#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require_relative '../legacy_spec_helper' describe MailHandler, type: :model do fixtures :all FIXTURES_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../fixtures/mail_handler' before do allow(Setting).to receive(:notified_events).and_return(Redmine::Notifiable.all.map(&:name)) end it 'should add work package' do # This email contains: 'Project: onlinestore' issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml', allow_override: 'fixed_version') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal Project.find(2), issue.project assert_equal issue.project.types.first, issue.type assert_equal 'New ticket on a given project', issue.subject assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.author assert_equal Status.find_by(name: 'Resolved'), issue.status assert issue.description.include?('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.') assert_equal '2010-01-01', issue.start_date.to_s assert_equal '2010-12-31', issue.due_date.to_s assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.assigned_to assert_equal Version.find_by(name: 'alpha'), issue.fixed_version assert_equal 2.5, issue.estimated_hours assert_equal 30, issue.done_ratio assert issue.root? assert issue.leaf? # keywords should be removed from the email body assert !issue.description.match(/^Project:/i) assert !issue.description.match(/^Status:/i) assert !issue.description.match(/^Start Date:/i) # Email notification should be sent mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last refute_nil mail assert mail.subject.include?('New ticket on a given project') end it 'should add work package with default type' do # This email contains: 'Project: onlinestore' issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml', issue: { type: 'Support request' }) assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'Support request', issue.type.name end it 'should add work package with status' do # This email contains: 'Project: onlinestore' and 'Status: Resolved' issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal Project.find(2), issue.project assert_equal Status.find_by(name: 'Resolved'), issue.status end it 'should add work package with attributes override' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_attributes.eml', allow_override: 'type,category,priority') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'New ticket on a given project', issue.subject assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.author assert_equal Project.find(2), issue.project assert_equal 'Feature request', issue.type.to_s assert_equal 'Stock management', issue.category.to_s assert_equal 'Urgent', issue.priority.to_s assert issue.description.include?('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.') end context 'with group assignment set', with_settings: { work_package_group_assignment: 1 } do it 'should add work package with group assignment' do work_package = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') do |email| email.gsub!('Assigned to: John Smith', 'Assigned to: B Team') end assert work_package.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !work_package.new_record? work_package.reload assert_equal Group.find(11), work_package.assigned_to end end it 'should add work package with partial attributes override' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_attributes.eml', issue: { priority: 'High' }, allow_override: ['type']) assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'New ticket on a given project', issue.subject assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.author assert_equal Project.find(2), issue.project assert_equal 'Feature request', issue.type.to_s assert_nil issue.category assert_equal 'High', issue.priority.to_s assert issue.description.include?('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.') end it 'should add work package with spaces between attribute and separator' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_spaces_between_attribute_and_separator.eml', allow_override: 'type,category,priority') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'New ticket on a given project', issue.subject assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.author assert_equal Project.find(2), issue.project assert_equal 'Feature request', issue.type.to_s assert_equal 'Stock management', issue.category.to_s assert_equal 'Urgent', issue.priority.to_s assert issue.description.include?('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.') end it 'should add work package with attachment to specific project' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_attachment.eml', issue: { project: 'onlinestore' }) assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'Ticket created by email with attachment', issue.subject assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.author assert_equal Project.find(2), issue.project assert_equal 'This is a new ticket with attachments', issue.description # Attachment properties assert_equal 1, issue.attachments.size assert_equal 'Paella.jpg', issue.attachments.first.filename assert_equal 'image/jpeg', issue.attachments.first.content_type assert_equal 10790, issue.attachments.first.filesize end it 'should add work package with custom fields' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_custom_fields.eml', issue: { project: 'onlinestore' }) assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'New ticket with custom field values', issue.subject assert_equal 'Value for a custom field', issue.custom_value_for(CustomField.find_by(name: 'Searchable field')).value assert !issue.description.match(/^searchable field:/i) end it 'should add work package should match assignee on display name' do # added from redmine - not sure if it is ok here user = FactoryBot.create(:user, firstname: 'Foo', lastname: 'Bar') role = FactoryBot.create(:role, name: 'Superhero') FactoryBot.create(:member, user: user, project: Project.find(2), role_ids: [role.id]) issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') do |email| email.sub!