module OpenProject::Costs class Engine < ::Rails::Engine engine_name :openproject_costs def self.settings { :default => { 'costs_currency' => 'EUR', 'costs_currency_format' => '%n %u' }, :partial => 'settings/openproject_costs' } end initializer "costs.register_hooks" do require_dependency 'open_project/costs/hooks' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/hooks/activity_hook' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/hooks/work_package_hook' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/hooks/project_hook' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/hooks/work_package_action_menu' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/hooks/work_packages_show_attributes' end config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/"] initializer 'costs.precompile_assets' do Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(costs.css costs.js) end # adds our factories to factory girl's load path initializer "costs.register_factories", :after => "factory_girl.set_factory_paths" do |app| FactoryGirl.definition_file_paths << File.expand_path(self.root.to_s + '/spec/factories') if defined?(FactoryGirl) end initializer 'costs.register_test_paths' do |app| app.config.plugins_to_test_paths << self.root end initializer 'costs.register_observers' do |app| # Observers ActiveRecord::Base.observers.push :rate_observer, :default_hourly_rate_observer, :costs_work_package_observer end config.before_configuration do |app| # This is required for the routes to be loaded first # as the routes should be prepended so they take precedence over the core. app.config.paths['config/routes'].unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..", "config", "routes.rb") end initializer "costs.remove_duplicate_routes", :after => "add_routing_paths" do |app| # removes duplicate entry from app.routes_reloader # As we prepend the plugin's routes to the load_path up front and rails # adds all engines' config/routes.rb later, we have double loaded the routes # This is not harmful as such but leads to duplicate routes which decreases performance app.routes_reloader.paths.uniq! end initializer "costs.patch_i18n" do # This is done here instead of doing it along with the rest of the patches as # i18n is not unloaded between requests. Hence, placing it inside the config.to_prepare # block would patch i18n once for every request. require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/i18n_patch' end initializer 'costs.append_migrations' do |app| unless app.root.to_s.match root.to_s config.paths["db/migrate"].expanded.each do |expanded_path| app.config.paths["db/migrate"] << expanded_path end end end config.to_prepare do # TODO: avoid this dirty hack necessary to prevent settings method getting lost after reloading Setting.create_setting("plugin_openproject_costs", {'default' => Engine.settings[:default], 'serialized' => true}) Setting.create_setting_accessors("plugin_openproject_costs") require 'open_project/costs/patches' # Model Patches require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/work_package_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/project_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/query_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/user_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/time_entry_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/version_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/permitted_params_patch' # Controller Patches require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/application_controller_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/projects_controller_patch' # Helper Patches require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/application_helper_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/users_helper_patch' require_dependency 'open_project/costs/patches/work_package_observer' # loading the class so that acts_as_journalized gets registered VariableCostObject # TODO: this recreates the original behaviour # however, it might not be desirable to allow assigning of cost_object regardless of the permissions PermittedParams.permit(:new_work_package, :cost_object_id) unless Redmine::Plugin.registered_plugins.include?(:openproject_costs) Redmine::Plugin.register :openproject_costs do name 'OpenProject Costs' author 'Finn GmbH' author_url '' url '' description 'The costs plugin provides basic cost management functionality for OpenProject.' version OpenProject::Costs::VERSION settings Engine.settings requires_openproject ">= 3.0.0pre42" # register our custom permissions project_module :costs_module do permission :view_own_hourly_rate, {} permission :view_hourly_rates, {} permission :edit_own_hourly_rate, {:hourly_rates => [:set_rate, :edit, :update]}, :require => :member permission :edit_hourly_rates, {:hourly_rates => [:set_rate, :edit, :update]}, :require => :member permission :view_cost_rates, {} # cost item values permission :log_own_costs, { :costlog => [:new, :create] }, :require => :loggedin permission :log_costs, {:costlog => [:new, :create]}, :require => :member permission :edit_own_cost_entries, {:costlog => [:edit, :update, :destroy]}, :require => :loggedin permission :edit_cost_entries, {:costlog => [:edit, :update, :destroy]}, :require => :member permission :block_tickets, {}, :require => :member permission :view_cost_objects, {:cost_objects => [:index, :show]} permission :view_cost_entries, { :cost_objects => [:index, :show], :costlog => [:index] } permission :view_own_cost_entries, { :cost_objects => [:index, :show], :costlog => [:index] } permission :edit_cost_objects, {:cost_objects => [:index, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :new, :create, :copy]} end # register additional permissions for the time log project_module :time_tracking do permission :view_own_time_entries, {:timelog => [:index, :report]} end # Menu extensions menu :top_menu, :cost_types, {:controller => '/cost_types', :action => 'index'}, :caption => :cost_types_title, :if => { User.current.admin? } menu :project_menu, :cost_objects, {:controller => '/cost_objects', :action => 'index'}, :param => :project_id, :before => :settings, :caption => :cost_objects_title, :html => {:class => 'icon2 icon-budget'} menu :project_menu, :new_budget, {:controller => '/cost_objects', :action => 'new' }, :param => :project_id, :caption => :label_cost_object_new, :parent => :cost_objects, :html => {:class => 'icon2 icon-add'} menu :project_menu, :show_all, {:controller => '/cost_objects', :action => 'index' }, :param => :project_id, :caption => :label_view_all_cost_objects, :parent => :cost_objects, :html => {:class => 'icon2 icon-list-view1'} do |activity| activity.register :cost_objects, class_name: 'Activity::CostObjectActivityProvider', default: false end end end end end end