require 'rubygems' require 'prawn' require 'prawn/measurement_extensions' require 'net/http' require 'rexml/document' require 'yaml' module Cards class TaskboardCards include Redmine::I18n begin LABELS = YAML::load_file(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/labels.yaml') rescue LABELS = {} end def self.selected_label return nil if not Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:card_spec] return LABELS[Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:card_spec]] end def initialize(lang) set_language_if_valid lang raise "No label stock selected" unless Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:card_spec] label = TaskboardCards.selected_label raise "Label stock \"#{Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:card_spec]}\" not found" unless label label['papersize'].upcase! geom = Prawn::Document::PageGeometry::SIZES[label['papersize']] raise "Paper size '#{label['papersize']}' not supported" if geom.nil? @paper_width = geom[0] @paper_height = geom[1] @top_margin = TaskboardCards.topts(label['top_margin']) @vertical_pitch = TaskboardCards.topts(label['vertical_pitch']) @height = TaskboardCards.topts(label['height']) @left_margin = TaskboardCards.topts(label['left_margin']) @horizontal_pitch = TaskboardCards.topts(label['horizontal_pitch']) @width = TaskboardCards.topts(label['width']) @across = label['across'] @down = label['down'] @inner_margin = TaskboardCards.topts(label['inner_margin']) || @pdf = :page_layout => :portrait, :left_margin => 0, :right_margin => 0, :top_margin => 0, :bottom_margin => 0, :page_size => label['papersize']) fontdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/ttf' @pdf.font_families.update( "DejaVuSans" => { :bold => "#{fontdir}/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", :italic => "#{fontdir}/DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf", :bold_italic => "#{fontdir}/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf", :normal => "#{fontdir}/DejaVuSans.ttf" } ) @pdf.font "DejaVuSans" @cards = 0 end def self.measurement(x) x = "#{x}pt" if x =~ /[0-9]$/ return x end def self.malformed(label) return TaskboardCards.topts(label['height']) > TaskboardCards.topts(label['vertical_pitch']) || TaskboardCards.topts(label['width']) > TaskboardCards.topts(label['horizontal_pitch']) end def self.fetch_labels LABELS.keys.each {|label| if TaskboardCards.malformed(LABELS[label]) LABELS.delete(label) puts "Removing malformed label '#{label}'" end } ['avery-iso-templates.xml', 'avery-other-templates.xml', 'avery-us-templates.xml', 'brother-other-templates.xml', 'dymo-other-templates.xml', 'maco-us-templates.xml', 'misc-iso-templates.xml', 'misc-other-templates.xml', 'misc-us-templates.xml', 'pearl-iso-templates.xml', 'uline-us-templates.xml', 'worldlabel-us-templates.xml', 'zweckform-iso-templates.xml'].each {|url| labels = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse("{url}")).body doc = doc.elements.each('Glabels-templates/Template') do |specs| label = nil papersize = specs.attributes['size'] papersize = 'Letter' if papersize == 'US-Letter' specs.elements.each('Label-rectangle') do |geom| margin = nil geom.elements.each('Markup-margin') do |m| margin = m.attributes['size'] end margin = "1mm" if margin.blank? geom.elements.each('Layout') do |layout| label = { 'inner_margin' => TaskboardCards.measurement(margin), 'across' => Integer(layout.attributes['nx']), 'down' => Integer(layout.attributes['ny']), 'top_margin' => TaskboardCards.measurement(layout.attributes['y0']), 'height' => TaskboardCards.measurement(geom.attributes['height']), 'horizontal_pitch' => TaskboardCards.measurement(layout.attributes['dx']), 'left_margin' => TaskboardCards.measurement(layout.attributes['x0']), 'width' => TaskboardCards.measurement(geom.attributes['width']), 