(/^Assigned to.*$/, 'Assigned to: Foo Bar') end assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert_equal user, issue.assigned_to end it 'should add work package with cc' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_cc.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }) assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert issue.watched_by?(User.find_by_mail('dlopper@somenet.foo')) assert_equal 1, issue.watcher_user_ids.size end it 'should add work package by unknown user' do assert_no_difference 'User.count' do assert_equal false, submit_email('ticket_by_unknown_user.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }) end end it 'should add work package by anonymous user' do Role.anonymous.add_permission!(:add_work_packages) assert_no_difference 'User.count' do issue = submit_email('ticket_by_unknown_user.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }, unknown_user: 'accept') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert issue.author.anonymous? end end it 'should add work package by anonymous user with no from address' do Role.anonymous.add_permission!(:add_work_packages) assert_no_difference 'User.count' do issue = submit_email('ticket_by_empty_user.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }, unknown_user: 'accept') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert issue.author.anonymous? end end it 'should add work package by anonymous user on private project' do Role.anonymous.add_permission!(:add_work_packages) assert_no_difference 'User.count' do assert_no_difference 'WorkPackage.count' do assert_equal false, submit_email('ticket_by_unknown_user.eml', issue: { project: 'onlinestore' }, unknown_user: 'accept') end end end it 'should add work package by anonymous user on private project without permission check' do assert_no_difference 'User.count' do assert_difference 'WorkPackage.count' do issue = submit_email('ticket_by_unknown_user.eml', issue: { project: 'onlinestore' }, no_permission_check: '1', unknown_user: 'accept') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert issue.author.anonymous? assert !issue.project.is_public? assert issue.root? assert issue.leaf? end end end it 'should add work package without from header' do Role.anonymous.add_permission!(:add_work_packages) assert_equal false, submit_email('ticket_without_from_header.eml') end it 'should add work package with invalid attributes' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_invalid_attributes.eml', allow_override: 'type,category,priority') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_nil issue.assigned_to assert_nil issue.start_date assert_nil issue.due_date assert_equal 0, issue.done_ratio assert_equal 'Normal', issue.priority.to_s assert issue.description.include?('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.') end it 'should add work package with localized attributes' do User.find_by_mail('jsmith@somenet.foo').update_attribute 'language', 'de' issue = submit_email('ticket_with_localized_attributes.eml', allow_override: 'type,category,priority') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'New ticket on a given project', issue.subject assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.author assert_equal Project.find(2), issue.project assert_equal 'Feature request', issue.type.to_s assert_equal 'Stock management', issue.category.to_s assert_equal 'Urgent', issue.priority.to_s assert issue.description.include?('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.') end it 'should add work package with japanese keywords' do type = ::Type.create!(name: '開発') Project.find(1).types << type issue = submit_email('japanese_keywords_iso_2022_jp.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }, allow_override: 'type') assert_kind_of WorkPackage, issue assert_equal type, issue.type end it 'should add from apple mail' do issue = submit_email( 'apple_mail_with_attachment.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' } ) assert_kind_of WorkPackage, issue assert_equal 1, issue.attachments.size attachment = issue.attachments.first assert_equal 'paella.jpg', attachment.filename assert_equal 10790, attachment.filesize assert File.exist?(attachment.diskfile) assert_equal 10790, File.size(attachment.diskfile) assert_equal 'caaf384198bcbc9563ab5c058acd73cd', attachment.digest end it 'should add work package with iso 8859 1 subject' do issue = submit_email( 'subject_as_iso-8859-1.