x| a.merge(x)} } actual_localizations.should =~ cleaned_expectation end Then /^the delete link for the (.+) localization of the "(.+)" attribute should not be visible$/ do |locale, attribute_name| attribute_span = span_for_localization locale, attribute_name attribute_span.find(:css, "a.destroy_locale").should_not be_visible end def span_for_localization language, attribute locale = locale_for_language language attribute_spans = page.all(:css, "span.#{attribute}_translation") attribute_spans.detect do |attribute_span| attribute_span.find(:css, ".locale_selector")["value"] == locale && attribute_span.visible? end end def locale_for_language language { "german" => "de", "english" => "en", "french" => "fr" }[language] end