#-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'spec_helper' require 'rack/test' describe 'API v3 Project resource', type: :request, content_type: :json do include Rack::Test::Methods include API::V3::Utilities::PathHelper let(:current_user) do FactoryBot.create(:user, member_in_project: project, member_through_role: role) end let(:admin) { FactoryBot.create(:admin) } let(:project) do FactoryBot.create(:project, public: false, status: project_status, active: project_active) end let(:project_active) { true } let(:project_status) do FactoryBot.build(:project_status, project: nil) end let(:other_project) do FactoryBot.create(:project, public: false) end let(:role) { FactoryBot.create(:role) } let(:custom_field) do FactoryBot.create(:text_project_custom_field) end let(:custom_value) do CustomValue.create(custom_field: custom_field, value: '1234', customized: project) end before do login_as(current_user) end describe '#get /projects/:id' do let(:get_path) { api_v3_paths.project project.id } let!(:parent_project) do FactoryBot.create(:project, public: false).tap do |p| project.parent = p project.save! end end let!(:parent_memberships) do FactoryBot.create(:member, user: current_user, project: parent_project, roles: [FactoryBot.create(:role, permissions: [])]) end subject(:response) do get get_path last_response end context 'logged in user' do it 'responds with 200 OK' do expect(subject.status).to eq(200) end it 'responds with the correct project' do expect(subject.body).to include_json('Project'.to_json).at_path('_type') expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql(project.identifier.to_json).at_path('identifier') end it 'links to the parent project' do expect(subject.body) .to be_json_eql(api_v3_paths.project(parent_project.id).to_json) .at_path('_links/parent/href') end it 'includes custom fields' do custom_value expect(subject.body) .to be_json_eql(custom_value.value.to_json) .at_path("customField#{custom_field.id}/raw") end it 'includes the project status' do expect(subject.body) .to be_json_eql(project_status.explanation.to_json) .at_path("statusExplanation/raw") expect(subject.body) .to be_json_eql(api_v3_paths.project_status(project_status.code).to_json) .at_path("_links/status/href") end context 'requesting nonexistent project' do let(:get_path) { api_v3_paths.project 9999 } before do response end it_behaves_like 'not found' do let(:id) { 9999 } let(:type) { 'Project' } end end context 'requesting project without sufficient permissions' do let(:get_path) { api_v3_paths.project other_project.id } before do response end it_behaves_like 'not found' do let(:id) { another_project.id.to_s } let(:type) { 'Project' } end end context 'not being allowed to see the parent project' do let!(:parent_memberships) do end it 'has no path to the parent' do expect(subject.body) .to be_json_eql(nil.to_json) .at_path('_links/parent/href') end end context 'with the project being archived/inactive' do let(:project_active) { false } context 'with the user being admin' do let(:current_user) { admin } it 'responds with 200 OK' do expect(subject.status).to eq(200) end it 'responds with the correct project' do expect(subject.body).to include_json('Project'.to_json).at_path('_type') expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql(project.identifier.to_json).at_path('identifier') end end context 'with the user being no admin' do it 'responds with 404' do expect(subject.status).to eq(404) end end end end context 'not logged in user' do let(:current_user) { FactoryBot.create(:anonymous) } before do get get_path end it_behaves_like 'not found' end end describe '#get /projects' do let(:get_path) { api_v3_paths.projects } let(:response) { last_response } let(:projects) { [project, other_project] } before do projects get get_path end it 'succeeds' do expect(response.status) .to eql(200) end it_behaves_like 'API V3 collection response', 1, 1, 'Project' context 'filtering for project by ancestor' do let(:projects) { [project, other_project, parent_project] } let(:parent_project) do parent_project = FactoryBot.create(:project, public: false, members: { current_user => role }) project.update_attribute(:parent_id, parent_project.id) parent_project end let(:filter_query) do [{ ancestor: { operator: '=', values: [parent_project.id.to_s] } }] end let(:get_path) do "#{api_v3_paths.projects}?filters=#{CGI.escape(JSON.dump(filter_query))}" end it_behaves_like 'API V3 collection response', 1, 1, 'Project' it 'returns the child project' do expect(response.body) .to be_json_eql(api_v3_paths.project(project.id).to_json) .at_path('_embedded/elements/0/_links/self/href') end end context 'with filtering by capability action' do let(:other_project) do FactoryBot.create(:project, members: [current_user]) end let(:projects) { [project, other_project] } let(:role) { FactoryBot.create(:role, permissions: [:copy_projects]) } let(:get_path) do api_v3_paths.path_for :projects, filters: [{ "user_action": { "operator": "=", "values": ["projects/copy"] } }] end it_behaves_like 'API V3 collection response', 1, 1, 'Project' it 'returns the project the current user has the capability in' do expect(response.body) .to be_json_eql(api_v3_paths.project(project.id).to_json) .at_path('_embedded/elements/0/_links/self/href') end end context 'filtering for principals (members)' do let(:other_project) do Role.non_member FactoryBot.create(:public_project) end let(:projects) { [project, other_project] } context 'if filtering for a value' do let(:filter_query) do [{ principal: { operator: '=', values: [current_user.id.to_s] } }] end let(:get_path) do "#{api_v3_paths.projects}?filters=#{CGI.escape(JSON.dump(filter_query))}" end it 'returns the filtered for value' do expect(response.body) .to be_json_eql(project.id.to_json) .at_path('_embedded/elements/0/id') end end context 'if filtering for a negative value' do let(:filter_query) do [{ principal: { operator: '!', values: [current_user.id.to_s] } }] end