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' } ) assert_kind_of WorkPackage, issue assert_equal 'Testmail from Webmail: ä ö ü...', issue.subject end it 'should ignore emails from locked users' do User.find(2).lock! expect_any_instance_of(MailHandler).to receive(:dispatch).never assert_no_difference 'WorkPackage.count' do assert_equal false, submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') end end it 'should ignore emails from emission address' do Role.anonymous.add_permission!(:add_work_packages) assert_no_difference 'User.count' do assert !submit_email('ticket_from_emission_address.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }, unknown_user: 'create') end end it 'should ignore auto replied emails' do expect_any_instance_of(MailHandler).to receive(:dispatch).never [ 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress: OOF', 'Auto-Submitted: auto-replied', 'Auto-Submitted: Auto-Replied', 'Auto-Submitted: auto-generated' ].each do |header| raw = IO.read(File.join(FIXTURES_PATH, 'ticket_on_given_project.eml')) raw = header + "\n" + raw assert_no_difference 'WorkPackage.count' do assert_equal false, MailHandler.receive(raw), "email with #{header} header was not ignored" end end end it 'should add work package should send email notification' do Setting.notified_events = ['work_package_added'] # This email contains: 'Project: onlinestore' issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end it 'should add work package note' do journal = submit_email('ticket_reply.eml') assert journal.is_a?(Journal) assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), journal.user assert_equal WorkPackage.find(2), journal.journable assert_match /This is reply/, journal.notes assert_equal 'Feature request', journal.journable.type.name end specify 'reply to issue update (Journal) by message_id' do Journal.delete_all issue = WorkPackage.find(2) j = FactoryBot.create :work_package_journal, id: 3, journable_id: issue.id journal = submit_email('ticket_reply_by_message_id.eml') assert journal.data.is_a?(Journal::WorkPackageJournal), "Email was a #{journal.data.class}" assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), journal.user assert_equal WorkPackage.find(2), journal.journable assert_match /This is reply/, journal.notes assert_equal 'Feature request', journal.journable.type.name end it 'should add work package note with attribute changes' do WorkPackage.find(2).recreate_initial_journal! # This email contains: 'Status: Resolved' journal = submit_email('ticket_reply_with_status.eml') assert journal.data.is_a?(Journal::WorkPackageJournal) issue = WorkPackage.find(journal.journable.id) assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), journal.user assert_equal WorkPackage.find(2), journal.journable assert_match /This is reply/, journal.notes assert_equal 'Feature request', journal.journable.type.name assert_equal Status.find_by(name: 'Resolved'), issue.status assert_equal '2010-01-01', issue.start_date.to_s assert_equal '2010-12-31', issue.due_date.to_s assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.assigned_to assert_equal '52.6', issue.custom_value_for(CustomField.find_by(name: 'Float field')).value # keywords should be removed from the email body assert !journal.notes.match(/^Status:/i) assert !journal.notes.match(/^Start Date:/i) end it 'should add work package note should send email notification' do WorkPackage.find(2).recreate_initial_journal! journal = submit_email('ticket_reply.eml') assert journal.is_a?(Journal) assert_equal 3, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end it 'should add work package note should not set defaults' do journal = submit_email('ticket_reply.eml', issue: { type: 'Support request', priority: 'High' }) assert journal.is_a?(Journal) assert_match /This is reply/, journal.notes assert_equal 'Feature request', journal.journable.type.name assert_equal 'Normal', journal.journable.priority.name end it 'should reply to a message' do m = submit_email('message_reply.eml') assert m.is_a?(Message) assert !m.new_record? m.reload assert_equal 'Reply via email', m.subject # The email replies to message #2 which is part of the thread of message #1 assert_equal Message.find(1), m.parent end it 'should reply to a message by subject' do m = submit_email('message_reply_by_subject.eml') assert m.is_a?(Message) assert !m.new_record? m.reload assert_equal 'Reply to the first post', m.subject assert_equal Message.find(1), m.parent end it 'should strip tags of html only emails' do issue = submit_email('ticket_html_only.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }) assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload assert_equal 'HTML email', issue.subject assert_equal 'This is a html-only email.', issue.description end context 'truncate emails based on the Setting' do context 'with no setting' do before do Setting.mail_handler_body_delimiters = '' end it 'should add the entire email into the issue' do issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') assert_issue_created(issue) assert issue.description.include?('---') assert issue.description.include?('This paragraph is after the delimiter') end end context 'with a single string' do before do Setting.mail_handler_body_delimiters = '---' end it 'should truncate the email at the delimiter for the issue' do issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') assert_issue_created(issue) assert issue.description.include?