#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2020 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ class Project < ApplicationRecord extend Pagination::Model extend FriendlyId include Projects::Copy include Projects::Storage include Projects::Activity include ::Scopes::Scoped # Maximum length for project identifiers IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH = 100 # reserved identifiers RESERVED_IDENTIFIERS = %w(new).freeze has_many :members, -> { includes(:principal, :roles) .where( "#{Principal.table_name}.type='User' AND ( #{User.table_name}.status=#{Principal::STATUSES[:active]} OR #{User.table_name}.status=#{Principal::STATUSES[:invited]} )" ) .references(:principal, :roles) } has_many :possible_assignee_members, -> { includes(:principal, :roles) .where(Project.possible_principles_condition) .references(:principals, :roles) }, class_name: 'Member' # Read only has_many :possible_assignees, ->(object) { # Have to reference members and roles again although # possible_assignee_members does already specify it to be able to use the # Project.possible_principles_condition there # # The .where(members_users: { project_id: object.id }) # part is an optimization preventing to have all the members joined includes(members: :roles) .where(members_users: { project_id: object.id }) .references(:roles) .merge(Principal.order_by_name) }, through: :possible_assignee_members, source: :principal has_many :possible_responsible_members, -> { includes(:principal, :roles) .where(Project.possible_principles_condition) .references(:principals, :roles) }, class_name: 'Member' # Read only has_many :possible_responsibles, ->(object) { # Have to reference members and roles again although # possible_responsible_members does already specify it to be able to use # the Project.possible_principles_condition there # # The .where(members_users: { project_id: object.id }) # part is an optimization preventing to have all the members joined includes(members: :roles) .where(members_users: { project_id: object.id }) .references(:roles) .merge(Principal.order_by_name) }, through: :possible_responsible_members, source: :principal has_many :memberships, class_name: 'Member' has_many :member_principals, -> { includes(:principal) .references(:principals) .where("#{Principal.table_name}.type='Group' OR " + "(#{Principal.table_name}.type='User' AND " + "(#{Principal.table_name}.status=#{Principal::STATUSES[:active]} OR " + "#{Principal.table_name}.status=#{Principal::STATUSES[:registered]} OR " + "#{Principal.table_name}.status=#{Principal::STATUSES[:invited]}))") }, class_name: 'Member' has_many :users, through: :members, source: :principal has_many :principals, through: :member_principals, source: :principal has_many :enabled_modules, dependent: :delete_all has_and_belongs_to_many :types, -> { order("#{::Type.table_name}.position") } has_many :work_packages, -> { order("#{WorkPackage.table_name}.created_at DESC") .includes(:status, :type) } has_many :work_package_changes, through: :work_packages, source: :journals has_many :versions, -> { order("#{Version.table_name}.effective_date DESC, #{Version.table_name}.name DESC") }, dependent: :destroy has_many :time_entries, dependent: :delete_all has_many :time_entry_activities_projects, dependent: :delete_all has_many :queries, dependent: :delete_all has_many :news, -> { includes(:author) }, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, -> { order("#{Category.table_name}.name") }, dependent: :delete_all has_many :forums, -> { order('position ASC') }, dependent: :destroy has_one :repository, dependent: :destroy has_many :changesets, through: :repository has_one :wiki, dependent: :destroy # Custom field for the project's work_packages has_and_belongs_to_many :work_package_custom_fields, -> { order("#{CustomField.table_name}.position") }, class_name: 'WorkPackageCustomField', join_table: "#{table_name_prefix}custom_fields_projects#{table_name_suffix}", association_foreign_key: 'custom_field_id' has_one :status, class_name: 'Projects::Status', dependent: :destroy acts_as_nested_set order_column: :name, dependent: :destroy acts_as_customizable acts_as_searchable columns: %W(#{table_name}.name #{table_name}.identifier #{table_name}.description), date_column: "#{table_name}.created_at", project_key: 'id', permission: nil acts_as_event title: Proc.new { |o| "#{Project.model_name.human}: #{o.name}" }, url: Proc.new { |o| { controller: 'overviews/overviews', action: 'show', project_id: o } }, author: nil, datetime: :created_at validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } # TODO: we temporarily disable this validation because it leads to failed tests # it implicitly assumes a db:seed-created standard type to be present and currently # neither development nor deployment setups are prepared for this # validates_presence_of :types validates :identifier, presence: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: true }, length: { maximum: IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH }, exclusion: RESERVED_IDENTIFIERS validates_associated :repository, :wiki # starts with lower-case letter, a-z, 0-9, dashes and underscores afterwards validates :identifier, format: { with: /\A[a-z][a-z0-9\-_]*\z/ }, if: ->(p) { p.identifier_changed? } # reserved words friendly_id :identifier, use: :finders scope :has_module, ->(mod) { where(["#{Project.table_name}.id IN (SELECT em.project_id FROM #{EnabledModule.table_name} em WHERE em.name=?)", mod.to_s]) } scope :public_projects, -> { where(public: true) } scope :visible, ->(user = User.current) { merge(Project.visible_by(user)) } scope :newest, -> { order(created_at: :desc) } scope :active, -> { where(active: true) } scope_classes Projects::Scopes::ActivatedTimeActivity, Projects::Scopes::VisibleWithActivatedTimeActivity def visible?