#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ Given /^the [pP]roject "([^\"]*)" has the parent "([^\"]*)"$/ do |child_name, parent_name| parent = Project.find_by_name(parent_name) child = Project.find_by_name(child_name) child.set_parent!(parent); child.save! end Given /^there are the following colors:$/ do |table| table.map_headers! { |header| header.underscore.gsub(' ', '_') } table.hashes.each do |type_attributes| FactoryGirl.create(:color, type_attributes) end end Given /^I am working in the [tT]imeline "([^"]*)" of the project called "([^"]*)"$/ do |timeline_name, project_name| @project = Project.find_by_name(project_name) @timeline_name = timeline_name end Given /^there are the following planning element statuses:$/ do |table| table.map_headers! { |header| header.underscore.gsub(' ', '_') } table.hashes.each do |type_attributes| FactoryGirl.create(:planning_element_status, type_attributes) end end Given /^there are the following reported project statuses:$/ do |table| table.map_headers! { |header| header.underscore.gsub(' ', '_') } table.hashes.each do |type_attributes| FactoryGirl.create(:reported_project_status, type_attributes) end end Given /^there are the following project types:$/ do |table| table.map_headers! { |header| header.underscore.gsub(' ', '_') } table.hashes.each do |type_attributes| FactoryGirl.create(:project_type, type_attributes) end end Given /^there is a scenario "([^"]*)" in project "([^"]*)"$/ do |scenario_name, project_name| FactoryGirl.create(:scenario, :name => scenario_name, :project_id => Project.find_by_name!(project_name).id) end Given /^there are the following alternate dates for "([^"]*)":$/ do |scenario_name, table| scenario = Scenario.find_by_name!(scenario_name) table.map_headers! { |header| header.underscore.gsub(' ', '_') } table.hashes.each do |row| planning_element = PlanningElement.find_by_subject!(row["planning_element_subject"]) planning_element.scenarios = {scenario.id.to_s => {"id" => scenario.id.to_s, "start_date" => row["start_date"], "due_date" => row["due_date"]} } planning_element.save! end end Given /^I delete the scenario "([^"]*)"$/ do |scenario_name| scenario = Scenario.find_by_name!(scenario_name) scenario.destroy end Given /^there are the following projects of type "([^"]*)":$/ do |project_type_name, table| table.raw.flatten.each do |name| step %Q{there is a project named "#{name}" of type "#{project_type_name}"} end end Given /^there are the following project associations:$/ do |table| table.map_headers! { |h| h.delete(' ').underscore } table.map_column!('project_a') { |name| Project.find_by_name!(name) } table.map_column!('project_b') { |name| Project.find_by_name!(name) } table.hashes.each do |type_attributes| FactoryGirl.create(:project_association, type_attributes) end end Given /^there are the following reportings:$/ do |table| table.map_headers! { |h| h.delete(' ').underscore } table.hashes.each do |attrs| attrs['project'] = Project.find_by_name!(attrs["project"]) attrs['reporting_to_project'] = Project.find_by_name!(attrs["reporting_to_project"]) FactoryGirl.create(:reporting, attrs) end end Given /^there is a timeline "([^"]*)" for project "([^"]*)"$/ do |timeline_name, project_name| project = Project.find_by_name(project_name) timeline = FactoryGirl.create(:timeline, :project_id => project.id, :name => timeline_name) timeline.options = {"initial_outline_expansion"=>["6"], "timeframe_end"=>"", "timeframe_start"=>"", "zoom_factor"=>["-1"], "exist"=>""} timeline.save! end Given /^the following types are enabled for projects of type "(.*?)"$/ do |project_type_name, type_name_table| project_type = ProjectType.find_by_name(project_type_name) projects = Project.where(:project_type_id => project_type.id) types = type_name_table.raw.flatten.map do |type_name| Type.find_by_name(type_name) || Factory.create(:type, :name => type_name) end projects.each do |project| project.types = types project.save end end