#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require File.expand_path('../../../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe 'api/v2/projects/show.api.rabl' do before do params[:format] = 'json' end let(:admin) {FactoryGirl.create(:admin)} let(:anonymous) { FactoryGirl.create(:anonymous)} describe 'with an assigned project' do let(:sample_type){FactoryGirl.build(:project_type, id: 1, name: "SampleType")} let(:sample_project) { FactoryGirl.build(:project, :id => 1, :project_type => sample_type, :project_type_id => 1, :identifier => 'project_1', :name => 'Project #1', :description => 'sample description', :created_on => Time.parse('Thu Jan 06 12:35:00 +0100 2011'), :updated_on => Time.parse('Fri Jan 07 12:35:00 +0100 2011')) } before do User.stub(:current).and_return(admin) assign(:project, sample_project) render end subject { response.body } it 'renders a project document' do should have_json_path('project') end it 'renders the project-infos for an admin' do # admin is used to make the rights predictable expected_json = {id: 1, name: "Project #1", description: "sample description", identifier: "project_1", project_type_id: 1, permissions:{ edit_planning_elements: true, delete_planning_elements: true, view_planning_elements: true}, custom_fields: [], project_type: { name: "SampleType"}, created_on: "2011-01-06T11:35:00Z", updated_on: "2011-01-07T11:35:00Z" }.to_json should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path('project') end end describe 'with a project having a parent project' do let(:parent_project) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_project, :name => 'Parent', :identifier => 'parent') } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project).tap { |p| p.move_to_child_of(parent_project.id)} } before do assign(:project, project) render end subject {response.body} describe 'project node' do it 'contains a parent element with name and id attributes' do expected_json = {id: parent_project.id, name: 'Parent', identifier: 'parent'}.to_json response.should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path('project/parent') end end end describe 'with a project having an invisible parent project' do let(:parent_project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project, :name => 'Parent', :identifier => 'parent', :is_public => false) } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project).tap { |p| p.move_to_child_of(parent_project.id)} } before do User.stub(:current).and_return anonymous assign(:project, project) render end subject {response.body} it 'does not contain a parent element' do response.should_not have_json_path('project/parent') end end describe 'with a project having an invisible parent project and a visible grand-parent' do let(:grand_parent_project) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_project, :name => 'Grand-Parent', :identifier => 'granny') } let(:parent_project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project, :name => 'Parent', :identifier => 'parent', :is_public => false).tap { |p| p.move_to_child_of(grand_parent_project.id) } } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project).tap { |p| p.move_to_child_of(parent_project.id)} } before do User.stub(:current).and_return anonymous assign(:project, project) render end subject {response.body} it 'contains a parent element with name and id attributes of the grand parent' do expected_json = {id: parent_project.id, name: 'Grand-Parent', identifier: 'granny'}.to_json response.should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path('project/parent') end end describe 'with a project having a responsible' do let(:responsible) { FactoryGirl.create(:user, :firstname => 'Project', :lastname => 'Manager') } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project, :responsible_id => responsible.id) } before do assign(:project, project) render end subject{ response.body } it 'contains a responsible node containing the responsible\'s id and name' do expected_json = {id: responsible.id, name: "Project Manager"}.to_json should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path('project/responsible') end end describe 'with a project having a project type' do let(:project_type) { FactoryGirl.build(:project_type, :id => 100, :name => 'Sample ProjectType') } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.build(:project, :project_type_id => project_type.tap { |p| p.save! }.id) } before do assign(:project, project) render end subject{ response.body} it 'contains a project_type element with name and id attributes' do expected_json = {id: 100, name: 'Sample ProjectType'}.to_json should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path('project/project_type') end end describe 'with a project having 3 enabled planning element types' do let(:color) { FactoryGirl.create(:color, hexcode: "#ff0000", name: "red") } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project) } before do types = [ FactoryGirl.create(:type, name: "SampleType", is_milestone: true, :color_id => color.id), FactoryGirl.create(:type, :color_id => color.id), FactoryGirl.create(:type, :color_id => color.id) ] project.types = types project.save assign(:project, project) render end subject {response.body} it 'contains 3 planning_element_types' do should have_json_size(3).at_path("project/types") end it 'renders the corrent name, color, is_milestone for a planning_element_type' do expected_json = {name: "SampleType", is_milestone: true, color: {hexcode: "#FF0000", name: "red"}}.to_json should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path("project/types/0") end end describe 'with a project having project_associations' do let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_project) } before do FactoryGirl.create(:project_association, :project_a_id => project.id, :project_b_id => FactoryGirl.create(:project, name: "Associated Project #1", identifier: "assoc_1", is_public: true).id) FactoryGirl.create(:project_association, :project_b_id => project.id, :project_a_id => FactoryGirl.create(:project, name: "Associated Project #2", identifier: "assoc_2", is_public: true).id) # Adding invisible association to make sure, that it is not included in the output FactoryGirl.create(:project_association, :project_a_id => project.id, :project_b_id => FactoryGirl.create(:project, :is_public => false).id) end before do assign(:project, project) render end subject {response.body} it 'render 2 project_associations' do should have_json_size(2).at_path('project/project_associations') end it 'render a project_association with the from- and -to-project' do expected_json = {project: {name: "Associated Project #1", identifier: "assoc_1"}}.to_json should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path('project/project_associations/0') end end describe 'with a project having custom field values' do let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project) } let(:custom_field) do FactoryGirl.create :issue_custom_field, :name => "Belag", :field_format => "text", :projects => [project], :types => [(Type.find_by_name("None") || FactoryGirl.create(:type_standard))] end before do custom_value = CustomValue.new( :custom_field => custom_field, :value => "Wurst") project.custom_values << custom_value assign(:project, project) render end subject {response.body} it 'renders custom field values' do should have_json_path('project/custom_fields') expected_json = {name: custom_field.name, value: "Wurst"}.to_json should be_json_eql(expected_json).at_path('project/custom_fields/0') end end end