//-- copyright // OpenProject is a project management system. // Copyright (C) 2012-2015 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. // // OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: // Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang // Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. //++ module.exports = function($scope, $state, latestTab, workPackage, I18n, RELATION_TYPES, RELATION_IDENTIFIERS, $q, $filter, WorkPackagesHelper, PathHelper, UsersHelper, ConfigurationService, WorkPackageService, CommonRelationsHandler, ChildrenRelationsHandler, ParentRelationsHandler, NotificationsService ) { $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState){ latestTab.registerState(toState.name); }); $scope.$on('workPackageRefreshRequired', function(e, callback) { refreshWorkPackage(callback); }); // initialization setWorkPackageScopeProperties(workPackage); $scope.I18n = I18n; $scope.$parent.preselectedWorkPackageId = $scope.workPackage.props.id; $scope.maxDescriptionLength = 800; function refreshWorkPackage(callback) { WorkPackageService.getWorkPackage($scope.workPackage.props.id) .then(function(workPackage) { setWorkPackageScopeProperties(workPackage); $scope.$broadcast('workPackageRefreshed'); if (callback) { callback(workPackage); } }); } $scope.refreshWorkPackage = refreshWorkPackage; // expose to child controllers // Inform parent that work package is loaded so back url can be maintained $scope.$emit('workPackgeLoaded'); function outputMessage(message, isError) { if (!!isError) { NotificationsService.addError(message); } else { NotificationsService.addSuccess(message); } } function outputError(error) { NotificationsService.addError(error.message); } $scope.outputMessage = outputMessage; // expose to child controllers $scope.outputError = outputError; // expose to child controllers function setWorkPackageScopeProperties(workPackage){ $scope.workPackage = workPackage; $scope.isWatched = !!workPackage.links.unwatch; if (workPackage.links.watch === undefined) { $scope.toggleWatchLink = workPackage.links.unwatch; } else { $scope.toggleWatchLink = workPackage.links.watch; } // autocomplete path var projectId = workPackage.embedded.project.props.id; $scope.autocompletePath = PathHelper.staticWorkPackagesAutocompletePath(projectId); // activities and latest activities $scope.activitiesSortedInDescendingOrder = ConfigurationService.commentsSortedInDescendingOrder(); $scope.activities = []; aggregateActivities($scope.workPackage); // watchers if(workPackage.links.watchers) { $scope.watchers = workPackage.embedded.watchers.embedded.elements; } $scope.showStaticPagePath = PathHelper.staticWorkPackagePath($scope.workPackage.props.id); // Type $scope.type = workPackage.embedded.type; // Author $scope.author = workPackage.embedded.author; $scope.authorPath = PathHelper.staticUserPath($scope.author.props.id); $scope.authorActive = UsersHelper.isActive($scope.author); // Attachments $scope.attachments = workPackage.embedded.attachments.embedded.elements; // relations $q.all(WorkPackagesHelper.getParent(workPackage)).then(function(parents) { var relationsHandler = new ParentRelationsHandler(workPackage, parents, 'parent'); $scope.wpParent = relationsHandler; }); $q.all(WorkPackagesHelper.getChildren(workPackage)).then(function(children) { var relationsHandler = new ChildrenRelationsHandler(workPackage, children); $scope.wpChildren = relationsHandler; }); function relationTypeIterator(key) { $q.all(WorkPackagesHelper.getRelationsOfType( workPackage, RELATION_TYPES[key]) ).then(function(relations) { var relationsHandler = new CommonRelationsHandler(workPackage, relations, RELATION_IDENTIFIERS[key]); $scope[key] = relationsHandler; }); } for (var key in RELATION_TYPES) { if (RELATION_TYPES.hasOwnProperty(key)) { relationTypeIterator(key); } } } $scope.toggleWatch = function() { var fetchOptions = { method: $scope.toggleWatchLink.props.method }; if($scope.toggleWatchLink.props.payload !== undefined) { fetchOptions.contentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; fetchOptions.data = JSON.stringify($scope.toggleWatchLink.props.payload); } $scope.toggleWatchLink .fetch({ajax: fetchOptions}) .then(refreshWorkPackage, outputError); }; $scope.canViewWorkPackageWatchers = function() { return !!($scope.workPackage && $scope.workPackage.embedded.watchers !== undefined); }; $scope.isInitialActivity = function(activity, activityNo) { var type = activity.props._type, activities = $scope.activities; // Type must be Activity if (type.indexOf('Activity') !== 0) { return false; } // Shortcut, activityNo is 1 and its an Activity if (activityNo === 1) { return true; } // Otherwise, the current acitity may be initial if ALL other preceding activites are // other types. while (--activityNo > 0) { var index = ($scope.activitiesSortedInDescendingOrder ? activities.length - activityNo : activityNo - 1); if (activities[index].props._type.indexOf('Activity') === 0) { return false; } } return true; }; function aggregateActivities(workPackage) { // Do not yet add any intermittent result to the scope, // as we will get an inconsistent activity view // As we may not what activities will be added at a given time, // let them be aggregated asynchronously. var aggregated = [], totalActivities = 0; var aggregate = function(success, activity) { if (success === true) { aggregated = aggregated.concat(activity); } if (++totalActivities === 2) { $scope.activities = $filter('orderBy')(aggregated, 'props.createdAt', $scope.activitiesSortedInDescendingOrder ); } }; addDisplayedActivities(workPackage, aggregate); addDisplayedRevisions(workPackage, aggregate); } function addDisplayedActivities(workPackage, aggregate) { var activities = workPackage.embedded.activities; aggregate(true, activities); } function addDisplayedRevisions(workPackage, aggregate) { var linkedRevisions = workPackage.links.revisions; if (linkedRevisions === undefined) { return aggregate(); } linkedRevisions .fetch() .then(function(data) { aggregate(true, data.embedded.elements); }, aggregate); } // toggles $scope.toggleStates = { hideFullDescription: true, hideAllAttributes: true }; function getFocusAnchorLabel(tab, workPackage) { var tabLabel = I18n.t('js.work_packages.tabs.' + tab), params = { tab: tabLabel, type: workPackage.props.type, subject: workPackage.props.subject }; return I18n.t('js.label_work_package_details_you_are_here', params); } $scope.focusAnchorLabel = getFocusAnchorLabel( $state.current.url.replace(/\//, ''), $scope.workPackage ); };