let(:get_path) do "#{api_v3_paths.projects}?filters=#{CGI.escape(JSON.dump(filter_query))}" end it 'returns the projects not matching the value' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql(other_project.id.to_json) .at_path('_embedded/elements/0/id') end end end context 'with the project being archived/inactive' do let(:project_active) { false } let(:projects) { [project] } context 'with the user being admin' do let(:current_user) { admin } it 'responds with 200 OK' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(200) end it_behaves_like 'API V3 collection response', 1, 1, 'Project' end context 'with the user being no admin' do it_behaves_like 'API V3 collection response', 0, 0, 'Project' it 'responds with 200' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(200) end end end end describe '#post /projects' do let(:current_user) do FactoryBot.create(:user).tap do |u| FactoryBot.create(:global_member, principal: u, roles: [global_role]) end end let(:global_role) do FactoryBot.create(:global_role, permissions: permissions) end let(:permissions) { [:add_project] } let(:path) { api_v3_paths.projects } let(:body) do { identifier: 'new_project_identifier', name: 'Project name' }.to_json end before do login_as current_user post path, body end it 'responds with 201 CREATED' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(201) end it 'creates a project' do expect(Project.count) .to eql(1) end it 'returns the created project' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql('Project'.to_json) .at_path('_type') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql('Project name'.to_json) .at_path('name') end context 'with a status' do let(:body) do { identifier: 'new_project_identifier', name: 'Project name', statusExplanation: { raw: "Some explanation." }, _links: { status: { href: api_v3_paths.project_status('off_track') } } }.to_json end it 'sets the status' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql(api_v3_paths.project_status('off_track').to_json) .at_path('_links/status/href') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql( { "format": "markdown", "html": "
Some explanation.
", "raw": "Some explanation." }.to_json ) .at_path("statusExplanation") end it 'creates a project and a status' do expect(Project.count) .to eql(1) expect(Projects::Status.count) .to eql(1) end end context 'with a custom field' do let(:body) do { identifier: 'new_project_identifier', name: 'Project name', "customField#{custom_field.id}": { "raw": "CF text" } }.to_json end it 'sets the cf value' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql("CF text".to_json) .at_path("customField#{custom_field.id}/raw") end end context 'without permission to create projects' do let(:permissions) { [] } it 'responds with 403' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(403) end it 'creates no project' do expect(Project.count) .to eql(0) end end context 'with missing name' do let(:body) do { identifier: 'some_identifier' }.to_json end it 'responds with 422' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(422) end it 'creates no project' do expect(Project.count) .to eql(0) end it 'denotes the error' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql('Error'.to_json) .at_path('_type') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql("Name can't be blank.".to_json) .at_path('message') end end context 'with a faulty status' do let(:body) do { identifier: 'new_project_identifier', name: 'Project name', statusExplanation: "Some explanation.", _links: { status: { href: api_v3_paths.project_status('faulty') } } }.to_json end it 'responds with 422' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(422) end it 'creates no project' do expect(Project.count) .to eql(0) end it 'denotes the error' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql('Error'.to_json) .at_path('_type') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql("Status is not set to one of the allowed values.".to_json) .at_path('message') end end end describe '#patch /projects/:id' do let(:current_user) do FactoryBot.create(:user, member_in_project: project, member_with_permissions: permissions) end let(:permissions) { [:edit_project] } let(:path) { api_v3_paths.project(project.id) } let(:body) do { identifier: 'new_project_identifier', name: 'Project name' } end before do login_as current_user patch path, body.to_json end it 'responds with 200 OK' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(200) end it 'alters the project' do project.reload expect(project.name) .to eql(body[:name]) expect(project.identifier) .to eql(body[:identifier]) end it 'returns the updated project' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql('Project'.to_json) .at_path('_type') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql(body[:name].to_json) .at_path('name') end context 'with a custom field' do let(:body) do { "customField#{custom_field.id}": { "raw": "CF text" } } end it 'responds with 200 OK' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(200) end it 'sets the cf value' do expect(project.reload.send("custom_field_#{custom_field.id}")) .to eql("CF text") end end context 'without permission to patch projects' do let(:permissions) { [] } it 'responds with 403' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(403) end it 'does not change the project' do attributes_before = project.attributes expect(project.reload.name) .to eql(attributes_before['name']) end end context 'with a nil status' do let(:body) do { statusExplanation: { raw: "Some explanation." }, _links: { status: { href: nil } } } end it 'alters the status' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql(nil.to_json) .at_path('_links/status/href') status = project.status.reload expect(status.code).to be_nil expect(status.explanation).to eq 'Some explanation.' expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql( { "format": "markdown", "html": "Some explanation.
