module Components module Grids class GridArea include Capybara::DSL include RSpec::Matchers attr_accessor :area_selector def initialize(*selector) self.area_selector = selector end def resize_to(row, column) area.hover area.find('.grid--resizer').drag_to self.class.of(row * 2, column * 2).area end def open_menu area.hover area.find('icon-triggered-context-menu').click end def click_menu_item(text) # Ensure there are no active toasters dismiss_toaster! open_menu SeleniumHubWaiter.wait click_button text end def remove click_menu_item(I18n.t('js.grid.remove')) end def configure_wp_table click_menu_item(I18n.t('js.toolbar.settings.configure_view')) end def drag_to(row, column) handle = drag_handle drop_area = self.class.of(row * 2, column * 2).area scroll_to_element(handle) move_to(handle) do |action| action.click_and_hold(handle.native) end scroll_to_element(drop_area) drop_area.hover sleep(1) move_to(drop_area, &:release) end def expect_to_exist expect(page) .to have_selector(*area_selector) end def expect_to_span(startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn) [['grid-row-start', startRow * 2], ['grid-column-start', startColumn * 2], ['grid-row-end', endRow * 2 - 1], ['grid-column-end', endColumn * 2 - 1]].each do |style, expected| actual = expect(actual) .to eql(expected.to_s), "expected #{style} to be #{expected} but it is #{actual}" end end def expect_not_resizable within area do expect(page) .to have_no_selector('.grid--area.-widgeted resizer') end end def expect_not_draggable area.hover within area do expect(page) .to have_no_selector(".grid--area-drag-handle") end end def expect_not_renameable within area do expect(page) .to have_selector(".editable-toolbar-title--fixed") end end def expect_no_menu area.hover within area do expect(page) .to have_no_selector(".icon-show-more-horizontal") end end def area page.find(*area_selector) end def drag_handle area.hover area.find('.cdk-drag-handle') end def self.of(row_number, column_number) area_style = "grid-area: #{row_number} / #{column_number} / #{row_number + 1} / #{column_number + 1}" new(".grid--area:not(.-widgeted)[style*='#{area_style}']") end def move_to(element) action = page .driver .browser .action .move_to(element.native) yield action action.perform end def dismiss_toaster! if page.has_selector?('.op-toast--close') page.find('.op-toast--close').click end expect(page).to have_no_selector('.op-toast') end end end end