(user = User.current) active? and (public? or user.admin? or user.member_of?(self)) end def archived? !active? end def copy_allowed? User.current.allowed_to?(:copy_projects, self) end def self.selectable_projects Project.visible.select { |p| User.current.member_of? p }.sort_by(&:to_s) end def self.search_scope(query) # overwritten from Pagination::Model visible.like(query) end def possible_members(criteria, limit) Principal.active_or_registered.like(criteria).not_in_project(self).limit(limit) end def add_member(user, roles) members.build.tap do |m| m.principal = user m.roles = Array(roles) end end def add_member!(user, roles) add_member(user, roles) save end # Returns all projects the user is allowed to see. # # Employs the :view_project permission to perform the # authorization check as the permissino is public, meaning it is granted # to everybody having at least one role in a project regardless of the # role's permissions. def self.visible_by(user = User.current) allowed_to(user, :view_project) end # Returns a ActiveRecord::Relation to find all projects for which # +user+ has the given +permission+ def self.allowed_to(user, permission) Authorization.projects(permission, user) end def reload(*args) @all_work_package_custom_fields = nil super end # Returns a :conditions SQL string that can be used to find the issues associated with this project. # # Examples: # project.project_condition(true) => "(projects.id = 1 OR (projects.lft > 1 AND projects.rgt < 10))" # project.project_condition(false) => "projects.id = 1" def project_condition(with_subprojects) projects_table = Project.arel_table stmt = projects_table[:id].eq(id) stmt = stmt.or(projects_table[:lft].gt(lft).and(projects_table[:rgt].lt(rgt))) if with_subprojects stmt end def types_used_by_work_packages ::Type.where(id: WorkPackage.where(project_id: project.id) .select(:type_id) .distinct) end # Returns a scope of the types used by the project and its active sub projects def rolled_up_types ::Type .joins(:projects) .select("DISTINCT #{::Type.table_name}.*") .where(projects: { id: self_and_descendants.select(:id) }) .merge(Project.active) .order("#{::Type.table_name}.position") end # Closes open and locked project versions that are completed def close_completed_versions Version.transaction do versions.where(status: %w(open locked)).each do |version| if version.completed? version.update_attribute(:status, 'closed') end end end end # Returns a scope of the Versions on subprojects def rolled_up_versions shared_versions_base_scope .merge(Project.active) .where(projects: { id: self_and_descendants.select(:id) }) end # Returns a scope of the Versions used by the project def shared_versions if persisted? shared_versions_on_persisted else shared_versions_by_system end end # Returns all versions a work package can be assigned to. Opposed to # #shared_versions this returns an array of Versions, not a scope. # # The main benefit is in scenarios where work packages' projects are eager # loaded. Because eager loading the project e.g. via # WorkPackage.includes(:project).where(type: 5) will assign the same instance # (same object_id) for every work package having the same project this will # reduce the number of db queries when performing operations including the # project's versions. def assignable_versions @all_shared_versions ||= shared_versions.with_status_open.order_by_semver_name.to_a end # Returns a hash of project users grouped by role def users_by_role members.includes(:principal, :roles).inject({}) do |h, m| m.roles.each do |r| h[r] ||= [] h[r] << m.principal end h end end # Returns users that should be always notified on project events def recipients notified_users end # Returns the users that should be notified on project events def notified_users # TODO: User part should be extracted to User#notify_about? notified_members = members.select do |member| setting = member.principal.mail_notification (setting == 'selected' && member.mail_notification?) || setting == 'all' end notified_members.map(&:principal) end # Returns an array of all custom fields enabled for project issues # (explictly associated custom fields and custom fields enabled for all projects) # # Supports the :include option. def all_work_package_custom_fields(options = {}) @all_work_package_custom_fields ||= ( WorkPackageCustomField.for_all(options) + ( if options.include? :include WorkPackageCustomField.joins(:projects) .where(projects: { id: id }) .includes(options[:include]) # use #preload instead of #includes if join gets too big else work_package_custom_fields end ) ).uniq.sort end def project self end def <=>(project) name.downcase <=> project.name.downcase end def to_s name end # Return true if this project is allowed to do the specified action. # action can be: # * a parameter-like Hash (eg. controller: '/projects', action: 'edit') # * a permission Symbol (eg. :edit_project) def allows_to?