", "raw": "Some explanation." }.to_json ) .at_path("statusExplanation") end end context 'with a status' do let(:body) do { statusExplanation: { raw: "Some explanation." }, _links: { status: { href: api_v3_paths.project_status('off_track') } } } end it 'alters the status' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql(api_v3_paths.project_status('off_track').to_json) .at_path('_links/status/href') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql( { "format": "markdown", "html": "Some explanation.
", "raw": "Some explanation." }.to_json ) .at_path("statusExplanation") end it 'persists the altered status' do project_status.reload expect(project_status.code) .to eql('off_track') expect(project_status.explanation) .to eql('Some explanation.') end end context 'with faulty name' do let(:body) do { name: nil } end it 'responds with 422' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(422) end it 'does not change the project' do attributes_before = project.attributes expect(project.reload.name) .to eql(attributes_before['name']) end it 'denotes the error' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql('Error'.to_json) .at_path('_type') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql("Name can't be blank.".to_json) .at_path('message') end end context 'with a faulty status' do let(:body) do { _links: { status: { href: api_v3_paths.project_status("bogus") } } } end it 'responds with 422' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(422) end it 'does not change the project status' do code_before = project_status.code expect(project_status.reload.code) .to eql(code_before) end it 'denotes the error' do expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql('Error'.to_json) .at_path('_type') expect(last_response.body) .to be_json_eql("Status is not set to one of the allowed values.".to_json) .at_path('message') end end context 'deactivating (archiving) the project' do context 'for an admin' do let(:current_user) do FactoryBot.create(:admin) end let(:project) do FactoryBot.create(:project).tap do |p| p.children << child_project end end let(:child_project) do FactoryBot.create(:project) end let(:body) do { active: false } end it 'responds with 200 OK' do expect(last_response.status) .to eql(200) end it 'archives the project' do expect(project.reload.active) .to be_falsey end it 'archives the child project' do expect(child_project.reload.active) .to be_falsey end end context 'for a non admin' do let(:body) do { active: false } end it 'responds with 403' do expect(last_response.status) .to eql(403) end it 'does not alter the project' do expect(project.reload.active) .to be_truthy end end end end describe '#delete /api/v3/projects/:id' do let(:path) { api_v3_paths.project(project.id) } let(:setup) {} before do login_as current_user setup delete path # run the deletion job perform_enqueued_jobs end subject { last_response } context 'with required permissions (admin)' do let(:current_user) { FactoryBot.create(:admin) } it 'responds with HTTP No Content' do expect(subject.status).to eq 204 end it 'deletes the project' do expect(Project.exists?(project.id)).to be_falsey end context 'for a project with work packages' do let(:work_package) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package, project: project) } let(:setup) { work_package } it 'deletes the work packages' do expect(WorkPackage.exists?(work_package.id)).to be_falsey end end context 'for a project with members' do let(:member) do FactoryBot.create(:member, project: project, principal: current_user, roles: [FactoryBot.create(:role)]) end let(:member_role) { member.member_roles.first } let(:setup) do member member_role end it 'deletes the member' do expect(Member.exists?(member.id)).to be_falsey end it 'deletes the MemberRole' do expect(MemberRole.exists?(member_role.id)).to be_falsey end end context 'for a project with a forum' do let(:forum) do FactoryBot.create(:forum, project: project) end let(:setup) do forum end it 'deletes the forum' do expect(Forum.exists?(forum.id)).to be_falsey end end context 'for a non-existent project' do let(:path) { api_v3_paths.project 0 } it_behaves_like 'not found' do let(:id) { 0 } let(:type) { 'Project' } end end context 'for a project which has a version foreign work packages refer to' do let(:version) { FactoryBot.create(:version, project: project) } let(:work_package) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package, version: version) } let(:setup) { work_package } it 'responds with 422' do expect(subject.status).to eq 422 end it 'explains the error' do expect(subject.body) .to be_json_eql(I18n.t(:'activerecord.errors.models.project.foreign_wps_reference_version').to_json) .at_path('message') end end end context 'without required permissions' do it 'responds with 403' do expect(subject.status).to eq 403 end end end end