cs: description_drill_down: "Zobrazit detaily" label_click_to_edit: "Kliekněte pro editaci." label_columns: "Sloupce" label_count: "Počet" label_filter: "Filtr" label_filter_add: "Přidat filtr" label_filter_plural: "Filtry" label_greater: ">" label_group_by: "Seskupit podle" label_group_by_add: "Add Group-by Attribute" label_inactive: "«inactive»" label_less: "<" label_no: "Ne" label_none: "(žádná data)" label_progress_bar_explanation: "Generování sestavy..." label_really_delete_question: "Are you sure you want to delete this report?" label_report: "Hlášení" label_rows: "Řádky" label_saving: "Saving ..." label_sum: "Sum" label_yes: "Ano" load_query_question: "Report will have %{size} table cells and may take some time to render. Do you still want to try rendering it?" units: "Jednotky" validation_failure_date: "není platné datum" validation_failure_integer: "není platné číslo" reporting: group_by: selected_columns: "Vybrané sloupce" selected_rows: "Vybrané řádky"