# OpenProject icon font **All icons and resulting fonts This directory is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License**. Copyright (C) 2013 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) This work is based on the following sources Minicons Free Vector Icons Pack http://www.webalys.com/minicons and User Interface Design framework http://www.webalys.com/design-interface-application-framework.php Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License This license can also be found at this permalink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ ## Structure This directory is the source for the generated icon font in the Rails `app/assets/font` directory. Since it seldomly changes, it is only rebuilt manually and on demand. ## Rebuilding To rebuild the font (e.g., after changing icons in the source `app/assets/fonts/openproject_icon/src` directory), use the node script `generate.js`. ``` $ cd vendor/openproject-icon-font/ $ node generate.js ``` To use, you need to install the webfonts generator package with: `npm install webfonts-generator`.