(action) if action.is_a? Hash allowed_actions.include? "#{action[:controller]}/#{action[:action]}" else allowed_permissions.include? action end end def module_enabled?(module_name) module_name = module_name.to_s enabled_modules.any? { |m| m.name == module_name } end def enabled_module_names=(module_names) if module_names&.is_a?(Array) module_names = module_names.map(&:to_s).reject(&:blank?) self.enabled_modules = module_names.map { |name| enabled_modules.detect { |mod| mod.name == name } || EnabledModule.new(name: name) } else enabled_modules.clear end end # Returns an array of the enabled modules names def enabled_module_names enabled_modules.map(&:name) end # Returns an array of projects that are in this project's hierarchy # # Example: parents, children, siblings def hierarchy parents = project.self_and_ancestors || [] descendants = project.descendants || [] parents | descendants # Set union end class << self # Returns an auto-generated project identifier based on the last identifier used def next_identifier p = Project.newest.first p.nil? ? nil : p.identifier.to_s.succ end # builds up a project hierarchy helper structure for use with #project_tree_from_hierarchy # # it expects a simple list of projects with a #lft column (awesome_nested_set) # and returns a hierarchy based on #lft # # the result is a nested list of root level projects that contain their child projects # but, each entry is actually a ruby hash wrapping the project and child projects # the keys are :project and :children where :children is in the same format again # # result = [ root_level_project_info_1, root_level_project_info_2, ... ] # # where each entry has the form # # project_info = { project: the_project, children: [ child_info_1, child_info_2, ... ] } # # if a project has no children the :children array is just empty # def build_projects_hierarchy(projects) ancestors = [] result = [] projects.sort_by(&:lft).each do |project| while ancestors.any? && !project.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last[:project]) # before we pop back one level, we sort the child projects by name ancestors.last[:children] = sort_by_name(ancestors.last[:children]) ancestors.pop end current_hierarchy = { project: project, children: [] } current_tree = ancestors.any? ? ancestors.last[:children] : result current_tree << current_hierarchy ancestors << current_hierarchy end # When the last project is deeply nested, we need to sort # all layers we are in. ancestors.each do |level| level[:children] = sort_by_name(level[:children]) end # we need one extra element to ensure sorting at the end # at the end the root level must be sorted as well sort_by_name(result) end def project_tree_from_hierarchy(projects_hierarchy, level, &block) projects_hierarchy.each do |hierarchy| project = hierarchy[:project] children = hierarchy[:children] yield project, level # recursively show children project_tree_from_hierarchy(children, level + 1, &block) if children.any? end end # Yields the given block for each project with its level in the tree def project_tree(projects, &block) projects_hierarchy = build_projects_hierarchy(projects) project_tree_from_hierarchy(projects_hierarchy, 0, &block) end def project_level_list(projects) list = [] project_tree(projects) do |project, level| element = { project: project, level: level } element.merge!(yield(project)) if block_given? list << element end list end private def sort_by_name(project_hashes) project_hashes.sort_by { |h| h[:project].name&.downcase } end end def allowed_permissions @allowed_permissions ||= begin names = enabled_modules.loaded? ? enabled_module_names : enabled_modules.pluck(:name) OpenProject::AccessControl.modules_permissions(names).map(&:name) end end def allowed_actions @actions_allowed ||= allowed_permissions .map { |permission| OpenProject::AccessControl.allowed_actions(permission) } .flatten end def self.possible_principles_condition condition = if Setting.work_package_group_assignment? ["(#{Principal.table_name}.type=? OR #{Principal.table_name}.type=?)", 'User', 'Group'] else ["(#{Principal.table_name}.type=?)", 'User'] end condition[0] += " AND (#{User.table_name}.status=? OR #{User.table_name}.status=?) AND roles.assignable = ?" condition << Principal::STATUSES[:active] condition << Principal::STATUSES[:invited] condition << true sanitize_sql_array condition end protected def shared_versions_on_persisted shared_versions_base_scope .where(projects: { id: id }) .or(shared_versions_by_system) .or(shared_versions_by_tree) .or(shared_versions_by_hierarchy_or_descendants) .or(shared_versions_by_hierarchy) end def shared_versions_by_tree r = root? ? self : root shared_versions_base_scope .merge(Project.active) .where(projects: { id: r.self_and_descendants.select(:id) }) .where(sharing: 'tree') end def shared_versions_by_hierarchy_or_descendants shared_versions_base_scope .merge(Project.active) .where(projects: { id: ancestors.select(:id) }) .where(sharing: %w(hierarchy descendants)) end def shared_versions_by_hierarchy rolled_up_versions .where(sharing: 'hierarchy') end def shared_versions_by_system shared_versions_base_scope .merge(Project.active) .where(sharing: 'system') end def shared_versions_base_scope Version .includes(:project) .references(:projects) end end