//-- copyright // OpenProject is a project management system. // Copyright (C) 2012-2015 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. // // OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: // Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang // Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. //++ import {HalResource} from './hal-resource.service'; import {opApiModule} from '../../../../angular-modules'; import {WorkPackageCacheService} from '../../../work-packages/work-package-cache.service'; import {ApiWorkPackagesService} from '../../api-work-packages/api-work-packages.service'; import IQService = angular.IQService; import {CollectionResourceInterface} from './collection-resource.service'; interface WorkPackageResourceEmbedded { activities:HalResource|any; assignee:HalResource|any; attachments:HalResource|any; author:HalResource|any; availableWatchers:HalResource|any; category:HalResource|any; children:WorkPackageResourceInterface[]; parent:HalResource|any; priority:HalResource|any; project:HalResource|any; relations:CollectionResourceInterface; responsible:HalResource|any; schema:HalResource|any; status:HalResource|any; timeEntries:HalResource[]|any[]; type:HalResource|any; version:HalResource|any; watchers:HalResource[]|any[]; } interface WorkPackageResourceLinks extends WorkPackageResourceEmbedded { addAttachment(attachment:HalResource):ng.IPromise; addChild(child:HalResource):ng.IPromise; addComment(comment:HalResource):ng.IPromise; addRelation(relation:any):ng.IPromise; addWatcher(watcher:HalResource):ng.IPromise; changeParent(newParent:WorkPackageResource):ng.IPromise; copy():ng.IPromise; delete():ng.IPromise; logTime():ng.IPromise; move():ng.IPromise; removeWatcher():ng.IPromise; self():ng.IPromise; update(payload:any):ng.IPromise; updateImmediately(payload:any):ng.IPromise; watch():ng.IPromise; } var $q:IQService; var apiWorkPackages:ApiWorkPackagesService; var wpCacheService:WorkPackageCacheService; var NotificationsService:any; var $stateParams:any; export class WorkPackageResource extends HalResource { public static fromCreateForm(form) { var wp = new WorkPackageResource(form.payload.$plain(), true); wp.initializeNewResource(form); return wp; } /** * Create a copy resource from other and the new work package form * @param otherForm The work package form of another work package * @param form Work Package create form */ public static copyFrom(otherForm, form) { var wp = new WorkPackageResource(otherForm.payload.$plain(), true); // Override values from form payload wp.lockVersion = form.payload.lockVersion; wp.initializeNewResource(form); return wp; } public $embedded:WorkPackageResourceEmbedded; public $links:WorkPackageResourceLinks; public id:number|string; public schema; public $pristine:{ [attribute:string]:any } = {}; public parentId:number; public subject:string; public lockVersion:number; public description:any; private form; public get isNew():boolean { return isNaN(Number(this.id)); } /** * Returns true if any field is in edition in this resource. */ public get dirty():boolean { return this.modifiedFields.length > 0; } public get modifiedFields():string[] { var modified = []; angular.forEach(this.$pristine, (value, key) => { var args = [this[key], value]; if (this[key] instanceof HalResource) { args = args.map(arg => (arg ? arg.$source : arg)); } if (!_.isEqual(args[0], args[1])) { modified.push(key); } }); return modified; } public get isLeaf():boolean { var children = this.$links.children; return !(children && children.length > 0); } public get isEditable():boolean { return !!this.$links.update || this.isNew; } public requiredValueFor(fieldName):boolean { var fieldSchema = this.schema[fieldName]; // The field schema may be undefined if a custom field // is used as a column, but not available for this type. if (angular.isUndefined(fieldSchema)) { return false; } return !this[fieldName] && fieldSchema.writable && fieldSchema.required; } public allowedValuesFor(field):ng.IPromise { var deferred = $q.defer(); this.getForm().then(form => { const allowedValues = form.$embedded.schema[field].allowedValues; if (Array.isArray(allowedValues)) { deferred.resolve(allowedValues); } else { return allowedValues.