#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe WorkPackagesController do # =========================================================== # Helpers def self.become_admin let(:current_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:admin) } end def self.become_non_member(&block) let(:current_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } before do projects = block ? instance_eval(&block) : [project] projects.each do |p| current_user.memberships.select {|m| m.project_id == p.id}.each(&:destroy) end end end def self.become_member_with_permissions(permissions) let(:current_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } before do role = FactoryGirl.create(:role, :permissions => permissions) member = FactoryGirl.build(:member, :user => current_user, :project => project) member.roles = [role] member.save! end end def self.become_member_with_view_planning_element_permissions become_member_with_permissions [:view_planning_elements, :view_work_packages] end before do User.stub(:current).and_return current_user end #======================================================================= before do # disables sending mails UserMailer.stub!(:new).and_return(double('mailer').as_null_object) end let(:planning_element) { FactoryGirl.create(:planning_element, :project_id => project.id) } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project, :identifier => 'test_project', :is_public => false) } let(:stub_planning_element) { FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:planning_element, :project_id => stub_project.id) } let(:stub_project) { FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:project, :identifier => 'test_project', :is_public => false) } let(:stub_issue) { FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:issue, :project_id => stub_project.id) } let(:stub_user) { FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:user) } let(:stub_work_package) { double("work_package", :id => 1337, :project => stub_project).as_null_object } let(:current_user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } def self.requires_permission_in_project(&block) describe 'w/o the permission to see the project/work_package' do before do controller.stub(:work_package).and_return(nil) call_action end it 'should render a 404' do response.response_code.should === 404 end end describe 'w/ the permission to see the project w/ having the necessary permissions' do before do controller.stub(:work_package).and_return(stub_work_package) controller.should_receive(:authorize).and_return(true) end instance_eval(&block) end end describe 'show.html' do let(:call_action) { get('show', :id => '1337') } requires_permission_in_project do it 'renders the show builder template' do call_action response.should render_template('work_packages/show', :formats => ["html"], :layout => :base) end end end describe 'show.pdf' do let(:call_action) { get('show', :format => 'pdf', :id => '1337') } requires_permission_in_project do it 'respond with a pdf' do pdf = double('pdf') expected_name = "#{stub_work_package.project.identifier}-#{stub_work_package.id}.pdf" controller.stub!(:issue_to_pdf).and_return(pdf) controller.should_receive(:send_data).with(pdf, :type => 'application/pdf', :filename => expected_name).and_call_original call_action end end end describe 'new.html' do let(:call_action) { get('new', :format => 'html', :project_id => 5) } requires_permission_in_project do before do call_action end it 'renders the new builder template' do response.should render_template('work_packages/new', :formats => ["html"]) end it 'should respond with 200 OK' do response.response_code.should == 200 end end end describe 'new_type.js' do let(:wp_params) { { :wp_attribute => double('wp_attribute') } } let(:call_action) { xhr :get, :new_type, :project_id => 5 } requires_permission_in_project do before do controller.send(:permitted_params).should_receive(:update_work_package) .with(:project => stub_project) .and_return(wp_params) stub_work_package.should_receive(:update_by).with(current_user, wp_params).and_return(true) call_action end it 'renders the new builder template' do response.should render_template('work_packages/new_type', :formats => ["html"]) end it 'should respond with 200 OK' do response.response_code.should == 200 end end end describe 'create.html' do let(:params) { { :project_id => stub_work_package.project.id, :work_package => { } } } let(:call_action) { post 'create', params } requires_permission_in_project do describe 'w/ having a successful save' do before do stub_work_package.should_receive(:save).and_return(true) end it 'redirect to show' do call_action response.should redirect_to(work_package_path(stub_work_package)) end it 'should show a flash message' do disable_flash_sweep call_action flash[:notice].should == I18n.t(:notice_successful_create) end it 'should attach attachments if those are provided' do params[:attachments] = 'attachment-blubs-data' Attachment.should_receive(:attach_files).with(stub_work_package, params[:attachments]) controller.stub!