= ChiliProject Backlogs Plugin This Plugin adds features, that enable agile teams to work efficiently with ChiliProject in Scrum projects. It is largely based on {Redmine Backlogs}[http://www.redminebacklogs.net/]. Development was separated from Redmine Backlogs in March 2011. At this time Redmine Backlogs v0.3.2 was current. ChiliProject Backlogs is more than just a port from Redmine to ChiliProject. == Requirements This plugin depends on the {ChiliProject NIssue Plugin}[https://github.com/finnlabs/chiliproject_nissue]. Make sure, to have a current version of that Plugin installed into your ChiliProject. This plugin requires some additional RubyGems. After you have extracted the plugin into `vendor/plugins`, make sure to run `bundle install` to install these additional dependencies. This plugin aims to be compatible with * ChiliProject 1.x * ChiliProject 2.1 and later If you are running into compatibility issues, please report a bug in the project's issue tracker. *Note:* ChiliProject Backlogs currently needs a core patch, to run on ChiliProject version 2.1 and later. You may find the relevant changes at https://github.com/finnlabs/chiliproject/commit/260f4d13f138d69ca23866c5772f54020d171dca Add them to your ChiliProject with curl https://github.com/finnlabs/chiliproject/commit/260f4d13f138d69ca23866c5772f54020d171dca.patch | git am if you are running from a git repository or curl https://github.com/finnlabs/chiliproject/commit/260f4d13f138d69ca23866c5772f54020d171dca.diff | patch -p1 if you are using a tarball installation. We have submitted a pull request to ChiliProject and we hope, it will be part of the next ChiliProject releases. You may track the progress by watching {#708 in ChiliProject}[https://www.chiliproject.org/issues/708]. == Supported Databases Backlogs should run on PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. SQLite is not tested. It is likely to break. == Installation Please follow the default {plugin installation instructions for ChiliProject}[https://www.chiliproject.org/projects/chiliproject/wiki/Plugin_Install]. If you did not do it already, run the plugin's migrations. rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=chiliproject_backlogs RAILS_ENV=production == Deinstallation Run the down-migrations to clean up your database. rake db:migrate:plugin VERSION=0 NAME=chiliproject_backlogs RAILS_ENV=production Afterwards simply remove the plugin's directory from your vendor/plugins directory. == Development To run the tests, you will need a current version of our {ChiliProject Dev Tools}[https://github.com/finnlabs/redmine-dev-tools] and {ChiliProject Cucumber}[https://github.com/finnlabs/chiliproject_cucumber]. After running bundle install You should be able to execute the tests with rake redmine:rspec:backlogs rake redmine:cucumber:backlogs RAILS_ENV=test If these instructions are insufficient, please open a ticket in the GitHub issue tracker with information, where you are stuck. == Credits We thank the original maintainers and developers of {Redmine Backlogs}[http://www.redminebacklogs.net/] for their immense work on this plugin. ChiliProject Backlogs would not have been possible without their original contribution. Additionally, we would like to thank * Deutsche Telekom AG (opensource@telekom.de) for project sponsorhip * Birthe Russmeyer and Niels Lindenthal of finnlabs for their consulting and project management == Licence (c) 2010-2011 - Emiliano Heyns, Mark Maglana, friflaj (c) 2011 - Jens Ulferts, Gregor Schmidt - Finn GmbH This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See COPYRIGHT.txt and GPL.txt for details.