#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail indent() { sed -u 's/^/ /' } echo "-----> Starting the all-in-one OpenProject setup at $BASH_SOURCE..." if [ "$PGDATA" == "" ]; then echo "No PGDATA environment variable defined. Aborting." | indent exit 2 fi export PGBIN="$(pg_config --bindir)" export PGCONF_FILE="/etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf" PGUSER=${PGUSER:=postgres} PGPASSWORD=${PGPASSWORD:=postgres} PG_STARTUP_WAIT_TIME=${PG_STARTUP_WAIT_TIME:=10} SUPERVISORD_LOG_LEVEL=${SUPERVISORD_LOG_LEVEL:=info} dbhost=$(ruby -ruri -e 'puts URI(ENV.fetch("DATABASE_URL")).host') pwfile=$(mktemp) echo "$PGPASSWORD" > $pwfile chown postgres $pwfile PLUGIN_GEMFILE_TMP=$(mktemp) PLUGIN_GEMFILE=$APP_PATH/Gemfile.local if [ "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE_URL" != "" ]; then echo "Fetching custom gemfile from ${PLUGIN_GEMFILE_URL}..." curl -L -o "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE_TMP" "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE_URL" # set custom plugin gemfile if file is readable and non-empty if [ -s "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE_TMP" ]; then mv "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE_TMP" "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE" chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE" fi fi install_plugins() { pushd $APP_PATH >/dev/null if [ -s "$PLUGIN_GEMFILE" ]; then echo "Installing plugins..." bundle install echo "Installing frontend dependencies..." pushd $APP_PATH/frontend >/dev/null if [ "$(id -u)" = '0' ]; then su - $APP_USER -c "cd $APP_PATH/frontend && npm install" else npm install fi popd >/dev/null echo "Precompiling new assets..." bundle exec rake assets:precompile echo "Plugins installed" fi popd >/dev/null } migrate() { wait_for_postgres pushd $APP_PATH >/dev/null /etc/init.d/memcached start bundle exec rake db:migrate # run seed as app user so created attachments (and folder) belong to app, not root su app -c 'bundle exec rake db:seed' /etc/init.d/memcached stop popd >/dev/null } check_postgres_connection() { su postgres -c "$PGBIN/psql $DATABASE_URL -c 'select 1;'" } wait_for_postgres() { retries=${PG_STARTUP_WAIT_TIME} echo "Trying to contact PostgreSQL server instance or waiting for it to come online." while ! check_postgres_connection &> /dev/null ; do if [ $retries -eq 0 ]; then echo "Unable to contact postgres server:" check_postgres_connection else echo "Waiting for postgres server, $((retries--)) remaining attempts..." sleep 3 fi done } configure_local_postgres() { mkdir -p "$PGDATA" chown -R postgres:postgres "$PGDATA" # remove any dangling pid rm -f $PGDATA/postmaster.pid # Set up pg defaults echo "host all all md5" >> /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf echo "listen_addresses=''" >> "$PGCONF_FILE" echo "data_directory='$PGDATA'" >> "$PGCONF_FILE" } if [ "$dbhost" = "" ]; then configure_local_postgres # initialize cluster if it does not exist yet if [ -f "$PGDATA/PG_VERSION" ]; then echo "-----> Database cluster already exists, not modifying." su - postgres -c "$PGBIN/pg_ctl -w -l /dev/null -o '-c config_file=$PGCONF_FILE' -D '$PGDATA' start" | indent (install_plugins && migrate) | indent su - postgres -c "$PGBIN/pg_ctl -D '$PGDATA' stop" | indent else echo "-----> Database cluster not found. Creating a new one in $PGDATA..." su postgres -c "$PGBIN/initdb --pgdata=${PGDATA} --username=${PGUSER} --encoding=unicode --auth=trust --pwfile=$pwfile" | indent su postgres -c "rm -f $pwfile" su - postgres -c "$PGBIN/pg_ctl -w -l /dev/null -o '-c config_file=$PGCONF_FILE' -D '$PGDATA' start" | indent su postgres -c "$PGBIN/psql --command \"CREATE USER openproject WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'openproject';\"" | indent su postgres -c "$PGBIN/createdb -O openproject openproject" | indent (install_plugins && migrate) | indent su - postgres -c "$PGBIN/pg_ctl -D '$PGDATA' stop" | indent fi else echo "-----> You're using an external database. Not initializing a local database cluster." migrate | indent fi echo "-----> Database setup finished." echo " On first installation, the default admin credentials are login: admin, password: admin" echo "-----> Launching supervisord..." exec /usr/bin/supervisord -c $APP_PATH/docker/supervisord.conf -e ${SUPERVISORD_LOG_LEVEL}