(:render_attachment_warning_if_needed) call_action end end describe 'w/ having an unsuccessful save' do before do stub_work_package.should_receive(:save).and_return(false) call_action end it 'renders the new template' do response.should render_template('work_packages/new', :formats => ["html"]) end end end end describe 'edit.html' do let(:call_action) { get 'edit', :id => stub_work_package.id } requires_permission_in_project do it 'renders the show builder template' do call_action response.should render_template('work_packages/edit', :formats => ["html"], :layout => :base) end end end describe 'update.html' do let(:wp_params) { { :wp_attribute => double('wp_attribute') } } let(:params) { { :id => stub_work_package.id, :work_package => wp_params } } let(:call_action) { put 'update', params } requires_permission_in_project do before do controller.stub(:work_package).and_return(stub_work_package) controller.send(:permitted_params).should_receive(:update_work_package) .with(:project => stub_work_package.project) .and_return(wp_params) end describe 'w/ having a successful save' do before do stub_work_package.should_receive(:update_by!) .with(current_user, wp_params) .and_return(true) end it 'should respond with 200 OK' do call_action response.response_code.should == 200 end it 'should show a flash message' do disable_flash_sweep call_action flash[:notice].should == I18n.t(:notice_successful_update) end end describe 'w/ having an unsuccessful save' do before do stub_work_package.should_receive(:update_by!) .with(current_user, wp_params) .and_return(false) end it 'render the edit action' do call_action response.should render_template('work_packages/edit', :formats => ["html"], :layout => :base) end end describe 'w/ having a successful save w/ having a faulty attachment' do before do stub_work_package.should_receive(:update_by!) .with(current_user, wp_params) .and_return(true) stub_work_package.stub(:unsaved_attachments) .and_return([double('unsaved_attachment')]) end it 'should respond with 200 OK' do call_action response.response_code.should == 200 end it 'should show a flash message' do disable_flash_sweep call_action flash[:warning].should == I18n.t(:warning_attachments_not_saved, :count => 1) end end end end describe :work_package do describe 'when providing an id (wanting to see an existing wp)' do describe 'when beeing allowed to see the work_package' do become_member_with_view_planning_element_permissions it 'should return the work_package' do controller.params = { id: planning_element.id } controller.work_package.should == planning_element end it 'should return nil for non existing work_packages' do controller.params = { id: 0 } controller.work_package.should be_nil end end describe 'when not beeing allowed to see the work_package' do it 'should return nil' do controller.params = { id: planning_element.id } controller.work_package.should be_nil end end end describe 'when providing a project_id (wanting to build a new wp)' do let(:wp_params) { { :wp_attribute => double('wp_attribute') } } let(:params) { { :project_id => stub_project.id } } before do Project.stub(:find_visible).and_return stub_project end describe 'when the type is "PlanningElement"' do before do controller.params = { :sti_type => 'PlanningElement', :work_package => {} }.merge(params) controller.stub(:current_user).and_return(stub_user) controller.send(:permitted_params).should_receive(:new_work_package) .with(:project => stub_project) .and_return(wp_params) stub_project.should_receive(:add_planning_element) do |args| expect(args[:author]).to eql stub_user end.and_return(stub_planning_element) end it 'should return a new planning element on the project' do controller.work_package.should == stub_planning_element end it 'should copy over attributes from another work_package provided as the source' do controller.params[:copy_from] = 2 stub_planning_element.should_receive(:copy_from).with(2, :exclude => [:project_id]) controller.work_package end end describe 'when the type is "Issue"' do before do controller.params = { :sti_type => 'Issue', :work_package => {} }.merge(params) controller.stub(:current_user).and_return(stub_user) controller.send(:permitted_params).should_receive(:new_work_package) .with(:project => stub_project) .and_return(wp_params) stub_project.should_receive(:add_issue) do |args| expect(args[:author]).to eql stub_user end.and_return(stub_issue) end it 'should return a new issue on the project' do controller.work_package.should == stub_issue end it 'should copy over attributes from another work_package provided as the source' do controller.params[:copy_from] = 2 stub_issue.should_receive(:copy_from).with(2, :exclude => [:project_id]) controller.work_package end end describe 'if the project is not visible for the current_user' do before do projects = [stub_project] Project.stub(:visible).and_return projects projects.stub(:find_by_id).and_return(stub_project) end