#-- copyright #OpenProject is an open source project management software. #Copyright (C) 2012-2020 the OpenProject GmbH #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. #OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: #Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang #Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ #English strings go here for Rails i18n lt: activerecord: attributes: meeting: location: "Vieta" duration: "Trukmė" participants: "Dalyviai" participants_attended: "Būtinas dalyvis" participants_invited: "Pakviestas dalyvauti" start_time: "Laikas" start_time_hour: "Pradžios laikas" errors: messages: invalid_time_format: "netinkamas laikas. Reikalingas formatas: HH:MM (pvz.: 10:30)" models: meeting_agenda: "Dienotvarkė" meeting_minutes: "Minutės" description_attended: "būtinai dalyvavo" description_invite: "pakviestas" events: meeting: Pasitarimas redaguotas meeting_agenda: Pasitarimo darbotvarkė redaguota meeting_agenda_closed: Pasitarimo darbotvarkė uždaryta meeting_agenda_opened: Susitikimo darbotvarkė atidaryta meeting_minutes: Pasitarimo minutės redaguotos meeting_minutes_created: Pasitarimo minutės sukurtos error_notification_with_errors: "Nepavyko išsiųsti pranešimo. Toliau išvardinti adresatai nebuvo įspėti: %{recipients}" label_meeting: "Pasitarimas" label_meeting_plural: "Pasitarimai" label_meeting_new: "Naujas pasitarimas" label_meeting_edit: "Redaguoti pasitarimą" label_meeting_agenda: "Dienotvarkė" label_meeting_minutes: "Minutės" label_meeting_close: "Uždaryti" label_meeting_open: "Atidaryti" label_meeting_agenda_close: "Uždaryti darbotvarkę, kad būtų pradėtos minutės" label_meeting_date_time: "Data/Laikas" label_meeting_diff: "skirt." label_notify: "Siųsti peržiūrai" label_icalendar: "Siųsti iCalendar formatu" label_version: "Versija" label_time_zone: "Laiko juosta" label_start_date: "Pradžios data" notice_successful_notification: "Pranešimas sėkmingai išsiųstas" notice_timezone_missing: Laiko zona nenustatyta ir %{zone} zona yra rekomenduojama. Kad pasirinktumėte laiko zoną, paspauskite čia. permission_create_meetings: "Sukurti pasitarimus" permission_edit_meetings: "Redaguoti pasitarimus" permission_delete_meetings: "Šalinti pasitarimus" permission_view_meetings: "Peržiūrėti pasitarimus" permission_create_meeting_agendas: "Valdyti darbotvarkes" permission_close_meeting_agendas: "Uždaryti darbotvarkes" permission_send_meeting_agendas_notification: "Siųsti peržiūros pranešimą darbotvarkėms" permission_create_meeting_minutes: "Valdyti minutes" permission_send_meeting_minutes_notification: "Siųsti peržiūros pranešimą minutėms" permission_meetings_send_invite: "Invite users to meetings" permission_send_meeting_agendas_icalendar: "Send meeting agenda as calendar entry" project_module_meetings: "Pasitarimai" text_duration_in_hours: "Trukmė valandomis" text_in_hours: " valandos(-ų) " text_meeting_agenda_for_meeting: 'pasitarimo „%{meeting}“ darbotvarkę' text_meeting_closing_are_you_sure: "Ar tikrai norite uždaryti susitikimą?" text_meeting_agenda_open_are_you_sure: "This will overwrite all changes in the minutes! Do you want to continue?" text_meeting_minutes_for_meeting: 'pasitarimo „%{meeting}“ minutės' text_review_meeting_agenda: "%{author} įdėjo %{link} peržiūroje." text_review_meeting_minutes: "%{author} įdėjo %{link} peržiūroje." text_notificiation_invited: "Šis laiškas turi ics įrašą žemiau nurodytam susitikimui:"