('This paragraph is before delimiters') assert issue.description.include?('--- This line starts with a delimiter') assert !issue.description.match(/^---$/) assert !issue.description.include?('This paragraph is after the delimiter') end end context 'with a single quoted reply (e.g. reply to a Redmine email notification)' do before do Setting.mail_handler_body_delimiters = '--- Reply above. Do not remove this line. ---' end it 'should truncate the email at the delimiter with the quoted reply symbols (>)' do journal = submit_email('issue_update_with_quoted_reply_above.eml') assert journal.is_a?(Journal) assert journal.notes.include?('An update to the issue by the sender.') assert !journal.notes.match(Regexp.escape('--- Reply above. Do not remove this line. ---')) assert !journal.notes.include?('Looks like the JSON api for projects was missed.') end end context 'with multiple quoted replies (e.g. reply to a reply of a Redmine email notification)' do before do Setting.mail_handler_body_delimiters = '--- Reply above. Do not remove this line. ---' end it 'should truncate the email at the delimiter with the quoted reply symbols (>)' do journal = submit_email('issue_update_with_multiple_quoted_reply_above.eml') assert journal.is_a?(Journal) assert journal.notes.include?('An update to the issue by the sender.') assert !journal.notes.match(Regexp.escape('--- Reply above. Do not remove this line. ---')) assert !journal.notes.include?('Looks like the JSON api for projects was missed.') end end context 'with multiple strings' do before do Setting.mail_handler_body_delimiters = "---\nBREAK" end it 'should truncate the email at the first delimiter found (BREAK)' do issue = submit_email('ticket_on_given_project.eml') assert_issue_created(issue) assert issue.description.include?('This paragraph is before delimiters') assert !issue.description.include?('BREAK') assert !issue.description.include?('This paragraph is between delimiters') assert !issue.description.match(/^---$/) assert !issue.description.include?('This paragraph is after the delimiter') end end end it 'should email with long subject line' do issue = submit_email('ticket_with_long_subject.eml') assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert_equal issue.subject, 'New ticket on a given project with a very long subject line which exceeds 255 chars and should not be ignored but chopped off. And if the subject line is still not long enough, we just add more text. And more text. Wow, this is really annoying. Especially, if you have nothing to say...'[0, 255] end it 'should new user from attributes should return valid user' do to_test = { # [address, name] => [login, firstname, lastname] ['jsmith@example.net', nil] => ['jsmith@example.net', 'jsmith', '-'], ['jsmith@example.net', 'John'] => ['jsmith@example.net', 'John', '-'], ['jsmith@example.net', 'John Smith'] => ['jsmith@example.net', 'John', 'Smith'], ['jsmith@example.net', 'John Paul Smith'] => ['jsmith@example.net', 'John', 'Paul Smith'], # TODO: implement https://github.com/redmine/redmine/commit/a00f04886fac78e489bb030d20414ebdf10841e3 # ['jsmith@example.net', 'AVeryLongFirstnameThatExceedsTheMaximumLength Smith'] => ['jsmith@example.net', 'AVeryLongFirstnameThatExceedsT', 'Smith'], # ['jsmith@example.net', 'John AVeryLongLastnameThatExceedsTheMaximumLength'] => ['jsmith@example.net', 'John', 'AVeryLongLastnameThatExceedsTh'] ['jsmith@example.net', 'AVeryLongFirstnameThatExceedsTheMaximumLength Smith'] => ['jsmith@example.net', '-', 'Smith'], ['jsmith@example.net', 'John AVeryLongLastnameThatExceedsTheMaximumLength'] => ['jsmith@example.net', 'John', '-'] } to_test.each do |attrs, expected| user = MailHandler.new_user_from_attributes(attrs.first, attrs.last) assert user.valid?, user.errors.full_messages.to_s assert_equal attrs.first, user.mail assert_equal expected[0], user.login assert_equal expected[1], user.firstname assert_equal expected[2], user.lastname end end context 'with min password length', with_settings: { password_min_length: 15 } do it 'should new user from attributes should respect minimum password length' do user = MailHandler.new_user_from_attributes('jsmith@example.net') assert user.valid? assert user.password.length >= 15 end end it 'should new user from attributes should use default login if invalid' do user = MailHandler.new_user_from_attributes('foo&bar@example.net') assert user.valid? assert user.login =~ /^user[a-f0-9]+$/ assert_equal 'foo&bar@example.net', user.mail end it 'should new user with utf8 encoded fullname should be decoded' do assert_difference 'User.count' do issue = submit_email( 'fullname_of_sender_as_utf8_encoded.eml', issue: { project: 'ecookbook' }, unknown_user: 'create' ) end user = User.order('id DESC').first assert_equal 'foo@example.org', user.mail str1 = "\xc3\x84\xc3\xa4" str2 = "\xc3\x96\xc3\xb6" str1.force_encoding('UTF-8') if str1.respond_to?(:force_encoding) str2.force_encoding('UTF-8') if str2.respond_to?(:force_encoding) assert_equal str1, user.firstname assert_equal str2, user.lastname end private def submit_email(filename, options = {}) raw = IO.read(File.join(FIXTURES_PATH, filename)) yield raw if block_given? MailHandler.receive(raw, options) end def assert_issue_created(issue) assert issue.is_a?(WorkPackage) assert !issue.new_record? issue.reload end end