Given /^there is a news "(.+)" for project "(.+)"$/ do |news_title, project_name| project = Project.find_by_name(project_name)!(title: news_title, description: "lorem ipsum") end Then /^there should be (\d+) news$/ do |count| News.count.should eql count.to_i end Then /^there should be (\d+) news for project "(.+)"$/ do |count, project_name| project = Project.find_by_name(project_name) eql count.to_i end When(/^I should not see the news-headline "([^"]*)"$/) do |news_headline| page.should_not have_css("#widget_news .news .overview a", text: news_headline) end When(/^I should see the news-headline "([^"]*)"$/) do |news_headline| page.should have_css("#widget_news .news .overview a", text: news_headline) end # steps for issues reported by me def reported_issue_subject "#widget_issuesreportedbyme td.subject a" end When /^I should see the issue-subject "([^"]*)" in the 'Issues reported by me'-section$/ do |issue_subject| page.should have_css(reported_issue_subject, text: issue_subject) end When /^I should not see the issue-subject "([^"]*)" in the 'Issues reported by me'-section$/ do |issue_subject| page.should_not have_css(reported_issue_subject, text: issue_subject) end # steps for issues assigned to me def assigned_to_me_issue_subject "#widget_issuesassignedtome td.subject a" end When /^I should see the issue-subject "([^"]*)" in the 'Issues assigned to me'-section$/ do |issue_subject| page.should have_css(assigned_to_me_issue_subject, text: issue_subject) end When /^I should not see the issue-subject "([^"]*)" in the 'Issues assigned to me'-section$/ do |issue_subject| page.should_not have_css(assigned_to_me_issue_subject, text: issue_subject) end # steps for issues assigned to me def watched_issue_subject "#widget_issueswatched td.subject a" end When /^I should see the issue-subject "([^"]*)" in the 'Issues watched'-section$/ do |issue_subject| page.should have_css(watched_issue_subject, text: issue_subject) end When /^I should not see the issue-subject "([^"]*)" in the 'Issues watched'-section$/ do |issue_subject| page.should_not have_css(watched_issue_subject, text: issue_subject) end