Rabl.configure do |config| # Commented as these are defaults # config.cache_all_output = false # config.cache_sources = Rails.env != 'development' # Defaults to false # config.cache_engine = Rabl::CacheEngine.new # Defaults to Rails cache # config.perform_caching = false # config.escape_all_output = false config.json_engine = ::Oj # Class with #dump class method (defaults JSON) # config.msgpack_engine = nil # Defaults to ::MessagePack # config.bson_engine = nil # Defaults to ::BSON # config.plist_engine = nil # Defaults to ::Plist::Emit config.include_json_root = false # config.include_msgpack_root = true # config.include_bson_root = true # config.include_plist_root = true # config.include_xml_root = false # config.include_child_root = true # config.enable_json_callbacks = false config.xml_options = { :dasherize => false, :skip_types => false } # config.view_paths = [] # config.raise_on_missing_attribute = true # Defaults to false # config.replace_nil_values_with_empty_strings = true # Defaults to false end