Given /^the (?:project|Project)(?: named| with(?: the)? name| called)? "([^\"]*)" has (only )?(\d+|[a-z]+) [cC]ost\s?[eE]ntr(?:y|ies) with the following:$/ do |name, do_delete_all, count, table| count = 1 if count == "one" count = (count || 1).to_i p = Project.find_by_name(name) if do_delete_all CostEntry.find(:all, :conditions => ["project_id = #{}"]).each do |c| c.destroy end end count.times do CostEntry.spawn.tap do |i| i.project = p i.issue = Issue.generate_for_project!(p) unless table.raw.first.first.blank? # if we get an empty table, ignore that table.rows_hash.each do |field,value| field = field.gsub(" ", "_").underscore.to_sym old_val = i.send(field) i.send(:"#{field}=", value) i.send(:"#{field}=", old_val) unless end end! end end Given /^the (?:project|Project)(?: named| with(?: the)? name| called)? "([^\"]*)" has (only )?(\d+|[a-z]+) [cC]ost\s?[eE]ntr(?:y|ies)$/ do |name, do_delete_all, count| steps %Q{ Given the project "#{name}" has #{"only " if do_delete_all}#{count} cost entries with the following: | | } end