'vertical_pitch' => TaskboardCards.measurement(layout.attributes['dy']), 'papersize' => papersize, 'source' => 'glabel' } end end next if label.nil? key = "#{specs.attributes['brand']} #{specs.attributes['part']}" if TaskboardCards.malformed(label) puts "Skipping malformed label '#{key}' from #{url}" else LABELS[key] = label if not LABELS[key] or LABELS[key]['source'] == 'glabel' specs.elements.each('Alias') do |also| key = "#{also.attributes['brand']} #{also.attributes['part']}" LABELS[key] = label.dup if not LABELS[key] or LABELS[key]['source'] == 'glabel' end end end } + '/labels.yaml', 'w') do |dump| YAML.dump(LABELS, dump) end if Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:card_spec] && ! TaskboardCards.selected_label && LABELS.size != 0 # current label non-existant label = LABELS.keys[0] puts "Non-existant label stock '#{Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:card_spec]}' selected, replacing with random '#{label}'" s = Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs s[:card_spec] = label Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs = s end end attr_reader :pdf def card(issue, type) row = (@cards % @down) + 1 col = ((@cards / @down) % @across) + 1 @cards += 1 @pdf.start_new_page if row == 1 and col == 1 and @cards != 1 parent_story = issue.story # card bounds @pdf.bounding_box self.top_left(row, col), :width => @width, :height => @height do @pdf.line_width = 0.5 @pdf.stroke do @pdf.stroke_bounds # card margin @pdf.bounding_box [@inner_margin, @height - @inner_margin], :width => @width - (2 * @inner_margin), :height => @height - (2 * @inner_margin) do scoresize = 0 @y = @pdf.bounds.height @pdf.font_size(12) do score = (type == :task ? issue.estimated_hours : issue.story_points) score ||= '?' score = "#{score} #{type == :task ? l(:label_hours) : l(:label_points)}" scoresize = @pdf.width_of(" #{score} ") text_box(score, { :width => scoresize, :height => @pdf.font.height }, pdf.bounds.width - scoresize) end @y = @pdf.bounds.height pos = parent_story.position ? parent_story.position : l(:label_not_prioritized) trail = (issue.self_and_ancestors.reverse.collect{|i| "#{} ##{}"}.join(" : ")) + " (#{pos})" @pdf.font_size(6) do text_box(trail, { :width => pdf.bounds.width - scoresize, :height => @pdf.font.height, :style => :italic }) end @pdf.font_size(6) do parent = (type == :task ? parent_story.subject : (issue.fixed_version ? : I18n.t(:backlogs_product_backlog))) text_box parent, { :width => pdf.bounds.width - scoresize, :height => @pdf.font.height } end text_box issue.subject, { :width => pdf.bounds.width, :height => @pdf.font.height * 2 } @pdf.line [0, @y], [pdf.bounds.width, @y] @y -= 2 @pdf.font_size(8) do text_box issue.description || issue.subject , { :width => pdf.bounds.width, :height => @y - 8 } end @pdf.font_size(6) do category = issue.category ? "#{l(:field_category)}: #{}" : '' catsize = @pdf.width_of(" #{category} ") text_box(category, { :width => catsize, :height => @pdf.font.height }, pdf.bounds.width - catsize) end end end end end def add(story, add_tasks = true) if add_tasks story.descendants.each {|task| card(task, :task) } end card(story, :story) end def text_box(s, options, x = 0) box =, options.merge(:overflow => :ellipses, :at => [x, @y], :document => @pdf)) box.render @y -= (options[:height] + (options[:size] || @pdf.font_size) / 2) return box end def self.topts(v) return nil if v.class == NilClass if v =~ /[a-z]{2}$/i units = v[-2, 2].downcase v = v[0..-3] else units = 'pt' end v = "#{v}0" if v =~ /\.$/ return Float(v).mm if units == 'mm' return Float(v).cm if units == 'cm' return Float(v).in if units == 'in' return Float(v).pt if units == 'pt' raise "Unexpected units '#{units}'" end def top_left(row, col) top = @paper_height - (@top_margin + @vertical_pitch * (row - 1)) left = @left_margin + (@horizontal_pitch * (col - 1)) return [left, top] end end end