$load().then(loadedValues => { deferred.resolve(loadedValues.elements); }); } }); return deferred.promise; } public setAllowedValueFor(field, href) { this.allowedValuesFor(field).then(allowedValues => { this[field] = _.find(allowedValues, entry => entry.href === href); }); } public getForm() { if (!this.form) { this.updateForm(this.$source).catch(error => { NotificationsService.addError(error.data.message); }); } return this.form; } public updateForm(payload) { // Always resolve form to the latest form // This way, we won't have to actively reset it. // But store the existing form in case of an error. // Because if we get an error, the object returned is not a form // and thus lacks the links the implementation depends upon. var oldForm = this.form; this.form = this.$links.update(payload); var deferred = $q.defer(); this.form .then(form => { // Override the current schema with // the changes from API this.schema = form.$embedded.schema; // Take over new values from the form // this resource doesn't know yet. this.assignNewValues(form.$embedded.payload); deferred.resolve(form); }) .catch(error => { this.form = oldForm; deferred.reject(error); }); return deferred.promise; } public getSchema() { return this.getForm().then(form => { const schema = form.$embedded.schema; angular.forEach(schema, (field, name) => { if (this[name] && field && field.writable && field.$isHal && (Array.isArray(field.allowedValues) && field.allowedValues.length > 0)) { this[name] = _.where(field.allowedValues, {name: this[name].name})[0]; } }); return schema; }); } public save() { var deferred = $q.defer(); this.updateForm(this.$source) .then(form => { var payload = this.mergeWithForm(form); this.saveResource(payload) .then(workPackage => { this.$initialize(workPackage); this.$pristine = {}; deferred.resolve(this); }) .catch(error => { deferred.reject(error); }) .finally(() => { wpCacheService.updateWorkPackage(this); }); }) .catch(deferred.reject); return deferred.promise; } public storePristine(attribute:string) { if (this.$pristine.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) { return; } this.$pristine[attribute] = angular.copy(this[attribute]); } public restoreFromPristine(attribute:string) { if (this.$pristine[attribute]) { this[attribute] = this.$pristine[attribute]; } } public isParentOf(otherWorkPackage) { return otherWorkPackage.parent.$links.self.$link.href === this.$links.self.$link.href; } protected saveResource(payload):ng.IPromise { if (this.isNew) { return apiWorkPackages.wpApiPath().post(payload); } return this.$links.updateImmediately(payload); } private mergeWithForm(form) { var plainPayload = form.payload.$plain(); var schema = form.$embedded.schema; // Merge embedded properties from form payload // Do not use properties on this, since they may be incomplete // e.g., when switching to a type that requires a custom field. Object.keys(plainPayload).forEach(key => { if (typeof(schema[key]) === 'object' && schema[key].writable === true) { plainPayload[key] = this[key]; } }); // Merged linked properties from form payload Object.keys(plainPayload._links).forEach(key => { if (typeof(schema[key]) === 'object' && schema[key].writable === true) { var value = angular.isUndefined(this[key]) ? null : this[key].href; plainPayload._links[key] = {href: value}; } }); return plainPayload; } private assignNewValues(formPayload) { Object.keys(formPayload.$source).forEach(key => { if (angular.isUndefined(this[key])) { this[key] = formPayload[key]; } }); } /** * Assign values from the form for a newly created work package resource. * @param form */ public initializeNewResource(form) { this.schema = form.schema; this.form = $q.when(form); this.id = 'new'; // Set update link to form this['update'] = this.$links.update = form.$links.self; this.parentId = this.parentId || $stateParams.parent_id; } } export interface WorkPackageResourceInterface extends WorkPackageResourceLinks, WorkPackageResourceEmbedded, WorkPackageResource { } function wpResource(...args) { [$q, $stateParams, apiWorkPackages, wpCacheService, NotificationsService] = args; return WorkPackageResource; } wpResource.$inject = [ '$q', '$stateParams', 'apiWorkPackages', 'wpCacheService', 'NotificationsService' ]; opApiModule.factory('WorkPackageResource', wpResource);