it 'should return nil' do controller.work_package.should be_nil end end describe 'when the sti_type is "Project"' do it "should raise not allowed" do controller.params = { :sti_type => 'Project', :project_id => stub_project.id }.merge(params) expect { controller.work_package }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end end describe 'when providing neither id nor project_id (error)' do it "should return nil" do controller.params = {} controller.work_package.should be_nil end end end describe :project do it "should be the work_packages's project" do controller.stub(:work_package).and_return(planning_element) controller.project.should == planning_element.project end end describe :journals do it "should return all the work_package's journals except the first one" do journal = FactoryGirl.create(:planning_element_journal, journaled: planning_element, changed_data: { description: [planning_element.description, "blubs"]}, version: 2 ) planning_element.reload controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(planning_element) controller.journals.should == [journal] end it "should be empty if the work_package has only one journal" do controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(planning_element) controller.journals.should be_empty end end describe :changesets do let(:change1) { double('change_1') } let(:change2) { double('change_2') } let(:changesets) { [change1, change2] } before do planning_element.stub!(:changesets).and_return(changesets) # couldn't get stub_chain to work # https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/v/2-0/docs/stubs/stub-a-chain-of-methods [:visible, :all, :includes].each do |meth| changesets.stub!(meth).and_return(changesets) end controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(planning_element) end it "should have all the work_package's changesets" do controller.changesets.should == changesets end it "should have all the work_package's changesets in reverse order if the user wan'ts it that way" do controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(stub_user) stub_user.stub!(:wants_comments_in_reverse_order?).and_return(true) controller.changesets.should == [change2, change1] end end describe :relations do let(:relation) { FactoryGirl.build_stubbed(:issue_relation, :issue_from => stub_issue, :issue_to => stub_planning_element) } let(:relations) { [relation] } before do controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(stub_issue) stub_issue.stub(:relations).and_return(relations) relations.stub!(:includes).and_return(relations) end it "should return all the work_packages's relations visible to the user" do stub_planning_element.stub!(:visible?).and_return(true) controller.relations.should == relations end it "should not return relations invisible to the user" do stub_planning_element.stub!(:visible?).and_return(false) controller.relations.should == [] end end describe :ancestors do let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create(:project_with_types) } let(:ancestor_issue) { FactoryGirl.create(:issue, :project => project) } let(:issue) { FactoryGirl.create(:issue, :project => project, :parent_id => ancestor_issue.id) } become_member_with_view_planning_element_permissions describe "when work_package is an issue" do let(:ancestor_issue) { FactoryGirl.create(:issue, :project => project) } let(:issue) { FactoryGirl.create(:issue, :project => project, :parent_id => ancestor_issue.id) } it "should return the work_packages ancestors" do controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(issue) controller.ancestors.should == [ancestor_issue] end end describe "when work_package is a planning element" do let(:descendant_planning_element) { FactoryGirl.create(:planning_element, :project => project, :parent_id => planning_element.id) } it "should return the work_packages ancestors" do controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(descendant_planning_element) controller.ancestors.should == [planning_element] end end end describe :descendants do before do controller.stub(:work_package).and_return(planning_element) end it "should be empty" do controller.descendants.should be_empty end end describe :priorities do it "should return all defined priorities" do expected = double('priorities') IssuePriority.stub!(:all).and_return(expected) controller.priorities.should == expected end end describe :allowed_statuses do it "should return all statuses allowed by the issue" do expected = double('statuses') controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(stub_issue) stub_issue.stub!(:new_statuses_allowed_to).with(current_user).and_return(expected) controller.allowed_statuses.should == expected end end describe :time_entry do before do controller.stub!(:work_package).and_return(stub_planning_element) end it "should return a time entry" do expected = double('time_entry') stub_planning_element.stub!(:add_time_entry).and_return(expected) controller.time_entry.should == expected end end end