require_dependency 'project' # Patches Redmine's Issues dynamically. Adds a relationship # Issue +belongs_to+ to Cost Object module ProjectPatch def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) # Same as typing in the class base.class_eval do unloadable has_many :cost_objects has_many :rates, :class_name => 'HourlyRate' has_many :member_groups, :class_name => 'Member', :include => :principal, :conditions => "#{Principal.table_name}.type='Group'" has_many :groups, :through => :member_groups, :source => :principal unless singleton_methods.include? "allowed_to_condition_without_inheritance" class << self #alias_method_chain :allowed_to_condition, :inheritance end end end end module ClassMethods def allowed_to_condition_with_inheritance(user, permission, options={}) # we just added to user parameter to the calls to role.allowed_to? statements = [] base_statement = "#{Project.table_name}.status=#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}" if perm = Redmine::AccessControl.permission(permission) unless perm.project_module.nil? # If the permission belongs to a project module, make sure the module is enabled base_statement << " AND #{Project.table_name}.id IN (SELECT em.project_id FROM #{EnabledModule.table_name} em WHERE'#{perm.project_module}')" end end if options[:project] project_statement = "#{Project.table_name}.id = #{options[:project].id}" project_statement << " OR (#{Project.table_name}.lft > #{options[:project].lft} AND #{Project.table_name}.rgt < #{options[:project].rgt})" if options[:with_subprojects] base_statement = "(#{project_statement}) AND (#{base_statement})" end if user.admin? # no restriction else statements << "1=0" if user.logged? if Role.non_member.allowed_to?(permission, user) && !options[:member] statements << "#{Project.table_name}.is_public = #{connection.quoted_true}" end allowed_project_ids = {|m| m.roles.detect {|role| role.allowed_to?(permission, user)}}.collect {|m| m.project_id} statements << "#{Project.table_name}.id IN (#{allowed_project_ids.join(',')})" if allowed_project_ids.any? else if Role.anonymous.allowed_to?(permission, user) && !options[:member] # anonymous user allowed on public project statements << "#{Project.table_name}.is_public = #{connection.quoted_true}" end end end statements.empty? ? base_statement : "((#{base_statement}) AND (#{statements.join(' OR ')}))" end end module InstanceMethods end end