### Package configuration The last step to your OpenProject installation is the configuration wizard. It will set up the connection to a database and configure the application according to your environment. The OpenProject installation wizard currently supports the automatic setup for MySQL databases only. However, OpenProject itself supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL. To configure the package to use an existing database, see the section below. To install or configure a MySQL database, skip to _Configuration_. The OpenProject package is configured through ENV parameters that are passed to the `openproject` user. You can read the current ENV parameters with `openproject run env`. To write/read individual parameters, use `openproject config:set PARAMETER=VALUE` and `openproject config:get PARAMETER`. For instance if you wanted to change the session store you would do: sudo openproject config:set SESSION_STORE=active_record_store This is handy to configure options that are not available in the installer (yet). In most cases though, you should always try to `configure` the application first. #### Configuring for an existing a PostgreSQL database The MySQL wizard of the OpenProject installer internally sets the `DATABASE_URL` (See [DATABASE_URL](http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html) in the Rails Guides for more information). You can set this `DATABASE_URL` parameter yourself to either a MySQL or PostgreSQL database URL. openproject config:set DATABASE_URL="postgresql://[user[:password]@][host][:port][/dbname][?param1=value1&...] **Then, when configuring the addon, select skip in the MySQL installation wizard.** The database specified using the URL will be used by Rails automatically for preparing the database. You can use these ENV parameters to customize OpenProject. See [OpenProject Configuration](https://github.com/opf/openproject/blob/dev/doc/CONFIGURATION.md). ### Package configuration After the installation of the OpenProject package the system has to be configured to use this package and operate the OpenProject application. Therefore the package includes a configuration wizard which can be started using the following command: openproject configure Side note: The installer supports the configuration of necessary SSL connections too. If required the corresponding SSL certificates (incl. keys) have to be placed somewhere on the machine **before** running the installer (or `reconfigure` the application later to enable the SSL support). After you have completed the configuration wizard, the OpenProject instance will be started automatically. You can log into the instance initially with the user/password combination _admin/admin_. You will be asked to change this password immediately after the first login. ### Managing your OpenProject installation The openproject package comes with a command line tool to help manage the application. To see all possible command options of this tool you can run: admin@openproject-demo:~# sudo openproject Usage: openproject run COMMAND [options] openproject scale TYPE=NUM openproject logs [--tail|-n NUMBER] openproject config:get VAR openproject config:set VAR=VALUE openproject reconfigure In the rest of this section we'll go over some of the most important commands. #### Run commands like rake tasks or rails console The openproject command line tool supports running rake tasks and known scripts like the rails console: sudo openproject run console # or a rake task sudo openproject run rake db:migrate # or check the version of ruby used by openproject sudo openproject run ruby -v #### Show logs The command line tool can also be used to see the log information. The most typically use case is to show/follow all current log entries. This can be accomplished using the the `–tail` flag. See example below: sudo openproject logs --tail You can also find all the logs in `/var/log/openproject/`. #### Reconfigure the application At any point in time, you can reconfigure the whole application by re-running the installer with the following command: sudo openproject reconfigure The command above will bring up the installation wizard again. Please be aware that it will start the configuration/installation process from scratch. You can choose to modify existing entries, or just leave them as they are if you want to reuse them (note that passwords will appear as "blank" entries in their respective input fields, but you don't need to enter them again if don't want to modify them). Note that if you've just updated your OpenProject version, you should run `openproject configure` (see section below), which would automatically reuse your previous configuration, and only asks for your input if new configuration options are available. #### Inspect the existing configuration You can list all of the environment variables accessible to the application by running: sudo openproject config # this will return something like: DATABASE_URL=mysql2://openproject:9ScapYA1MN7JQrPR7Wkmp7y99K6mRHGU@ SECRET_TOKEN=c5aa99a90f9650404a885cf5ec7c28f7fe1379550bb811cb0b39058f9407eaa216b9b2b22d27f58fb15ac21adb3bd16494ebe89e39ec225ef4627db048a12530 ADMIN_EMAIL=mail@example.com EMAIL_DELIVERY_METHOD=smtp SMTP_DOMAIN=example.com SMTP_HOST=smtp.example.com SMTP_PASSWORD=mail SMTP_PORT=25 SMTP_URL=smtp://mail:mail@smtp.example.com:25/example.com SMTP_USERNAME=mail SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO=true SMTP_AUTHENTICATION=plain WEB_CONCURRENCY=2 WEB_TIMEOUT=15 RAILS_CACHE_STORE=memcache SESSION_STORE=cache_store