ja: js: boards: label_unnamed_board: 'Unnamed board' label_unnamed_list: 'Unnamed list' label_board_type: 'Board type' upsale: teaser_text: 'この柔軟なボードビューでアジャイルプロジェクトの管理を向上させましょう。 あなたが追跡したいものを、好きなだけボードを作成してください。' upgrade_to_ee_text: 'ボードはエンタープライズ機能です。 有料プランにアップグレードしてください。' upgrade: '今すぐアップグレード' personal_demo: 'パーソナルデモを入手する' lists: delete: 'リストを削除' version: is_locked: 'Version is locked. No items can be added to this version.' is_closed: 'Version is closed. No items can be added to this version.' close_version: 'Close version' open_version: 'Open version' lock_version: 'Lock version' unlock_version: 'Unlock version' edit_version: 'バージョンを編集' show_version: 'Show version' locked: 'ロックされている' closed: '終了' new_board: 'New board' add_list: 'Add list' add_card: 'Add card' error_loading_the_list: "Error loading the list: %{error_message}" error_attribute_not_writable: "Cannot move the work package, %{attribute} is not writable." click_to_remove_list: "Click to remove this list" board_type: free: 'Basic board' free_text: > Create a board in which you can freely create lists and order your work packages within. Moving work packages between lists do not change the work package itself. action: 'Action board' action_by_attribute: 'Action board (%{attribute})' action_text: > Create a board with filtered lists on a single attribute. Moving work packages to other lists will update their attribute. select_attribute: "Action attribute" configuration_modal: title: 'Configure this board' display_settings: card_mode: "Display as cards" table_mode: "Display as table"