require 'date' class Sprint < Version unloadable named_scope :open_sprints, lambda { |project| { :order => 'sprint_start_date ASC, effective_date ASC', :conditions => [ "status = 'open' and project_id = ?", ] } } def stories return Story.sprint_backlog(self) end def points return stories.sum('story_points') end def wiki_page if ! return '' end if wiki_page_title.nil? || wiki_page_title.blank? self.update_attribute(:wiki_page_title, name.gsub(/\s+/, '_').gsub(/[^_a-zA-Z0-9]/, '')) end return wiki_page_title end def days(cutoff = nil) # assumes mon-fri are working days, sat-sun are not. this # assumption is not globally right, we need to make this configurable. cutoff = self.effective_date if cutoff.nil? return (self.sprint_start_date .. self.effective_date).select {|d| (d.wday > 0 and d.wday < 6) } end def has_burndown return !!(self.effective_date and self.sprint_start_date) end def burndown return nil if not self.has_burndown end_date = self.effective_date > ? : self.effective_date so_far = self.days(end_date) cached = {} BurndownDay.find(:all, :order=>'created_at', :conditions => ["version_id = ?",]).each {|data| day = data.created_at.to_date next if day > end_date or day < self.sprint_start_date cached[day] = { :points_committed => data.points_committed, :points_resolved => data.points_resolved, :points_accepted => data.points_accepted, :remaining_hours => data.remaining_hours } } backlog = nil remaining_days = so_far.length datapoints = [] max_points = 0 max_hours = 0 so_far.each { |day| if cached.has_key?(day) datapoint = cached[day] else if day == self.sprint_start_date or day == end_date backlog = backlog.nil? ? self.stories : backlog # no stories, nothing to do break if backlog.length == 0 datapoint = { :points_committed => backlog.inject(0) {|sum, story| sum + story.story_points.to_f } , :points_resolved => {|s| s.done_ratio == 100 }.inject(0) {|sum, story| sum + story.story_points.to_f }, :points_accepted => {|s| s.closed? }.inject(0) {|sum, story| sum + story.story_points.to_f }, } # start of sprint if day == self.sprint_start_date datapoint[:remaining_hours] = backlog.inject(0) {|sum, story| sum + story.estimated_hours.to_f } else datapoint[:remaining_hours] = {|s| not s.closed? && s.done_ratio != 100 }.inject(0) {|sum, story| sum + story.remaining_hours.to_f } end bdd = datapoint.merge(:created_at => day, :updated_at => day, :version_id =>! else # we should never get here. # for some reason the burndown wasn't generated on # the specified day, return the last known values # I don't save these because they're a) cheap to # regenerate, and b) not actual measurements datapoint = datapoints[-1].dup end end if datapoint[:points_committed].class == NilClass or datapoint[:points_resolved].class == NilClass datapoint[:required_burn_rate_points] = nil else datapoint[:required_burn_rate_points] = (datapoint[:points_committed] - datapoint[:points_resolved]) / remaining_days end max_points = [max_points, datapoint[:points_committed]].max max_hours = [max_hours, datapoint[:remaining_hours]].max if datapoint[:remaining_hours].class == NilClass datapoint[:required_burn_rate_hours] = nil else datapoint[:required_burn_rate_hours] = datapoint[:remaining_hours] / remaining_days end datapoints << datapoint remaining_days -= 1 } datasets = {} [ [:points_committed, :points], [:points_resolved, :points], [:points_accepted, :points], [:remaining_hours, :hours], [:required_burn_rate_points, :points], [:required_burn_rate_hours, :hours]].each { |series, units| data = datapoints.collect {|d| d[series]} if not{|d| d != 0 and not d.class == NilClass }.empty? datasets[series] = { :units => units, :series => data } end } if Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:points_burn_direction] == 'down' if datasets[:points_committed] [[:points_accepted, :points_to_accept], [:points_resolved, :points_to_resolve]].each{|src, tgt| continue if not datasets.include? src datasets[tgt] = { :units => :points, :series => [] } datasets[src][:series].each_with_index {|d, i| datasets[tgt][:series] << (datasets[:points_committed][:series][i] - d) } } end # only show points committed if they're not constant datasets.delete(:points_committed) if datasets[:points_committed] and datasets[:points_committed][:series].collect{|d| d != datasets[:points_committed][:series][0]}.empty? datasets.delete(:points_resolved) datasets.delete(:points_accepted) end # clear overlap between accepted/resolved [[:points_resolved, :points_accepted], [:points_to_resolve, :points_to_accept]].each{|r, a| datasets.delete(r) if datasets.has_key? r and datasets.has_key? a and datasets[a][:series] == datasets[r][:series] } return { :dates => self.days, :series => datasets, :max => {:points => max_points, :hours => max_hours} } end def self.generate_burndown(only_current = true) if only_current conditions = ["? between sprint_start_date and effective_date",] else conditions = "1 = 1" end Version.find(:all, :conditions => conditions).each { |sprint| sprint.burndown } end end