
10. Wiki

10.1. Wiki syntax

10.1.1. Formatting

  • *bold*

  • _italic_

  • +underline+

  • -strike-

  • ??inline quote??

  • @code@

  • h1. page title

  • h2. level 2 title

  • h3. level 3 title

10.1.2. Links

  • External link :

  • External link with specific text : "Redmine":

  • Link to an other wiki page (can be a page from an other project wiki) :

    • [[Page name]]

    • [[Page name|Title]]

    • [[Project:]]

    • [[Project:|Title]]

    • [[Project:Page name]]

    • [[Project:Page name|Title]]

  • Link to an issue : #52

  • Link to a changeset : r52

10.1.3. Embedded images

  • External image : !!

  • Image attached to the wiki page : !my_image.jpg!

  • Right floating image : !>my_image.jpg!